September, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
OCTOBER 27 Desirable Ignorance "Follow that which is good” (1 Thess. 5:15). Knowledge is not always power; it may be weakness of the worst sort. . . . People are exploring varieties and depths of sin as never before, and gaining knowledge that makes for destruction. ^Vould that they might seek Paul’s inspired counsel: “I would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil” (Rom. 16:19). We cannot know too much about “that which is good” ; we cannot know too little about evil. . . . To be “simple concern ing evil,” by the cleansing and keeping power of Christ as Saviour and Lord, is,to know the meaning of life abundant instead of realizing, by bitter experience, that “the end of those things is death” (Rom. 6:21). —Sunday School Times. OCTOBER 28 Adorning th e Doctrine “Put on therefore, . . . . a heart of com passion, kindness, lowliness, meekness, longsuffering” (Col. 3:12, R. V.). The putting on of this celestial wardrobe will mightily commend our Master to others, around. Sometimes the “children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light,” and we can learn valuable lessons from them. Thus many large stores have regular “fashion parades,” in which graceful models display the latest fashions and fabrics, leading to many an order from those who thereby be come dissatisfied with their wardrobe at home. And exactly so, as we do put on the Lord Jesus Christ, we may be clad in His righteousness; and so as we by grace ex hibit the kindness, meekness, long-suffer ing, the love and joy and peace He sup plies, our very appearance may be infec tious, and so commend Him, that others will go to Him for the radiant love and peace and joy He supplies freely to all by faith.— JN orthcote D eck . OCTOBER 29 On Eagles’ Wings “Ye have seen . . . how I bare you on eagles’ wings, and brought you unto my self’ (Ex. 19:4). How we have wondered at those events which stirred us up and set us loose from ties of home and friends; and how we have marveled at the ruthlessness of those providences which sent us headlong from our assured places into the uncertainties of what seemed empty space around and beneath us. But now we understand that every experience was in God’s love and for the fulfillment of His high purposes toward us. No matter what happened, we soon saw His form and heard His heartening cry; and never did we grow weary but we immediately found that strong wings were beneath us. And oh, the wonder of it, when God brought us home to our resting- place beside Himself!— H enry W. F rost . OCTOBER 30 When Defeat Is V ictory “Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously" (1 Pet. 2:23), Victory in God’s sight and victory in man’s sight may be two different things. Strange situations arise in this life as sud denly as thunderclouds in summer, and only the grace of God can keep, them from
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“It is with a prayer of gratitude to our Lord Who has made such a school as the Bible Institute pos sible that I am sending you my enrollment in another Bible Study Course. The course just completed has been a real blessing to me. After the last examination had been sent you I found myself lost with out a lesson to work on, so I am losing no time in getting to work again.
“The certificate you sent is an attractive one and I am glad to have it. To me it stands for hours spent in prayer and in the study of God’s Word. I do thank God for what the certificate may also mean to Him-—a fuller testimony to the unsearchable riches of life in Him. I thank Him, too, for another chance to study His Word with those who believe it and love it.”
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