T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
September, 1935
A WORTHY AMBITION [Continued from page 324]
EGERMIIEEfS Bible Story Book ¿BS8A More storymaterial,more illustrations, jJHO ^A a more beautiful book, easy to read. w m m m “True to the facts and inspiration of the word .”—Sunday School Times. New Revised and Enlarged Edition This best written, popular work contains 234 fascinating stories. Presents the whole Bible narrative in chronological order from Genesis to Revelation. Large, self-pronouncing type, 200 pictures and 20 full page color illustrations with unique animated Bible maps and pictorial end papers. Price only $2.00. Order today. P A N O R A M A O F T H E B I B L E Prof. Leander S. Keyser, D.D., says, “It Is a pictorial commentary on the whole Bible." Lithographed in nine colors on fine map cloth, 17 z 34 in. See review in King's Business, July, 1935. Price $1.75, Including a 36-page Key, and an abridged edition in black and white, 7 z 15 in. Large 4 z 8 ft. size, $40.00. Each postpaid. The Key alone, 35c postpaid. Address PROF. L E W IS H. JAM ISO N 751 O L IV E A V E N U E LONG BEACH. C A LIF O R N IA “ U P IN G O D ’S S T R A T O S P H E R E ” New, beautiful soul-winning song with music; also words of "Sin-cleansing Fountain" and "Carry me back to Calvary." Order from composer: 10c copy; 75c dozen; 5c 100 lots. Miss May King, c/o George Kinzinger, Mer ton Road, Hartland, Wise. A V I T A L B O OK “Prophecy and the . . . . . . Tottering Nations” You’ll say that this new 50c book by Keith L. Brooks, Editor of “Prophecy Monthly” is a worth-while book. Its warnings and counsels to God’s people are indispensable. Unlike any other book. Dr. Ironside says: “We unhesitatingly commend this bookI” Dr. Chalmers: “A striking book. God bless its ministry.” Order today. Every Paragraph Packed with Truth BROOKS PUBLISHERS 2003 Addison Way, Los Angeles, Calif. INDIGENOUS WORK is recognized as the most efficient MISSIONARY METHOD God’s Word is a living WORD and begets life wherever preached. Native churches prove it. As the doors to the Gospel are even now clos ing in some countries it is imperative that na tive ministry be established. Missionary intercessors (undenominational) meet 1st and 3rd Thursday evening of month, 7:30 p.m. 379 W. 41st Street. Lovers of mission cordially welcome. P I AN I S T S ! A beautiful, artistic piano arrangement of “There’s A Wideness In God’s Mercy.” Unusual harmonies; striking cadenzas: brilliant variations by Gordon E. Hooker, pub lisher of “Songs of Grace, No. I.” Excellent for solo— prelude—voluntary: fingered for. teaching. Appeared first in "Sacred Musician” by Bobert Harkness. Other sacred piano solos forthcoming. — Price 35e Postpaid- Order From SACRED MUSIC PUBLISHERS 558 So. Hope St., Room 902 Los Angeles, Calif. Jamison’s New Chronological
A Corner Stone
Christ known to those who had never heard. What an ambition! Only eternity will reveal what the carrying out of that aim has meant of blessing in the lives of a great multitude of people. In the fourth place, let us consider the possibility of realizing this ambition. Thank God it is possible of attainment. There are four essentials in realizing this ambition. First of all, we must accept Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour. This is God’s will, and one cannot take the sec ond step in this life of pleasing Him, until he has taken the first. Jesus said, “Ye must be born again.”. “That which is born of the flesh is flesh.” Arid Romans 8 :8 says that “they that are in the flesh can not please God.”- It is absolutely essential, therefore, that we be born of God; and this comes about when we receive Jesus Christ as personal Saviour and Lord. “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God” (John 1:12, 13). Then, having accepted Him who “was wounded for our transgressions” and “bruised for our iniquities,” who “bare our sins in his own body on the tree,” we are ready for the next step, namely, that of yielding the life to Jesus Christ by a definite act of surrender. Another essential is the constant study of His Word, that we may learn what is well pleasing to Him. Stirring a deepening desire for the re vival blessing that is a true work of the Holy Spirit, this volume has a ministry that is desperately needed by the great body of believers today. Some years ago, the author was led of God into a study of the mighty revival movements of the past. In this present volume, God-ordained conditions for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit are discussed in detail, and with a spiritual penetration that moves the reader to seek the face of the Lord. Quotations from such men of God as John Wesley, Charles G. Finney, and Evan Roberts re veal the principles of prayer and service which are God’s manner of working. They are shown to be in sharp contrast to man’s methods and the work that is “of the flesh.” Prayerfully reading this message, every Christian, whether layman or minis ter, will be both convicted and caused to hope. 120 pages. Marshall, Morgan & Scott, Ltd. Cloth. Price $1.00. Devotional Hymns When the Hope Publishing Company issues a new book, the product is sure to be worthy of consideration and acceptance. Devotional Hymns —a collection of hymns and songs intended especially for use in Sunday-schools, young people’s meetings, and missionary and midweek services—is both new and appealing. Devotional Hymns is rich in the treasured master The Revival We Need B y O swald J. S m ith
1 ; i C o n ta in s 600 pages beautiful ly bound in blue lin e n fin is h c lo th t mtitle stampedin gold . Price $2.00.
Order today! fifty years in business— Satisfaction guar anteed. Write ns oryourchurchsup ply house. Gospel Trumpet Company D apt-B .20 A N D ERSO N , INDIANA
The fourth requirement is faith, for “without faith it is impossible to be well pleasing unto him” (Heb. 11:6, R. V.). There must be not only the initial step of faith in accepting Christ as Saviour, but also the constant looking away to Jesus, “the author and finisher of our faith.” When we trust Him, we give Him a chance to impart to us the power to live the life that is well pleasing to Him, a high plane of Christian experience which cannot be attained apart from His divine power and grace. Let us fix our wills, or ambi tions, “toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”
pieces of the ages. It also contains new and original material as well as many hymns and songs for children and young people. There are 288 pages and 344 num bers in this book, including choruses, choir numbers, solos,, and a strong assort ment of unison and responsive readings, as well as a complete topical index and a general index. The book is completely orchestrated. The binding is an excellent quality of maroon silk basket weave cloth with head band and title gold embossed. Hope Pub. Co., Chicago, 111. Price $40.00 per hundred, not prepaid. Devotional Hymns is also available in bristol covers at $25.00 per hundred. T he Service Hymnal The Service Hymnal, issued by the Hope Publishing Company, is not just another song book. In addition to being one of the most comprehensive collections of the best hymns and gospel songs of all the Chris tian centuries, this new book is the first American hymnal to introduce descants for choir and congregational use. These descants are a melodic obbligato or orna mentation to a hymn tune to enrich and beautify the principal melody. The added part is sung by solo voices, junior choir, treble voices, or the voices of one of the other choir divisions. The use of the des cant in the rendition of such widely favor ed hymns as “Fairest Lord Jesus” and [Continued on page 360]
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