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by Rev. Carlton C. Buck
Idea 1. With Colossians 3:17 in || III mind, make a list of youth activi- || Ijl ties in your community. This list jjj jjj should be discussed in your meet- |l III ing. How many of the activities jjj |l could really be called Christian? || HI Idea 2. The topic for the June jjj jjj 13 meeting furnishes opportunity || III for clever advertising to arouse in- jjj HI terest in the young people of your || III church and community. “Are you || HI coming to our NO meeting?” “Yes, jjj jjj tonight it’s NO,” “ Tonight it’s NO, || III you know,” and other interest- || HI catching phrases could be used. HI HI Idea 3. For the June 20 meet- jjj jjj ing, assign different radio pro- 1 III grams to different young people HI |jj' two weeks in advance of the meet- III III ing. Have each of them bring a || HI thoughtful evaluation of the pro- Ijl jjj gram assigned. This in the light of III HI Scripture should lead to a worth- |j jjj while discussion. .. HI HI Idea 4. If you have a Christian jjj jjj librarian in your town, invite her || III in to help with your books would 11 jjj ing. A display of good books would jjj jjj be very appropriate in the place III HI of meeting. Ill ROBERT HARKNESS • presents: Two Correspondence Courses 1.EVANGELISTIC HYMN PLAYING For Those Who Can Already Play Hymns and Gospel Songs EIGHTY Musically-Illustrated lessons. TW E LVE Musical subjects taught. Nearly FIVE THOUSAND Students have enrolled. 2. BEGINNERS HYMN PLAYING COURSE For Piano For Those Who Cannot Play a Note but Wish to Learn to Play Hymns and Gospel Songs FIFTY Musically-Illustrated lessons. Original HARKNESS Keyboard Charts. Children study un der home supervision. t Send for FREE details. Indicate which Course interests you. ROBERT H A RKN E SS 20 N. Raymond Ave., Room 10 Pasadena 1, Calif. 73 — Songs in the Desert — 73 Fourth edition, 73 soul-inspiring, devotional evangelistic, missionary specials— solos, duets, choruses, anthems. Sung by thousands around the world. In artistic leatherette cover. One copy 65c; 2 copies $1.00 C E. RANCK, PUBLISHER 900 N . Hobart Blvd.f Los Angeles 27, Calif. ROBERT L. WALL CHAPLAIN and FUNERAL COUNSELOR for the BRAMBLE FUNERAL HOME Reverent Christian Service in Bereavement 1816 Toberman Street LOS ANGELES 15 Funerals as low as $70.00 Off. Tel. PRospect 2256 - Res. Tel. HE. 9180 Page Twenty
Helps for Christian Endeavor and Other Young People's Groups
June 6, 1948 CHRISTIAN STANDARDS FOR DATERS Eccl. 11:9; Col. 3:17
Christian standards are always the same. This applies to persons both mar ried and single. It is also true of those who associate in pleasure or in business. God has only one standard for His chil dren. He wants them to walk in the truth, in the fear of God, and for the glory of the Lord. The desire in the hu man heart for companionship of the op posite sex is not unnatural; it is God- given. In this, however, as in everything else, Satan seeks to enter with sinful schemes and plans in order to defame and to destroy the Christian life. Lovers Will Make Dates Hearts that care for each other desire to be away from the curious gaze of others and to be free to express their feelings to each other without hindrance. Love-making is never a public spectacle and certainly should not be. Where hearts agree and lives are devoted to each other, dating should be a sweet interchange of thought and affection from which Satan is excluded and where sin is not permitted. This is natural. Friends Make Dates. Prov. 27:17 There are times when hearts that do not understand need to meet together under happy conditions and circum stances which will promote good fellow ship. On such occasions, love is pro moted, confidence is established, plans are co-ordinated. When all of this is done in the fear of the Lord, blessed re CHURCH BULLETINS Scriptural— Artistically Designed Large Assortment— Self Selection Lithographed— Special Days General Use • Be Sure to Get Our Free Catalog and Samples ECCLESIASTICAL ART PRESS Dept. K Louisville 12, Ky.
sults follow. Life unions are sometimes established. Lives are linked together in- a common cause under the good hand of God. Such dates are precious and valuable. Strangers Make Dates It is customary in this age for those who casually meet to make dates for evil purposes. There is no good end in view. The conyersations are pot for profit. The plans are not for God’s glory. Such dates are usually for sinful purposes and for the gratification of physical desires. Such dates are not made in the fear of the Lord and God is not invited to be present. »Only harmful results can fol low. Only injury awaits the hearts and lives of those who participate. They should read Ecclesiastes 8:11. Couples Make Dates Engaged couples make dates in order that they may plan the home, the furni ture, their program of living, and seek to ascertain each other’s mind about their future arrangements. T-his needs to be done. It may and should be done in the fear of God and for the honor of His Name. Sin is not necessary to happiness or pleasure. God’s path in this sweet, and happy situation is always the best. Those who plan under God’s direction may ex pect God’s approval. Those who mingle their prayers and His Word with their plans may look for and receive His blessing. CHRISTIAN SUPPLIES Visit or write us for Bibles, books, Scripture cards, mottoes and pictures. A good line of many items for the Christian home and for the Church and Sunday School. THE BAPTIST BOOK STORE 352 S. Spring St. Los Angeles 13, Calif.
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