King's Business - 1948-05

BIOLA DO IN G S By Anne and A1

The 3rd Annual SUMMER SCHOOL OF CHRISTIAN RADIO Reaches Across America • B ible I nstitute of L os A ngeles Los Angeles June 21-July 2 • P rovidence B ible I nstitute Providence July 12-23 • ,M oody B ible I nstitute Chicago August 9-20 Sponsored join tly b y th ese sch ools and T h e W orld Radio M issionary Fellow ship, In c. O perating Station HCJB, Quito, Equador Classroom Instruction— Workshop Participation Ethics of Christian broadcasting— Programming— Production— Mission­ ary broadcasting— Station and business management— Psychology of radio broadcasting— Script writing— Announcing—Educational use of radio— Music in broadcasting—^-Instruction and practice regarding cer­ tain technical operations, sound effects; microphone, studio setups, tran­ scriptions. These are the subjects offered and opportunities provided you at the Summer School o f Christian Radio. Faculty B ible I nstitute of L os A ngeles —Dr. S. H. Sutherland, Director of SSCR; Wendell Loveless, former Director of WMBI; Clarence W. Jones and Alan H. Hamilton, of HCJB, and other BIOLA faculty members. P rovidence B ible I nstitute —Stuart Carver, Director FM Station WPTL and Director of SSCR, with others of staff; Storm Whaley of KUOA; Clarence W. Jones, Leland Howard, Alan H. Hamilton of HCJB. M oody B ible I nstitute —Robert Parsons, Director WMBI-WDLM and SSCR with members of Staff of radio stations; Clarence W. Jones and Alan H. Hamilton of HCJB; Storm Whaley of KUOA. Cost nom inal. Enrollm ent lim ited in ea ch sch ool. W rite p rom p tly f o r fu rth er inform a tion to th e Summ er School o f Christian R adio at th e Institute nearest you or to R A D IO S T A T IO N HC JB 156 Fifth Avenue, New York 10, New York

Numbers below indicate persons from left to right. T HE International Gospel Team is only one group of hundreds of stu­ dents that go out from the Bible Institute each week to serve the Lord in practical Christian work which ranges from pas­ tors and teachers to street and colvboy teams. Eight students, who have crowned Christ the Lord of their lives, represent­ ing eight different nationalities, compose this unusual group. iJang Lau, Chinese, hails from the Gilbert Islands and came to Biola as a result of the faithful witnessing of a Christian “ G.I. from B.I.,” Wesley Van Natten, who graduated in ’47. Since Jang found the Lord, his life has been radiant. It is not difficult to tell that “ it is morn­ ing in [his] heart.” 2Roy Batiste, too, has a ringing testimony for His Lord; he represents the Negro race. Of course, every International Team must have an American representative, and in this case it is Hanna Darling, (not shown in pic­ ture) more familiarly known as “ the little darling.” Representing Africa is 3Dallas Wash­ er, who was bom of missionary parents, and spent twelve years in the Dark Con­ tinent. Dallas plans to return to Africa with his wife and little daughter to preach the Gospel. Little 4Ben Aroz, saved from Catholicism, comes from the Philippine Islands, where he plans to return with the message of salvation. He first heard the gospel from a mis­ sionary and later received and believed what he had heard while reading a por­ tion of the New Testament. Other members of the team are 5Con- nie Schilperoort, 6Anne Abajian, 7Jack Siemens, and 8A1 Sandoval, leader: rep­ resenting Holland, Armenia, Germany, and Spain, respectively. Thus various nationalities, with dif­ ferent backgrounds, have united in Christ to form one gospel team which repre­ sents one Lord. Each Sunday evening finds them in some young people’s meet­ ing or church service of Southern Cali­ fornia, witnessing for the Lord Jesus Christ. All the members of the team, with the possible exception of two, feel that the Lord eventually would have them serve Him on the foreign field—four in South America, one in Africa, one in the Phil­ ippines and one in the Gilbert Islands.

Do not fail to read Dr. Talbot’s Prophetic Message on Page 13

W h e r e P ra ye r P r e v a i l s W e believe that the power and effectiveness of our school will be increased as more people pray for us. We will send the Doorstep Evangel, a four-page monthly, to you regularly if you will put us on your prayer list. Write today. M U L T N O M A H School of the B I B L E Willard M. Aldrich, Th.D., President B. B. Sutcliffe, D.D. John G. Mitchell, D.D. Chairman of Trustee Board Vice-President 632 N .E . Holladay, Portland 14, Ore.

UNION LESSON HELPS on the International Uniform Lessons / ' safe ' v are based

Page Eighteen

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S

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