September, 1935
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
thought Him to he, and yet He said not a word, John, about taking youj out of prison.” These are the hours that eternity will study with delight and amazement. No explanation; f a i t h nourished; the prison doors left closed; and then, the message, “Blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me” I —C. G. M oore . OCTOBER 15 T he A ttitude of Listening "Stand upon thy feet, and I will speak unto thee" (Ezek. 2:1). There are two ways of standing before a superior: one, in defiance and rebellion; the other, in a teachable spirit. May we stand before God, not alone reverently, lovingly, but with a willing mind as well, eager to do His will and utterly controlled by His indwelling Spirit. Then, indeed, will He speak and we shall hear His voice; and, hearing, we shall be Obedient, J(‘And the spirit entered into me when he spake unto me, and set me upon my feet, that I heard him that spake unto me.” First came the command to stand, and then came the enabling as the Spirit set Ezekiel upon his feet. So, too, when we listen to the com mand, the power is given. We may stand before God through His grace. And only then shall we stand before men—S. I. L.
Separate from all that grieves Thee, “Separate from sinners,” too; Yet like Thee, for sinners caring, And like Thee, with sinners bearing, Asking, “What would Jesus do?” —L ucy A. B ennett . OCTOBER 11 Like Israel “Teach me thy way, O Lord, and lead me in a plain path” (Psz. 27:11). " As God is our Leader, and as our path in life is prescribed and ordered by Him, so, if we belong to the number of His peo ple,.wè may rest assured that He is lead ing us by the right way. . . . All the diffi culties and trials, all the disappointments and bereavements,.all the delays and chas tisements which befall us are as needful for us as they were for the children of Is rael; we, too, need to be proved ; we, too, need to be humbled ; we;,too, have: evil hearts of unbelief, . which must be sub dued; we, too, must be educated by in struction and trained by discipline and purified by suffering, that we may be fitted for our inheritance above. ii- f - jA M E S B u c h a n a n , OCTOBER 12 The Enemy’s Works Destroyed “That he might destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3 :8). There are benefits of Christ’s death that bear on the immediate present. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that we might be delivered now, in this life, from the pursuit of sin in every form ; that we might be set free from do ing “the works of the devil.” Let that pur pose come now into practical effect. Let it find a real fulfillment in the soul’s life and walk today, by virtue Of Christ’s manifes tation. But there are other “works of the devil” which it was Christ’s purpose to de stroy, for which we have yet to wait. The temptations to sin that come from the devil still go on. Freedom from them we shall not know until grace has been fol lowed by glory, and mortality has been swallowed up of life.— S elected . OCTOBER 13 New Supplies of Grace “Of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace” (John 1:16). Christ is full of “grace and truth.” Who can estimate the extent of the spiritual wealth we have in Him? Each blessing ap propriated becomes the foundation of a greater blessing. Today’s grace takes the place of yesterday’s grace. There is a con stant stream of grace that brings about a perpetually recurring exchange of “grace for grace.” This passage teaches us that there is no such thing as stagnation in a healthy spiritual life. It also teaches us that the supplies which meet our pres ent needs are intended to increase our ca pacities for further gifts and manifesta tions of His fullness.— Alliance Weekly. OCTOBER 14 Faith in th e D ark H our “Blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me" (Matt. 11:6). I know of no hours more trying to faith than those in which Jesus multiplies the evidence of His possession of power which would take some burden out of our life, and yet does not use it. . . . There is need for much grace and help from God when the messengers come back saying: “Yes, He has all the power you have believed Him to possess and is all that you have
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