The Destiny of a Whole People B EFORE me is a full-page advertise ment with the above words in glar ing black type, referring to the recently created Independent Jewish State in Palestine. The world is here called upon to support the Palestine resolution with courage, with work and with money. The eyes of the world are said to be on this decision and for world-wide Jewry this is acclaimed the greatest hour. It is no secret that the prophetic Scriptures are vitally concerned with the happenings of this comparatively small nation. From G e n e s i s 12 on through the Revelation, there is an over whelming amount of Holy Writ dealing with the fortunes of God’s ancient peo ple. Their present world-wide dispersal is both prophesied and acknowledged within the chronological scope of the Bible. The binoculars of prophecy often focus on the time when the world-wide captivity of the Jews will be over, and when they will again occupy the land which God originally gave to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The question before us is, “Has that hour come? Are advertise ments like those now appearing indica tive of the baring of God’s arm in be half of His people?” A most remarkable passage of Scrip ture is Deuteronomy 28 to 30. There Moses, the man of God, minutely out lines in advance the victories and de feats of the coming centuries. The Baby lonian captivity is predicted, and finally the dispersion of the Jews among the nations. Then, in the opening of Chapter 30, Moses tells of their regathering fol lowing the long agonizing years of wan dering. The key which unlocks the door of their ancient land to these modern wanderers is national repentance and turning to God. When this transpires, then the arm of God will move with swift successive strokes to regather His ancient people to the land which He gave to them forever. As we examine this advertisement, we fail to find any note of repentance. We look in vain for an acknowledgment of sin. We see no evidence of a desire on the part of Jewish leaders to acknowl edge their transgressions and to seek the face of Jehovah. There is no doubt, how ever, that the events taking place before our very eyes foreshadow the fulfillment of these Scriptural prophesies. Perhaps much sooner than we think the actuality of the events of which Moses wrote will be upon the world and the destiny, not only of this nation but all the people of the world, will be de cided by the Son of God who will Him self sit upon the judgment seat. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! (Continued on Page 17) T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
been in. The pure gospel was now the only thing I could tolerate for the old rotarian type sermons had become re pugnant.” More follows, but it is sufficient to say that by simple reception of, and attend ance to, the pure Word of God, another soul has been liberated from the pitfalls of liberal thought. Surely it is not pos sible to overemphasize the value of con stant and consistent reading of the Word of God. The Wages of Sin D URING the last few years medical science has brought forth a num ber of so-called “wonder drugs” . These have been widely publicized and have received enthusiastic reception. Some have professed to see in these miracle cures the disannulment of the age-old law about the consequences of sin. Re ported quick cures for social diseases seemed to remove all danger of infection from indulgence in sin. However, the truth of the matter is, that there are many dangers connected with the use of these drugs and their assured so- called cures are, in many cases, totally unreliable. Dr. John H. Talbott, of the University of Buffalo School of Medi cine, warns: “ Penicillin’s toxic or irritant effect is ‘unimportant,’ except when it is injected into the spine; then it may cause con vulsions. A few patients may get a rash, no matter how the drug is given; sensi tivity may follow use of the drug, so it should not be used for minor ailments. “ Streptomycin, like penicillin, but un like aerosporin has dangerous effects that are probably inherent, and not due to impurities. Streptomycin may cause headaches, skin eruptions,-dizziness, and may damage kidneys or ears. “ Sulfonamides may cause nausea, vomiting, cyanosis (skin turning blue because of lack of oxygen in the blood), mental confusion, anemia, damage to liver ’ and kidneys—and in some cases, death.” As we add up this total, it furnishes additional evidence that clean living, right thinking, and recognition of God still constitute the best pillars on which to construct a sound, healthy and suc cessful life.
A Profitable Summer I N the last few decades, an encourag ing sign of spiritual advance has been the summer Bible Conference movement, largely in the hands of conservative Christians. Many thousands have 'been invited to spend their summer vacations in an atmosphere both recreationally profitable and spiritually edifying, and this movement has been particularly owned of God as a means of reaching the youth of our land. A goodly percent age of young people now in training for Christian service received their calls in summer Bible Conferences. Parents de sirous of having their children find the Lord’s will for their lives would do well to encourage, in every way possible, their attendance at one of these summer Bible Camps. The Bible Institute of Los Angeles is sponsoring two camps this summer. One limited to High School and college young people, will be held at Hume Lake, near Sequoia National Park, July 10 to 17. The other conference is to be held at Mount Hermon Conference Grounds in the Santa Cruz Mountains, about 75 miles south of San Francisco, August 15 to 22. Information regarding these conferences may be obtained by writing the Extension Department of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 13, California. Southern California told this story: A young lady had dabbled in perfunctory church attendance and cults, a m o n g them spiritism. Along with this, her lit erary diet consisted of the writings of outstanding theological liberals. How ever, she confessed that these things did not feed her soul hunger, and, as a re sult, she became desperate. Then fol lowed in God’s good will, a physical breakdown. When neither church nor pastor could help, God took over by speaking truths to her through His Word. She testifies: “ I immediately be gan to read and study the Bible and the more I read, the more fundamental I be came. The old laissez-faire tolerant atti tude gave way to a positive belief, and I could see the dangerous waters I had Page Four From Liberalism To Christ A RECENT letter from a member of the Bible Institute radio audience in
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