2024 IGA Board Meeting Book Corrected

Office of Management and Budget and Native Sovereign Nations to develop and promote legislation to further foster Indian self-determination and economic self-sufficiency. Section 15. Energy Development. Consistent with America’s treaty and trust responsibilities to support Native Sovereign Nation energy governance and regulation, production, financing and access to capital, and facilitate equitable access to markets in recognition of the fact that Native Sovereign Nations have vast energy resources—including 10% of America’s natural gas reserves, more than 5% of oil reserves, and 20% of America’s renewable energy resource potential—federal energy permitting and regulatory agencies and commissions, as well as the Departments of Energy, Defense, Commerce, Interior, along with the Small Business Administration, shall work to strengthen tribal energy workforce development and transition, increase access to energy research opportunities (including commercialization of new technologies), provide Native Sovereign Nations dedicated capacity within the electric grid, and enable Native Sovereign Nations to sell and purchase energy, energy resources, and energy products and services. The Department of Energy and other federal agencies shall purchase energy resources from Native Sovereign Nations at sustainable prices to the full extent practicable and permitted by law. This Executive Order supplements Executive Order 13175 and 13647, and except as expressly modified herein, those Executive Orders are continued in full force and effect.

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