T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
September, 1935
Dr. R o o d an d his family. Standing, left to righ t: Don ald, Bonevieve, Rodney, W o o d row . Seated, le ft to ric|ht: Dr. Rood, Pauline, Mrs. Rood.
PAUL W. ROOD ILew President
B I OL A Holds Confidence of Outstanding Leaders M essages of congratulation and greeting are being received at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles from all parts of the country. These cordial letters and telegrams" as a mighty bulwark of the faith in the perilous times and priceless opportunity of today. I rejoice in his call to this great service. C harles G. T rumbull
come from men and women who know the Institute and its traditions and who are also well acquainted with the Presi dent-elect, Rev. Paul W. Rood, D.D., who, on September 16, accepts the responsibility which Rev. Louis T. Talbot, D.D., has faithfully borne. The writers know, first of all, the school. They are familiar with its record of more than a quarter of a century of Bible teaching; its provision of instruction without tui tion charge; its emphasis upon evangelism; its widespread influence through the printed page; its graduation of thou sands of high-caliber, consecrated men and women who, at the Lord’s command, have found places of honor and large usefulness in the world vineyard. And the friends who write know also the man who, it is verily believed, has been divinely chosen and equipped of God to lead the Institute to fresh victories to be achieved in the name of the Lord. F rom t h e E xecutive S ecretary of t h e W orld ’ s C h r is t ia n F undamentals A ssociation Paul Rood, the newly chosen President of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, is, and for many years has been, my intimate and trusted friend. In the closest fellowship with him, I have found him lovable and dependable, sound in the faith and a successful preacher of the gospel, and an altogether loyal spirit. Biola’s family will love him, I am sure. W. B. R iley F rom t h e E ditor of t h e “ S unday S chool T im e s ’’ My beloved friend Paul Rood brings to his great responsibilities in the Bible Institute a life consecrated to the Lord, a rich experience in Bible teaching and evangel ism, sound practical common sense, personal acquaintance with the Pacific Coast and many sections of America, inti mate fellowship with outstanding Christian leaders, and deep conviction of the strategic place of the Bible Institute
F rom t h e P astor of t h e M oody M emorial C h u r c h , C hicago , I llino is I am praying earnestly that God may set His seal in a wonderful way upon the selection of my beloved friend and brother, Dr. Paul W. Rood, as President of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. His international reputation as a thoroughly sound and evangelistic preacher should, it seems to me, mean a great deal to the work of the Institute, assuring its friends everywhere that Dr. Rood will ever seek to maintain the Institute’s high Scriptural standards. H. A. I ronside F rom a P rom in en t P h y s ic ia n , A uthor , and B ible T eacher I am delighted to know that Dr. Rood has been selected as President of the Bible Institute. It seems to me that he is just the man for this important position at this time. He has unusual intellectual gifts combined with rare spiritual ity and splendid organizing ability. He is well acquainted with the problems of youth, and young people always find in him a sympathetic and understanding leader and friend. He is a Christian gentleman of the highest type, fervent in prayer and possessed of unusual platform gifts. He is absolutely sound in the faith, with a wide knowledge of the Bible, and is both gracious and courageous in his defense of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Under his able leadership, I am sure that the greatest measure of success will come to Biola. The importance and influence of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles cannot be exaggerated. Everywhere I meet young men and women who have gone out from its class rooms and are being used by God wherever they are located. Such a center is an absolute necessity, and I pray that great things may be in store for you. A r thu r I. B rown
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