September, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
reaching the breaking point. At such a time the worldly man, .by some clever, cut ting remark, may apparently crush the Christian; and the Adversary will urge the Christian to try to outdo the other. But then it is that the men seeking “first the kingdom of God” will remember his Lord, and trust Him, “who, when he was reviled, reviled not again.” . . . And he may rest upon Peter’s inspired word: “But if, when ye' do well, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently, this is acceptable with God.”—C. D. W h it m e r . OCTOBER 31 T he Gold Standard "Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end" (Isa. 9:7). In one of his powerful sermons many years ago, Spurgeon said: “If you take a Bank of England note to the counter of the bank, in an instant that bit of paper turns to gold. If we take a promise of God to the mercy seat, it turns to what is better than gold—to our own good and the glory of the Father.” The banking illustration was true in Spurgeon’s day, and was true a few years ago, but it is not true today. Both Britain and the United States are “off the gold standard,” and they no longer stand ready to redeem their obliga tions in gold. This change in finances is an impressive reminder of the fact that the strongest of human governments, and the most sincere of human promises, may fail to carry through what was intended I . . . But there is One who is “the same yester day, and today, and for ever,” and there fore “all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us.”— Sunday Schodl Times. BjfctljF. R. H avergal . New Joy and Hope for the Blind The Home of Onesiphorus, Taian, Shan tung, China, opening its doors to as many of China’s needy ones as may be accom modated within its friendly walls, has wel comed a number of blind children. With the training that the Home provides, these young people who are physically handi capped are able to lead useful and happy lives. For instance, one boy has learned to play the cornet. And so proficient is he in reading the raised type especially de signed for the blind, that he has become the teacher of the others. These blind pupils are able to go about unassisted, in the compound and the surrounding fields. Their sense of touch and hearing is very keen; they do not require the aid of a walking stick. One of the girls is able to detect by touch what is wrong when her garments do not fit properly and is able to remake them, if necessary, doing the work as skillfully as a girl with good eyesight could do it. To read the Word of God for them selves by means of embossed type and to hear Bible stories related by teachers and fellow students is a continual delight to these blind boys and girls. To them the Home of Onesiphorus is the happiest place they have ever known. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Anglin, in charge of the work, have prepared an illustrated booklet entitled, “Helping China’s Help less.” Copies may be received without cost by writing to the American office of the Mission, 3131 Lincoln Avenue, Chicago, i H Ask not how, but trust Him still; Ask not when, but wait His will; Simply on His word rely, God shall all your need supply.
FLOODS DEVASTATE CHINA 5,000,000 homeless. Tens of thousands drowned leaving scattered families. Children dying of starvation. The sick abandoned. Orphans left in the wake of flood and famine are gathered into the Christian fold of the HOME OF ONESIPHORUS, Taian, Shantung, China. B E A U T IF U L H A N D -E M B R O ID E R E D LIN EN Made by these children, with Christian hope and devotion in every stitch. Perfect workmanship. Prices low. Your purchases help in this faith-work. “A most worthy work; I want to help you," writes one loving friend. Send us your name and address and we will mail circular of hand-worked linen, silks and Oriental products, all made at the Home. Also free booklet, "Helping.China’s Helpless/* We appeal to you for your prayers and help! Christianity is the Only Hope of China's H elpless ! Address - - - American Office: H O M E O F O N E S I P H O R U S (Scripture Ref. 2nd Tim. 1:16) D R A W ER II - 3131 LIN CO LN A V E N U E • CHICAGO, IL L IN O IS
SCR IPTURE MEMORIZING fo r SUCCESSFUL SOUL -W INN ING By OSCAR LOWRY of Moody Bible Institute The Sunday School Times says: “ Intensely challenging and practical. Mr. Lowry is not a theorist. H e has had years of experience and he shows how to do it and how to use your acquisition w ith the unsaved and also shows the essential conditions and qualifications for successful soul-winning.“ Cloth, $1.50. FLEMING H. REVELL COMPANY 158 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK
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