King's Business - 1935-09

September, 1935

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


OUT SEPT. 1st "EXPOSITION CHO RU SES " 32 numbers with many 1935 copyrights appearing for the first time in print. Choruses of the Pacific International Exposition Evangelistic Campaign. 25c postpaid. Also while they last. "N E W SIN G A B LE S O N G S " 32— with “ Isn’t It Grand to be a Christian” No duplications in the books. 25c postpaid. TO G ETH ER 45c Published by: HARO LD ALEXANDER K-Box 321 LOS AN G ELES, C ALIF. r Chemical Illustrations of BIBLE TRUTHS IMPRESSIVE TALKS TO YOUNG PEOPLE Prepared powders, harmless, ready to use. With directions and interesting helps. Believing— Temperance— Contact— Influences— The Cigarette — Decision Day^—^Christ and Sin— Christ in Heart» Eight talks (with duplicate set) $1.00 Postpaid C. A. SCHMITT, 85 Summer Ave.j Reading, Mass» The proceeds of the above ad will be applied toward the maintenance of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles . T flo a t (Be wry I Jeac/u5/y wm CsuugospelQuarterly Once used, you would never be without it. FEATURES: Introduction, by Professor George Shaw B.D The Lesson Verse by Verse, by Rev David J. Fant. Jr Lessons from the Lesson, by Rev Ira E. David, Ph.D Side Lights on the Lesson, Selected from Many Authors The Beginners' Class by Eleanor M. Jones and Martha L. Fesmire. The Primary Class, by Stella M. Rudy TheJunior Class, by Addie Marie French. Suggestions for the Superintendent, by Rev F L. Squires Send only 10c in stamps (one-halfprice) for current issue. C hristian P ub Y icationsp 1506 T H IR D 8 T. H A R R ISB U R G , PA. NeédfnndsO FOR YOUR CHURCH ! { W E offer you a pleasant dignified way to raise money—for your church or for per­ sonal use. We have' successfully aided many churches in raising up to $500 and more


Leonard J. Eilers, 124 North Florence, Burbank, Calif., is scheduled for meetings at the following points: Oct. 2 to 13, Park Place Methodist Church, San Diego, Calif.; Oct. 20 to Nov. 3, Baptist Church, Calexico, Calif.; Nov. 10 to Dec. 1, Union Meeting, Sweet Home, Ore.; and Dec. 8 to 22, First Baptist Church, Hermosa Beach, Calif. The Mason Bell Ringers, an evangelistic party consisting of Rev. (’28) and Mrs. Benard Mason, are planning a transcon­ tinental tour from Seattle, Wash., to New York City and back to Los Angeles by Christmas. They will hold evangelistic meetings and give sacred concerts in churches, featuring the Swiss Hand Bells, musical glasses, singing saw, magical vio, triple chimes, and golden vibraharp, and including vocal selections. Mr. and Mrs. Mason’s itinerary will take them through Spokane, Wash., Denyer, Colo., Kansas City, Mo., Chicago, 111., New York City, Dallas and Ft. Worth, Tex., and cities in Florida. Any church that desires an eve­ ning’s concert should communicate with Rev. Benard Mason, 2655 N. Griffin Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. T he F a rra r Evangelistic Party began a fall campaign by assisting in the meetings being held at the First Baptist Church, San Diego, Calif., during the California Pacific International Exposition. The party in­ cludes Mr. and Mrs. Elden R. Farrar and Miss Helen Griggs, who plays the tipple and piano, and assists with vocal numbers. A new amplifying system installed on the Farrar party’s Ford V-8 is proving to be of great aid in securing hearers. During the fall and winter, the itinerary of the group will include points east of Califor­ nia. Address : 153 Institute Place, Chi­ cago, 111. Evangelist W. E. Pietsch, 1600 W. 65th Place, Los Angeles, Calif., is scheduled for meetings at the following points: Sept. 2, Cedar Lake, Ind.; Sept. 3, Kansas City, Mo. ; Sept. 4. Salina, Kans.; Sept. 8 to 15, Bible Institute of Los Angeles; Sept. 16, San Francisco, Calif.; Sept. 22 to 27, Van­ couver, B. C., Can.; Sept. 29 to Oct. 1, Dallas, Ore.; Oct. 6 to 20, Normal, 111.; Oct. 21 to 31, Chicago, 111. Gospel Musician Wanted The New England Fellowship of Rum- ney, N. H., is desirous of contacting a tenor or baritone soloist for radio and evangelistic work in New England. The applicant must be without family obliga­ tions, a man really consecrated to the Lord’s work and willing to live a life of trust. One who has also had experience as a song leader is desired. Address: J. Elwin Wright, President, New England Fellow­ ship, Rumney, N. H. The Bible Mastery Campaign In an effort to teach men and women the advantages that spring from the repeated reading of any portion of Scripture that may be chosen for special meditation, the Bible Mastery Campaign invites Christians to join in the study of the book of Philip- pians during the month of October. In the five years that the Campaign has been con­

ducted, a different book has been assigned for one month of each year. The plan is. to read through the assigned book at least once each day of the month and to com­ plete the daily reading at one sitting if possible. The power of the Word of God —to search, to correct, and to encourage the reader—is released to the one who will give time to concentrated study. The Bible Mastery Campaign is spon­ sored by the Presbytery of Seattle. From Rev. C. J. Boppell, Chairman of the Cam­ paign, 2666 37th Avenue S. W., Seattle, Wash., a two-page leaflet containing “The Committal” may be secured and questions may be answered, if a stamped, addressed envelope is sent. HOMILETICAL HELPS Marks of a False Gospel G alatians 1 :6, 7 1. Denying natural depravity, or repudi­ ating the need of atonement. 2. Supp lem en ting grace with good works, or belittling atonement. 3. Defining Jesus as an example rather than a Saviour, or ignoring atonement. 4. Replacing deity with humanity, or rejecting Christ as the Atoner.—R. A. C. God’s Desire for th e W elfare of Men The following seven facts speak for themselves, that the Lord desires the wel­ fare of men: 1. The cross of Christ declares it (John 3:16). 2. The nature of God asserts it (1 John 4:8, 9). 3. The invitations of Jesus affirm it (Matt. 11:28-30). 4. The Word of God reiterates it (John 3:17, 18). 5. The Spirit of God repeats it (Rev. 22:17). 6. The ambassadors of the gospel pro­ claim it (2 Cor. 5:20). 7. The tears of Christ confirm it (Lk. 19:41). But if men will not have God’s mercy in love, they must have His might in judg­ ment. He is almighty in grace (Gen. 17:1), but He is also almighty to punish (Rev. 15:3)JpE. E. M arsh . A Study in th e Sonship of O ur Lord 1. The Son of man: His humanity (Lk. 19:10). 2. The Son of Mary: His purity (Mk. 6:3). 3. The Son of a carpenter: His humil- • ity (Matt. 13:55). 4. The Son of David: His royalty (Matt. 1:1), 5. The Son of the Highest: His dignity (Lk. 1:32). 6. The Son of the Blessed: His sanctity (Mk. 14:61). 7. The Son of God: His deity (Rom. 1 :4).—T. B aird . An Open Door 1 C orinthians 16:9

within a few months' time. Our plan is easy to operate. Just take orders among members for beau­ tiful $1.00 boxes of 21 assorted Christmas Cards, and special Re­ ligious Cards with Bible text. No investment necessary. We furnish stock of Box Assortments with full instructions. Our line is complete, offering Christmas Card Assort­ ments, Gift Wrappings and Per­ sonal Christmas Cards. You make up to 100% profit on every box sold. Write for details and free sample. F R IE N D S H IP ST U D IO S 471 Adams St., Elmira, N. Y.

BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED By WILLIAM L. PETTINGILL 429 pages; including Table of Contents, Scripture Index and S u b je ct Index. Cloth, $1.00; Paper, 50 cents; Postpaid. Send for list of this writer's books, pamph­ lets and tracts. JUST A WORD INCORPORATED WILMINGTON, DELAWARE

1. Man’s opportunity. 2. Satan’s opportunity. 3. God’s opportunity.

—H arry D eutchman .

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