King's Business - 1948-05

comes in for that purpose is to be used for the new building, why not buy the ticket with the tithe money? (Cut an­ other slice from the apple.) It begins to look as if the core is all the Lord will get. We will place what is left of this apple behind the church. It will represent our gift to that which is really the Lord’s work. Let us be very sure that we are not stealing from God by giving even to good causes from the tithe. Objects: A cardboard cipher and $ red cross. (One side of the cipher is white; half of the o^her side is covered with black paper, and the other half white. The cipher should be 11 inches high and 5 inches across. Fold it double, with the white side inward, making a black “U.” Make the cross 11 inches high. Put a pin through the crossbar and upright, allowing the crossbar to swing around into the upright position later in the lesson. On the back of the upright, paste a light figure “ 1,” about 10 inches long.) May 23. 1948 T he L ife T hat C ounts Lesson: We will let this black “ U” represent you and me. Black stands for sin. The Bible says, “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). Sinners are invited to re­ ceive Qhrist as their Saviour. When they accept the invitation, and come to Him, they are cleansed. (Place the upright of the red cross between the prongs of the “U.” Then turn the “ U” around, allow­ ing the white side to show.) It is the de­ sire of Christ that all sinners receive Him and be cleansed. Next, Christ desires that the one who is cleansed shall become nothing for Him. (Lift the white side of the “ U,” making it into a cipher.) If a person is willing to be nothing for Christ, that one will count for Him. (Fold the cross together and turn around, allowing the “ 1” to show.) When we are nothing and Christ is the “ ONE,” we begin to count for Him. If I put the cipher in front of the “ 1” it detracts from it and lessens its value. If I put it behind, it increases the value of the “ 1.” The people of God in the days of Ezra began to count for Him when they put Him first and supported His pro­ gram. “And they sang together by course in praising and giving thanks M A Y , 1 9 4 8

unto the Lord; because he is good, for his mercy endureth for ever toward Is­ rael. And all the people shouted with a great shout, when they praised the Lord, because the foundation of the house of the Lord was laid” (Ezra 3:11).

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A fruitful ministry of evangelism and Scripture distribution supported by free-will offerings. Send for free Quarterly with news of work in U. S. and China to: National Headquarters Pocket Testament League 156 FIFTH AVENUE. NEW YORK 10, N. Y. HINDUSTAN (India) "The Land of Hindus" NEEDS THE GOSPEL We plan missionary advance, on the basis of 55 years experience, as the Lord supplies the means! CEYLON AND INDIA GENERAL MISSION 128 S.p Lombard Avenue, Oak Park, Illinois ERICK PETERSON

Objects: Two small bottles, a cork, some ink and a fish bowl or large jar. Lesson: Bill and Bob Bottle are like many boys and girls who attend this Sunday School. Bill receives the Word of God, and it helps him. This cork is marked “ God’s Word,” which Bill re­ ceives. Bob thought he was too smart to receive the Word of God. He is like many boys and girls who come to Sunday School and go away without letting the Word of God come into their hearts. We will let this bowl of water repre­ sent the world before sin entered through the fall — the wrongdoing of Adam and Eve. As I drop this black ink into the water, let us remind ourselves of how sin entered. Boys and girls do not realize the far- reaching effects of rejecting God’s mes­ sage in the Bible. Notice what happens when I put Bill and Bob into the sinful world: Bob floats for a short time, but soon the sinful world finds an easy en­ trance into his heart, which has not re­ ceived God’s Word, and he sinks. No matter how often I lift Bob to the sur­ face and drain out the water, he soon sinks again. Bill is different. You cannot make him sink, no matter how hard you try. Many boys and girls have been kept from sink­ ing in the sinful world because they have accepted Christ as their Saviour, and have hidden the Word of God in their hearts. When the temptation to sin comes, they remember that the Word of God has said that they should not yield to temptation. As I look at Bill, I am reminded of Daniel, of whom it was said, “ But Dan­ iel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s meat, nor with the wine which he drank” (Dan. 1:8). If Daniel had not hidden the Word of God in his heart, doubtless he would have fallen before the temptation. Accept Christ as Saviour, hide His Word in your heart, and you, too, will be kept.

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