1 "Is it Nothing to You?"
PALESTINE, RUSSIA AND EZEKIEL 39 (Continued from Page 13)
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D o y o u k n o w . . . • That 6 ,000 ,000 Jews have died in 15 years 1 - ÆM, without Christ? • Tnnt Palpfitinp ie nltnnl tn flump with wav*? 1 • That 10,000,000 Jews know not whither to ch^N.'Tolrd
could understand, the great and trans cendent truths of the coming universal peace. Likewise, in our passage in Ezekiel, the meaning is that there will be im mense and almost incalculable stores of munitions and implements of modern warfare that will be taken by the pre served Jew, and converted into the serv ice of a time of peace. No doubt, there will be vast quantities of material that can be burned; and it will furnish fuel for the land for seven years. In all probability, there will also be vast quantities of gasoline, oil, and other fuel that can be diverted to turn the wheels of industry in the land. Of steel, copper, and various metals, there will be an abundance. These may be used to build new industries, to erect new homes, ships, and railroads. God alone knows! Just the opposite was true before World War II as scrap iron was loaded into ships in United States ports, so that foreign nations could make tanks, shells, and artillery. But in that coming day tanks and shells and artillery will once more be used for peaceful pursuits. The stores and materials necessary for a modern army almost defy the imagina tion. Not only must food and drink be carried to feed the soldiers, but ammuni tion, gasoline, and oil must be trans ported. Repair shops, machine shops, and forges are so necessary for mechanized warfare that these, too, must be pro vided for the moving army. What a vast quantity of all these things will be left upon the rolling hills of Palestine when an army of possibly' twenty million men is annihilated by the hand of Almighty God! What a spoil will be given to the Jews by those who will seek diabolically to despoil them! What a commentary on the impossibility of attempting to do despite to God’s an cient people! (Continued Next Month) € . H . S C 1 1 1 ( 0 Y SPEECH SYSTEMS Scientific Correction of Stammering and Stuttering. Free Consultation. Write or Visit Us Today. 1816 West 5th St., Los A n9eles 5, California
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