BIOLA IN CHINA Excerpt of a letter from Dr. Charles A. Roberts, Superintendent of the Hunan Bible Institute, Changsha, China, dated March 9, 1948. I am happy to report that we are hav ing a wonderful response to our Spring Term. Yesterday 85 students were actu ally on the campus. When I think of the fact that two years ago I started school in one of the repaired residences with only three students, myself and one Chi nese teacher, and now we have six mis sionary teachers and three Chinese teachers. Praise the Lord! We have had an excellent response to our Short Term course. This course is aimed to help the layworker by giving him two months each spring in a regular course that will eventually give him a certificate. This coming summer we are plan ning an Inter-Varsity Fellowship Con ference at the Institute. I hope to write you rpore about that later. This is really a wonderful opportunity. The communist situation is somewhat easier in Central China. What seemed to be an immediate threat to this prov ince has now become slightly better. The communist hordes received a setback in severe fighting last month and have had to retreat toward the north again. Hav ing lived through these things for so many years, it has almost become a com monplace thing to hear rumors and to be alerted for a possibility of evacuation. But he that watches the clouds will not sow or reap, or something like that! Praise God, we can always work up to the last minute. EDITORIALLY SPEAK ING (Continued from Page U) Supreme Court Decision T HE public press of the last few days brings news of the decision by the United States Supreme Court to the effect that religious classes held in the public schools violates the traditional American policy of separation of church and state. By an eight-to-one vote, this high court reversed the decision of the Illinois Supreme Court which had pre viously held that religious classes con ducted in the public schools did not vio late our Constitution. Without a doubt, there will be a defi nite reaction to this decision on the part of religious groups. However, it should be kept in mind that the Supreme Court has not denied religious groups the right to hold classes for school children nor has it forbidden the various school boards to release the children to attend these classes. The decision covers only the unconstitutionality of holding such classes in public school buildings. Reli gious groups throughout our land would do well to ponder carefully the entire matter and not speak or act hastily and unadvisedly. It has always been Amer icanism to teach religion in the home and in the church. These two fields are large enough and influential enough to adequately take care of the religious education of American children if their responsibility is properly discharged. M A Y , 1 9 4 8
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