T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
September, 1935
Junior KING’S BUSINESS B y M a r t h a S. H o o k e r
them to the boys and girls of the neigh borhood. Of course there was much excitement over the four mysterious letters, K. Y. B. C. What could they mean? “Come to my party, and then you’ll find out,” was all Gracie would say to the many questions of her friends. When Miss Edythe reached Gracie’s house on the important afternoon of the birthday party, twelve happy boys and girls, brimming with curiosity, were wait ing for her. Soon they were all seated in the front room, singing the choruses boys and girls love. After the songs and prayer, Miss Edythe answered the ques tion that was uppermost in the minds of all those present. She knew that they wanted most of all to hear about the four letters printed on the blue circle. “K. Y. B. C. means Know Your Bible Club,” began Miss Edythe. “It is a most wonderful club for boys and girls who want to know something about the best Book in all the world, the Bible. There is a club motto and a club song, and all who become members of the club may wear the special blue pin.” A Bible story came next. Miss Edythe chose the story of Nicodemus, the man who needed to have a second birthday. Al though Nicodemus was a rich man and a teacher, yet the Lord Jesus said to him: “Ye must be born again” (John 3:7). “We are remembering today Gracie’s birthday,” Miss Edythe continued. “Eight years ago, she came into this world, a child of her mother and father. How happy her coming must have made them! This was her first birthday. Yes, but Gracie has two birthdays! Her second birthday was the day she accepted the Lord Jesus as her Saviour. Every boy and girl should have two birthdays, for every boy and girl should know the Lord Jesus as Saviour. He loved them and died for them on the cross. Receive the Lord Jesus as your Saviour today, and this day will become your second birthday, and you will become a member of God’s family. We read in His Word this precious verse: ‘But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name' (John 1:12).” But no boy or girl responded to this wonderful invitation to receive the Lord Jesus. Then, with the lesson over, the party continued with games of refresh ments prepared by Gracie’s mother. Of course there was a birthday cake with pink and white frosting, and ice cream, and all that makes a birthday party a real party. Finally, it came time for all to go home, but the party really didn’t end that day, for the best part happened at the next K. Y. B. C. meeting. Can you guess what it was? Two of the girls who had attended the party, June and Josephine, remembered the birthday message ali through the week. Each of these girls couldn’t forget that she had had only one
DANGER!* A True Story B y A ndrew M c B ain I t ’ s nae use, Jock, mon, we’ll hae to gie it up, and fasten the ladder ticht to the cliff. We’ll on’y just hae time to get awa’ hame, too, or I’m verra much mista’en.” Andrew McLaren and his companions were working in a slate quarry on the south coast of Bressay, one of the Shet land Islands. They had to descend the cliff by means of a ladder—a dangerous pro ceeding at the best of times. This after noon, however, a violent and sudden storm had descended upon them, and they knew that their only hope of safety lay in imme diate flight. They fastened the ladder se curely to the cliff side and made their way home. * * * * Meanwhile, the storm seemed to re double its force, and by evening it became awful in its intensity. A small vessel, which had been vainly struggling with the waves, was at length driven close to Bressay, and her captain and crew beheld with horror the foam of the breakers dashing against the rocks. They knew that if the ship were stranded they must be wrecked. The terror-stricken seamen climbed into the rigging, absolutely at the mercy of the furious wind and raging sea, and gave themselves up for lost. There was one Christian among them, and the others appealed to him in frenzied accents of despair. “Pray, John, pray !”‘i they cried. John Brent could not hear their voices above the screaming of the tempest, but he saw their lips move in an agony of en treaty, and he prayed to his God, the One he had loved and served from boyhood, and, although they could not hear his voice, they knew he was pleading at the Throne of Grace. On came the ship and struck against the shore. The wretched sailors felt that death was practically certain now. There, on the summit of the cliff, was safety; yfet how could they reach it who were helplessly dashing and crashing at its foot? Surely John Brent’s God could not have heard? Just then they struck near the rock, and their terror was changed to spellbound as tonishment. Was it—could it be that close beside them on the steep face of the cliff was a ladder? Yes! And placed as if on purpose for them! One of the men whispered in awe-struck tones: “John Brent’s God!” He sprang from the rigging and mounted the ladder, the others following. One by one they reached the top of the cliff in safety. The vessel went to pieces so rapidly that by the next morning hardly a trace was left of her; but out on the cliff top, within view of the spot of their great deliverance, the survivors assembled, talking together in subdued voices. And then John Brent lifted his hands, and bowed his head, and immediately each cap was doffed, as, in *From the Boy’s Magazine.
simple, earnest language, he thanked Al mighty God for delivering them from death, and pleaded that this awful expe rience might be the means used to the sav ing of their souls for eternity. Grade’s K. Y. B. C. Birthday Party O h , M other , isn’t it wonderful? God has answered our prayers for a Bible class in our home!” exclaimed Grade, when her mother told her that Miss Edythe planned to start a Know Your Bi ble Club in their home that very week. “And next week is my birthday, Mother,” con tinued Gracie. “Couldn’t I have my birth day party on the same day that the club meets ?” “That would be lovely, dear,” replied Mother, “and a splendid way to get the neighborhood boys and girls started in the club.” The plans were whispered, to Miss Edythe, and soon Gracie and Grade's mother and Miss Edythe were all busy planning for this happy day. Of course there must be invitations. Gracie made these with Mother’s help, and such dainty ones they were, too! They were made on pale pink paper, fold ed to make a small booklet. A little blue paper circle, on which were printed the letters, K. Y. B. C., was pasted in the center of the cover. No doubt this was used to picture the K. Y. B. C. pin. Un der the blue circle bearing the mysterious letters, this question was printed :■“What is it?” You see, Gracie wanted to make her friends curious about the four letters, K. Y. B. C. She didn’t answer the ques tion on any part of the invitation, but left that important part for the day of the party. On the inside of the pretty pink booklet, these words were neatly written: “Come to my party Wednesday, March 6 3 :30 to 4 :30 p . m .” These little pink invitations were then placed in small white envelopes, and Gra cie herself played postman and delivered
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