Board of Directors Mee/ng Foxwoods, CT Monday, September 11 th , 2023 6:00pm EST Minutes
1. Call to Order
Dinner is served. Chairman introduces Chairman Butler form Mashantucket. He welcomes everyone to Foxwoods and hands out medicine balls to the board members.
2. Invoca/on -A prayer is said by Chairman Stevens grandson
3. Roll Call- A quorum was established.
4. Approval of Minutes : Board MeeGng April 2023
5. 6. Chairman’s Report
Chairman Stvens provides his report to the Board. Report includes discussion of the potenGal for an upcoming Government shutdown and Castro-Huerta Supreme Court decision. John Keifer award winner selecGon- awarded to Denise Harvey. Chairman highlights importance of John Kiefer award. Chairman encourages everyone to aOend the Tradeshow in Anaheim next year. 7. Execu/ve Director’s Report Jason announces that two of our board members will not be aOending. Jason and Chairman had recently met New Mexico Pueblos and stresses that they are concerned with the government shutdown on October 1 st . a. LegislaGve Update: Jason Giles: overview of supreme court cases. California, Arizona, NM, and Washington are not experiencing what other states experience with their poliGcal
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