King's Business - 1935-09


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

September, 1935

prayed again, “Lord, send whom Thou wilt, but help me to pay my share of the expenses!” And the Lord sent him, for he had ears to hear the Lord’s voice. —Record of Christian Work. V. J ohn 10:16 The unshepherded masses! How the Lord’s heart went out to them—teachers and rulers they had in abundance, but no shepherds. Men to rule and drive and ar­ gue and command abounded, but there were none to really feed and protect, and, if need be. die for the sheep (John 10:11). Is it so very different now? Christ’s com­ passion did not exhibit itself simply in glowing words or copious tears, but in acts (John 12:32, 33; 1 John 3:17, 18).—R. A. T orrey , in Gist of the Lesson. OCTOBER 20, 1935: THE EFFECT OF ALCOHOL ON BODY AND MIND P roverbs 23:29-32 Meditation on the Lesson Youth is ever the period of problems and decisions. Youth discerns that there are many philosophies of life, many stan­ dards of living, and that each human being must choose his own standard.

pate. But as a Christian, he would not de­ sire to share in them in any case. The reason for the Christian’s avoid­ ance of alcoholic beverages is that he recognizes: 1. That Jesus. Christ purchased him—■ he is not his “own” ; he has been “bought with a price,” and ought therefore to glo­ rify God in his body, which is God’s (I Cor. 6:19, 20). The use of intoxicating liquors could never glorify God. 2. That Jesus Christ indwells His pur­ chased possession. In Ephesians 3 :17, Paul prays that Christ may dwell in the hearts of the Ephesian Christians by faith. The word translated “dwell” literally means “to settle down and be at home.” Jesus Christ could never “be at home” in the heart of any one who was intemperate. 3. That his returning Lord might come at “such an hour as ye think not.” Hence it behooves *him to so “abide in him [Christ]; that, when he shall appear,” he as the Lord’s servant may “have confi­ dence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming” (1 John 2:28). A drunkard certainly would be ashamed (2 Pet. 3:11) before the Lord of heaven and earth! 4. That his influence as a Christian must be such as to be pleasing to his Lord and helpful to all with whom he comes in contact. He is his .“brother’s keeper” ; he must not be a “stumblingblock” (cf. Rom. 14:13; 1 Cor. 8:9). One who drinks cer­ tainly puts a stumblingblock in the way of others. 5. That not only is his soul saved, but his life also is to manifest Christ’s redeem­ ing power: “We also should walk in new.- ness of life” (Rom. 6:4). A life that con­ tinues to be marred by the use of alcoholic drink eertainly would not be described as “saved.” "He saves—He keeps— He satisfies.” The “woes” of intemperance are vividly pictured. The sum total .of earthly wretchedness—-the anguish of body, the remorse of conscience, the wrongful quar­ rels, impairment of vision and judgment are set forth as the result of wine. II. A n A dmonition : “L ook N ot ” (Prov. 23:31, 32). There is: only one wise attitude toward intoxicants. It is not only “taste not,” but “look not.” This passage brings good counsel, inspired advice. If something ought to be left alone, it ought to be left entirely alone. To look is often fatal! The reason is found in three significant words: “at the last.piWe cannpt see the end from the beginning. The beginning is often pleasant and alluring, but the end thereof are the ways, of death” (Prov. 16:25). III. A C ontrast (1 Thess. 5:4-10). Sharply distinguishing between “the children of light” and the ungodly who walk “in darkness,” the Word of God gives the most powerful motive for clean living—our obligation to our Lord Jesus Christ who “died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him.” Christians are not to walk as other Gentiles walk (Eph. 4:17)-Sfbut to walk worthy of their high calling (Eph. 4:1), to walk circumspectly (Eph. 5:15). “Give of your best to the Master” ; you cannot do it if you yield yourself to drink. Suggestions on Daily Readings 1, A P icture o f I ntemperance : (Prov. 23 :29, 30).

IBLES REBOUND Size 8 x 5 % x 1% in. flexible, overlap­ ping leather, $2.50; Leatherette, $1.75; Morocco, $3.55. Other sizes, proportional. Satisfaction guaranteed. Illustrated cir­ cular, testimonials. Name printed in pure gold, 35 cents. Goodwill Bindery, 425 W. First St., Flint, Michigan Now Ready! Studies in Revelation By W. Leon Tucker, D.D. All Christians, from the least to the most profound student of the Word should possess this volume. 390 pages, 75 great lessons on the book. Beautifully bound. Order your copy today. Price only $2.00 (Outside the U.S.A. $2.20) JOHN YOUNG, Publisher 2 Court St. Dept. K9 Binghamton, N. Y. MATE (Say Mat Tay) Mate or Paraguay tea is one of the world’s five leading drinks. Native to South America, it has saved that country from the scourge of drunkenness and continues to do so. It is the world’s greatest temperance beverage. 'Dr. Monin says: “ Mate stimulates without causing insomnia, palpitations, nervousness nor that strange feeling of depression which is always associated with an excessive drinking of alcohol or coffee.” The introduction of Mate in the United States would be a great blessing to this drink-cursed nation. It is healthful and economical. About five cups for 1 (f. It is made the same as Japan tea and is good, hot or iced. Send £1.00 for a 20-oz. tin. Write for wholesale prices to dealers and agents. We cover the United States. PAN AMER I CAN TEA COMPANY 1553 West Jefferson j : Los Angeles OBJECT LESSONS OBJECTS—AND THEIR LESSONS. SEND ten cents for object lesson and list. Chas. Mor­ rison. The Object Man. Pastor, Fairmount Park Chapel, 76 Hudson St., Johnson City, N.Y.

The return of the legalized sale of liq­ uor brings its own moral problem, of course, and yet, to the Christian young man or woman, is this such a problem? Certainly there will be some gatherings, some parties, in which he cannot partici­ E A R N B I G MO N E Y Q U I C K L Y - SURELY R E P R E S E N T A T I V E S W A N T E D E V E R Y W H E R E Amazing new idea in Christmas Cards arousing great enthusiasm . . . nothing like this ever offered before. A simple idea, yet one of the most sensible you have ever seen . . . and oh, how it pulls! Positively no competition, for there is nothing else like it. If you now have a line of Christmas Cards feature this idea too . . . it will sell on sight and double your profits. 25c deposit (stamps or coin) required to defray cost of mailing samples. Positive guarantee to return full deposit-plus postage— if you are not satisfied. Exclusive territory rights going fast! Act quickly—before someone else in your town beats you to it. Don’t Delay! Write now! It’s a wonderful opportunity. Louis Manufacturing Co., • 1143-K 5th Avenue • New York, N. Y. TRUST Place it while you live, and enjoy immediate and ever­ lasting Dividends ! Write to Field Department of Bible Institute of Los Angeles 558 South Hope Street : : : : Los Angeles, California MONEjY a o fa c r e d

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