June 13, 1948 THE HARDEST WORD IN ANY LANGUAGE Prov. 1:8-16; Col. 4:6
Certainly every young person should take a definite and positive stand for that which is right, godly, and true. He should identify himself with God’s peo ple, God’s church, and God’s way. He should definitely say no to those who in vite him into by-paths or dark alleys or strange places where sin abounds and Satan lurks. The young person who has been saved by grace, has accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord, and who acknowl edges the authority of the Scriptures will find it easy to say no when he is in vited to transgress. We Should Say No To Wrong Companions Prov. 2:11 It is. the way o f the world to invite companions to waste time in sinful pleasures. Pressure is often put upon the one who hesitates or resists. He is held up to ridicule. Evil companions have been the means of wrecking many lives which otherwise would have been true to the home teaching. The per suasion of friends to enter into sinful paths has a very strong hold on the hearts of many young people. Choose good companions who will invite you into God’s paths and God’s ways. We Should Say No To Wrong Practices 1 Cor. 15:33 There are many worldly habits which fasten themselves on the one who tam pers with them. The taste of tobacco and liquor is most insidious and quickly be
Music with i message that will stir your choir and bless their listeners.
comes a permanent craving. The desire for games of chance allures and holds the heart after a few indulgences. It seems hardly necessary to tell a child of God that he needs to say no to such things. Most Christians do say no. No Christian can honor the Lord or be used as His servant when indulging in evil practices. We Should Say No To Wrong Doctrines 1 Tim. 4:16 It is absolutely necessary to believe the right thing. Satan has many substitutes for the truth of God. He offers plausible arguments and clever reasonings. He ap peals to human instincts, human philoso phy, and tradition. No one is ever led into a false doctrine by reading the Bible only. He goes astray reading other literature. The Christian must learn to say no and very definitely so to false teachers who believe in new doctrines. We Should Say No To Wrong Demands Frequently employers will demand that employees enter into shady deals or make false statements or misrepresenta tions. To all of these demands, the true believer will say no and very definitely so. Public opinion demands certain obei sance and to this we say no if the mat- *ter is sinful or wrong. Relatives will make demands which are contrary to God’s Word. To them, we must say no, also. Sometimes the church will demand things that are utterly wrong. Let us say no in the fear of God.
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