2024 IGA Board Meeting Book Corrected

children by recognizing the authority of Native Sovereign Nations governments to promote the interests of special needs “adoptive children” in parity with state governments; • Enhance the Tribal General Welfare Exclusion Act (TGWEA): The TGWEA excludes from gross in- come, for income tax purposes, the value of a Tribal general welfare benefit. An amendment is needed to clarify that these benefits are excluded from income for a social security eligibility, HUD housing or other federal agency program and service eligibility determination; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Indian Gaming Association calls upon Congress to sponsor and support the enactment of the tribal tax fairness provisions set forth above; BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED , that this will be the policy of Indian Gaming Association until it is withdrawn or modified by subsequent resolutions. CERTIFICATION The foregoing resolution was adopted by the Board of Directors at a meeting of the Indian Gaming Association, on April 7, 2024, held at Anaheim Hilton, Anaheim CA, with a quorum present.

__________________________________ Ernest L. Stevens, Jr., Chairman

___________________________________ Paulette Jordan, Secretary

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