King's Business - 1935-09

September, 1935

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


F rom t h e P resident of t h e M oody B ible I n stitu te , C hicago , I llino is My congratulations and good wishes are extended to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles on its new leader, Dr. Paul Rood. He is a man of God and is true to the faith once de­ livered. He is a preacher of ability, and I am certain will win friends for himself and the school. May God give you a great ministry together. W il l H . H oughton F rom t h e P resident of W heaton C ollege , W h ea ton , I llino is I wish to express my heartiest good wishes and con­ gratulations as my dear friend, Mr. Paul Rood, assumes the great responsibility of heading up your magnificent work. Our most earnest prayers will be with you all, and we are confident that the blessing of the Lord will rest upon you. J . O liver B u sw ell , J r . I have 'just learned that Rev. Paul W. Rood, D. D.; has been chosen President of the Bible Institute of Los An­ geles. I am delighted. He is a true Christian, a real evan­ gelist with a burning passion for souls. He is an able preacher, an untiring worker, an uncompromising de­ fender of the faith delivered once for all to the saints, and is in every way worthy of your confidence. He was for years a pastor in Seattle. My fellowship with him as a copastor was most delightful. I pray for him unlimited success. You are to be congratulated on securing his serv­ ices. He has my best wishes and every moral support I can give him. M . A. M atth ew s F rom t h e E ditor of t h e L eading S w ed ish P ublica ­ tion s in A merica — “M issions V a n n e n ” and t h e “M ission F riend ” I have known Dr. Paul W. Rood since he was a young Ji student at the Theological Seminary at North Park College in Chicago, and following his career from that time rather closely, I have found him to be first of all a very sincere and earnest Christian, having always a clear testimony of his experience with his Lord and Master and his faith in Him and His Word. He has grown to be a mighty preacher and expounder of the gospel, having served with great suc­ cess several of our large churches in the Swedish Evangel­ ical Mission Covenant of America. In different parts of the country, he has also led great revival campaigns, in which many souls have been won for the Lord. Dr. Rood has always shown an untiring zeal and great ambition in the Christian service, never sparing himself. He is a diligent and fundamental student, striving to grasp more knowledge and acquiring a deeper insight into God’s revelation, especially the prophetic word, comparing it with the signs of the times. His stand as a stanch fundamentalist is well known all over the country. We congratulate the Bible Institute of Los Angeles up­ on its new President. O tto H ogfeldt The expression of honor that is shown in these letters is no mere polite gesture. These men know whereof they speak. For twenty-four years, Paul W. Rood has been observed as a pastor and. executive, and the record of those years shows him to be a man of prayer, of hard work, and of Scriptural balance in matters of Bible teaching and F rom a L eader of P resbyterian F orces in t h e P ac ific N orthwest

Swedish Tabernacle, Seattle, Wash., where a church debt of over $30,000 was liquidated during Dr. Rood’s pastorate.

Beulah Tabernacle, Turlock, Calif.— the building erected during the period of Dr. Rood's ministry there.

Beulah School, formerly Turlock High School, acquired, renovated, and equipped for Sunday-school while Dr. Rood was pastor in Turlock, Calif. evangelism. These dominant characteristics were striking­ ly evident in all of his pastorates and other connections. His work in Seattle, Wash., and Turlock, Calif., was especially significant. C hu r ch D ebt C leared D ur ing D r . R ood ’ s P astorate During seven years of rich fruitfulness, Dr. Rood served the Swedish Tabernacle in Seattle. When he came to this pastorate, in 1915, he found his congregation worshiping in a comparatively new and commodious building not far from the downtown district. At the time of its erection, the [Continued, on page 360]

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