June 27, 1948 WHAT IS YOUR READING DOING TO YOU? Prov. 3:13-23
M Y I N T H E C O N V E N T • A BOOK OF FACTS! A detailed description of black nunnery in Bristol. Twenty-four great chapters. Margaret Shepherd, escaped nun, describes in detail the terrible ex periences of helpless and defenseless girls within the high stone walls of Bristol convent. The most terrible revelations ever recorded. * OVER 6,000,000 COPIES PRINTED! The most extensively read book on the papal curse. No book like this in print. Read this fright ful, heart-breaking story and learn the truth con cerning convent life, 258 burning pages. Postpaid only $1.35. The edition is limited— so order at once. GOSPEL ART SHOPPE Dept. KB Rowan, Iowa L I F E
We were born in a state of ignorance. When we were born, we knew nothing whatever about anything. We have learned from books. Those who teach us learned from books. We thank God for books, magazines, and papers which con tain' profitable and helpful material to equip us for good living. We need school books, books on science and law. We need to learn music and art from books. With all of this, we may learn to know God through a great collection of 66 books. Let us read them prayerfully. How Readest Thou? Luke 10:26 One may read carelessly. One may read while the mind is on something else. One may read with the thought that the message applies to someone else rather than to himself. We should read for profit. Comics have no profit. The racing sheet brings no good to the heart. Novels and western drama cannot help the soul on its forward way. These can not be appropriated or applied person ally. What Readest Thou? Acts 8:30 The country is flooded with reading matter. Every possible doctrine is propa gated by the printed page. Every lust of man is nourished by the printer. Every scheme to fleece the public is ex ploited by some publication. The Lord calls upon us to receive through the eye gate that which will bless the mind, profit the soul, and enrich the heart. He
has given us many excellent kinds of literature and also His wonderful Word. Let us read things that will enrich our souls and make us more useful. When Readest Thou? 1 Tim. 4:13 We always find time to read those things in which we are the most inter ested. The market report, the comic strip, the financial record, the editorials, the continued story, all demand and re ceive much attention. The Word of God should come first. Certainly we should find out God’s will in order that we may accomplish it in our lives. We should want to know the country to which we are fast traveling. We should want to know much about the Judge whom we shall some day meet. This 'can be done by utilizing every available moment in study of God’s Word. Why Readest Thou? The railroad engineer reads his in structions in order that he may know where to take the, sidetrack. The drug gist reads the prescription so that he may fill it properly. The traveler reads the road map so that he may reach his destination safely. We should read our Bible in order to know how to live and how to die. We should study the Word of God to find the Lord Jesus in His full ness and the truth of God in its clear ness. We should read the promises to sustain us in the hour of trial.
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