King's Business - 1948-05

June 20, 1048 WHAT IS THE RADIO DOING TO YOU? Prov. 4:20-27

PASTOR ’S IN D IV ID U A L COMMUNION SET Complete outfit for administering the Sacrament in the home to the sick or shut-in

to jargon, we will think carelessly and live foolishly; If, however, we tune into profitable programs which enrich the heart and increase our ability, then we shall grow in grace and usefulness and shall profit by what we hear. Take Heed Where You Hear. Prov. 1:24 There are times when we should listen intently to radio programs which have real value. Presidential speeches are usually important. Messages concerning national affairs, international problems, and scientific discoveries are important. Programs which help the farmer are useful. When there is time and opportu­ nity such broadcasts should be heard. However, in times of study or in times of personal devotion of when prayer is offered, the world’s voice s h o u l d be hushed. Take Heed Who You Hear. Isa. 28:23 The radio broadcasts all types of music, d r ama , contests, et cetera, from morning until night. When their voices are silent, your head and heart are empty. Fortunately, in almost every part of the country, the voice of the Lord may be heard through His servants in Scripture and in song. He wants us to hear His voice. He said, “ The words that I speak to you, they are spirit, and they are life.”

The radio is both a blessing and a curse. This is true also of the automo­ bile, the telephone, and even the sun­ shine. Too much sunshine blasts and withers. Too much rain floods the fields. Too much wind destroys property. Every blessing must be tempered to our use. Unfortunately the air is filled with sounds that are most detrimental to the soul and the heart. The student who tries to study while the radio is on will fail to concentrate and his thinking will be hindered. We need to use the radio wisely. Take Heed What Ye Hear. Mark 4:24 We should be just as careful about that which enters our ears as we are about that which enters our mouths. The latter defiles the stomach; the for­ mer defiles the soul. We should listen only to those things which will enrich the life. What we hear largely deter­ mines what we think. “ Faith cometh by hearing.” So does doubt. Sinful desires come because we listen to wrong things. Hearing foolishness hinders the mind from thinking clearly. Hearing tragedy hinders the mind from thinking hbly things. Take Heed How Ye Hear. Luke 8:18 The way we listen determines largely the way we live. If we listen to jazz and

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