King's Business - 1935-09


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

September, 1935

1. Go and teach all nations (Matt. 28: 19). 2. Go and preach the gospel (Mk. 16: ■ 15). 3. Go to the lost sheep (Matt. 10:6). 4. Go into the vineyard (Matt. 20:4). 5. Go into the highways (Matt. 22:9). 6. Go into the streets and lanes (Lk. 14: I 21). 7. Go home to thy friends (Mk. 5 :19). —F. E. M arsh . III. S ome S tartling F acts In Japan, there is one Christian to every 3,241 of population in Gifu Province, and one Christian to every 6,807 of population in Nara Province. a . In Mongolia, there is one medical mis­ sionary in a country twenty-seven times the size of England. In Arabia, there are fewer than twenty Christians in a population of 4,664,923. In Colombia, South America, there is one Christian to 10,883 of population, and in Ecuador, one Christian to 16,950 of population.— World Dominion Press. IV. I nterest in M issions A Christian man became a little interest­ ed in missions. First he repeated in his prayers the phrase, “Lord, save the heathen 1” A few months later his plea was, “Lord, send missionaries to save the heathen!” Time wore on, and he prayed with all the fervor of his heart, “Lord, if You have not anybody else to send, send me! But if You can’t send me, send somebody!” Not feeling yet assured, he

In Acts 1:1 we find an allusion to “all that Jesus began both to do and teach.” He “began . . . to do and teach,” even after His resurrection, until waiting heaven re­ ceived Him again as we read in Acts 1:9. He left, in this sense of the word, an in­ complete task for His followers. How slow His church has been in taking hold of this task—in spreading the glad tidings the world around 1 What is my attitude—my relationship to this task? Suggestions on Daily Readings 1. U niversal S alvation (John 3:15, 16). 1. The loving and giving are God’s side;: the believing and receiving are man’s side. Salvation through faith in Jesus Christ is sufficient for every one, but it is effi­ cient only for those who hear and believe. —S elected . 2 . “Whosoever”—universality of gospel. “Believeth”—simplicity of gospel. “In him”—exclusiveness of gospel. “Should not perish”—certainty of gos­ pel {negative'). “But have eternal life”—certainty of gospel {positive). ¡¿g— 1,000 Subjects for Preachers and Speakers. II. I n A ll N ations (Matt. 24:14). Jesus thought and spoke internationally, not colloquially. His last words were not spoken regarding church discipline, church ordinances, or church organizations, but concerning evangelization. “For a witness” does not signify world acceptance of the gospel, but world preach­ ing of the gospel. III. E very T ongue (Phil. 2:5-11). “God had only one Son, and He was a missionary.” God “gave his only begotten Son,” and the Son “emptied himself, tak­ ing the form of a servant” (R.V.). The briefest compendium of the doctrine of Jesus Christ in Scripture is found in Phi- lippians 2:6-12: The Lord’s deity (v. 6) ; incarnation (v. 7) ; death (v. 8) ; and res­ urrection, ascension, exaltation, and future rule (vs. 9-12). “God also hath highly exalted him . . . that every tongue ..should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.” Other religions may be compared, but Christianity is not one of them, for Christianity is unique. Jesus Christ cannot be compared with Mo­ hammed, Confucius, Buddha. They lived and died. Jesus Christ also lived and then died—a vicarious death, “the death of the cross,” but “God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name.” ,*■ Illustrations for the Leader I. H is P ermit In Korea the Japanese officials now re­ quire all mission workers to be registered. A policeman stopped one of the Bible So­ ciety colporteurs and asked for his permit. “Here it is,” said the colporteur, opening the last chapter of Mark, and pointing to the words of the Great Commission: “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gos­ pel.” He was allowed to pass on. —Our Church Tie. II. W hat is th e C omm ission ? Here are seven royal commands of the King to His servants; are there none of them for you?

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