INDIAN GAMING ASSOCIATION 06-ANA-BOD-04-07-24 SUPPORTING THE ENACTMENT OF H.R. 3371 AND S. 2088, THE WOUNDED KNEE MASSACRE MEMORIAL AND SACRED SITE ACT WHEREAS , the Indian Gaming Association (IGA) is an intertribal association of 184 federally recognized Native Sovereign Nations established to support Indian gaming and defend Indian sovereignty; and WHEREAS , Native Sovereign Nations are sovereigns that pre-date the United States, with prior and treaty protected rights to self-government and to our Indian lands, and WHEREAS, the Constitution of the United States, through the Treaty, Commerce, and Apportionment Clauses and the 14 th Amendment, recognizes the sovereign status of Native Sovereign Nations as Native nations established prior to the United States; and WHEREAS , the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (the “IGRA”) acknowledged and confirmed the inherent sovereign powers of Native Sovereign Nations Governments; and WHEREAS, the Great Plains Region Indian nations and tribes are prior sovereigns that entered into nation-to-nation treaty relations with America, based upon mutual consent and have been affirmed by subsequent agreements and laws; WHEREAS , the Oglala Sioux Tribe, the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe and sister Sioux Nation tribes of the Oceti Sakowin , Seven Council Fires of the Great Sioux Nation, are signatories to the 1851 Sioux Nation Treaty and the 1868 Great Sioux Nation Treaty; WHEREAS , In the 1868 Treaty, America pledged its honor that war between America and the Sioux Nation shall forever cease. The Great Sioux Nation reserved western South Dakota including the Black Hills as our permanent home. The Sioux Nation reserved our unceded Indian territory and hunting lands as well; WHEREAS, in 1877, the United States stole the Black Hills from the Great Sioux Nation; WHEREAS, in 1889, Congress further diminished our territory and divided our Sioux Nation tribes into separate smaller reservations; WHEREAS, Sitting Bull opposed the 1889 Act, and in 1890, with our People starving, the Ghost Dance came with a vision of saving the Lakota and resurrecting dead relatives; Indian agents panicked; WHEREAS , At Standing Rock, BIA Agent McLaughlin wrote out an arrest warrant for Sitting Bull, with the command “ under no circumstances let Sitting Bull escape .” BIA Agent McLaughlin ordered 43 BIA Police to arrest Sitting Bull at his cabin, with 110 U.S. Cavalry
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