King's Business - 1948-05

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 5 CENTS PER WORD-^MINIMUM $1.00 PREACH THE GOSPEL W ITH SCRIPTURE tracts. 100 assorted, 25c; 500 assorted, $1.00. K. Allman, 90 Coral Street, Paterson 2, N . J. RELIGIOUS BOOKS PURCHASED. W E PAY transportation cost. Send list today or write for purchase particulars. Baker. Book House, Grand Rapids 6, Mich. FOR R E A L E S T A T E IN LOS ANGELES. Homes, lots, income property, desert property, see Sam Moore and Associates, 4911 Eagle Rock Blvd., Los Angeles 41. Cleveland 64249. GOSPEL OBJECT LESSONS AND V ISU A L aids. Send 20c, receive one lesson and complete list of material. Charles Morrison, Nichols, N . Y. SOUND SCR IPTURAL TRACTS. IDEAL FOR pastors and personal workers. 400 for $1. Scrip­ ture Tract Society, Box 64, Marcus Hook, Pa. BIBLES, BOOKS, REBOUND, REPAIRED. 20 years’ experience. Send for prices. Bible Hospital, 1001 South Harwood, Dallas 1, Texas. SP EC IAL ! 240 SCRIPTURE STAMPS 25c. TWO - color, assorted. Spread Gospel on letters, packages, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed; CRUSADER. K -l, Seward, Nebr. N EW EFFECTIVE TRACTS FREE IN AN Y quantity for distribution to the unsaved: “What Have YOU Done with CHRIST?” “The Most Important Question of Today,” “Judge or Sav­ iour,” “The Resurrected Body,” “Prepare NOW for the GREATEST EVENT in the WORLD ’S H ISTORY.” Address Neal E. Huff, 611 S. Broad­ way, Pittsburgh, Kan. CORRECT AND SINGABLE MUSIC SETTING for your hymn-poem, assures editorial considera­ tion. Music composing, arranging, editing, and printing. Folders free. Raymond Iden (K .B .), Mount Vernon, Ohio. VICTORY America ’s CIRCLE N ew and Unique MELODIES Ch orus Book Relive the inspiration of summer conferences. • 75 favorite melodies •' 100 choice quotations from the best known and loved Bible Conference speakers. • Easy-to-read notes Price per single copy, 35c. Price per hundred, with name of group imprinted, $31.00. Write to MOUNT HERMON ASSOCIATION MOUNT HERMON CALIFORNIA Or buy them through your favorite Christian Supply Store 1 0 ,0 0 0 from the press Revised — Enlarged TH E END Up-to-Date Exposition of REVELATION by Norman B. Harrison Why World Wars I & II Prophecy a Thrilling Drama 244 pages $2.00; in papier $1.00 O rder from The Harrison Service • Durable, attractive binding • Alphabetical arrangement • Clear type

A RADIO MISSION THAT REALLY REACHES JEWS 75 per cent of all Jews in the U. S. live within range of our u weekly broadcasts. Thousands have written asking for Testa­ ments. WRITE FOR FREE COPY of our bi-monthly magazine MESSAGE TO ISRAEL Jews who will not enter a church or mission will listen to a Christian broadcast designed^ to meet their needs. W e need and welcome your interest .in this program. COULSON SHEPHERD B o x 6 8 2 G e n i P. 0 . N e w a r k I.N .Y .

©fypttt Kre ClyuU, Korean üîîartijr Condensed from "BIBLICAL MISSIONS"

One o f the bravest o f the score or more Korean ordained ministers who gave their lives rather than deny Christ at the Shinto Shrine, Chew Kee Chull came from a non' Christian home. But taking Christ as Saviour, then as Lord, his entire life was changed. Graduating from the Theological Seminary at Pyeng' yang, Korea, he was called to the large Fourth Presbyterian Church in Pyengyang. This was in 1937, when the Japanese State Shinto question already had become acute. He had hardly assumed his new duties when the Japanese authorities demanded that he and his people do obeisance at the Shrine. Mr. Chew declined, and his church endorsed his stand. Whereupon he and his

assistant pastor were arrested and lodged in prison. A t a conference with the police, every argument offi' cials and renegade elders could use was brought to bear for several days. Mr. Chew not only still refused, but rebuked his former friends for their unfaithfulness to their Lord. Seised for the third time, he was subjected to indescribable barbarities. Ordered by police to urge him to yield, his heroic wife replied: “ I will urge him to remain true to Christ if he is killed for it.” Mr. Chew had often prayed: “ Oh my Lord, please call me to thy bosom soon.” On April 21, 1944, bis prayer was granted. Thus triumphantly was translated this true witness who, through six -tortured years, loved not his life unto the death!

If you are seeding a foreign board loyal to the great commission and to the Scriptures as the Word of God. we invite you to correspond direct . with the General Secretary.


3112 Hennepin Ave. Minneapolis 8, Minn.

Philadelphia 44, Pa., U.S. A. THE KING' S BUSINESS

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