King's Business - 1958-06

The Lana Turner A ffair page 10

Criticism of Billy Graham page 11

For Men Only page 40

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CALIFORNIA COED ( see cover n o te , page 4 )




Donald G. Davis, Ph.D., Professor. B.A., M.A., University of Southern California; B.D., Northern Baptist Theological Semi­ nary; Ph.D., University of Edinburgh. In­ structor, chaplain department, Fort Mac- Arthur, California; Baptist pastor and Bible conference speaker.

Charles L. Feinberg, Th.D., Ph.D., Profes­ sor. Director of the Seminary. A.B., Uni­ versity of Pittsburgh, Th.B., Th.M., Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary; M.A., South­ ern Methodist University; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University. Outstanding Hebrew and Old Testament scholar; Bible confer­ ence speaker; author, Premillennialism or Amillennialism? and many others. Arthur Whiting, Th.D., Professor. Cliff College, England; Th.B., Pittsburgh Theo­ logical Seminary; Th.M., Pittsburgh-Xenia Theological Seminary; Th.D., Dallas Theo­ logical Seminary. W ell known Bible teacher and conference speaker; author, An Air­ plane View of the Bible. Chester J. Padgett, D.D., Assistant Pro­ fessor, A.B., Wheaton College; Th.B., The Bible Institute of Los Angeles; B.D., Th.M., Princeton Theological Seminary; D.D., John Brown University. Pastor; radio and Bible conference speaker; author, Handbook of Christian Truth and others.



Glenn O ’Neal, Ph.D., Professor. Diploma, Moody Bible Institute; B.A., Santa Barbara College; B.D., Grace Theological Seminary; M.A., University of Southern California; Ph.D., University of Southern California. Brethren pastor; member of board of Evan­ gelism, Brethren Church. Arnold D. Ehlert, Th.D., Associate Profes­ sor; Librarian. B.A., John Fletcher College; Th.M., Th.D., Dallas Theological Semi­ nary; M.S.L.S, University of Southern Cali­ fornia. Bible teacher; Vice-President, South­ ern Theological Library Association.




James H. Christian, Th.D., Professor. B.A., Westmont College; Th.B., The Bible In- stitute of Los Angeles; B.D., Th.M., Th.D., .Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Bible teacher, member, American Association of

Gerald B. Stanton, Th.D., Professor. B.Sc., Wheaton College; Th.M., Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary. Bible teacher and evangelist; conference speaker; author, Kept



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From the Hour.

Collegiate Registrars.

TALBOT SEMINARY DISTINCTIVES: Qualified Faculty: Eight spiritually minded men, holding a total of 34 degrees, experienced in the pastorate, Bible conference field, evangelism, radio ministry, and chaplaincy, comprise the faculty of the Talbot Theological Seminary. Theological Distinctives: Talbot Seminary is thoroughly committed to the fundamental, dispensational, and premillennial interpreta­ tion of the Bible, emphasizing exposition of the English Bible, Systematic Theology, the Original Languages, along with the standard Seminary curriculum. Spiritual Heritage: Fifty years of God-blessed spiritual heritage undergirds the ministry of Talbot Seminary in its affiliation with The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Interdenominational Outlook: The Seminary is not anti-denominational, but inter-denominational, at the same time offering courses in denominational distinctives as the need arises.

DEGREES OFFERED: B.D. and Th.M. (Open to men with B.A. degree)


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Fourth Annual Christianity Issue

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of this issue. You may order a bundle and give them out yourself or send us the names and we’ll mail them postpaid. Price either way is still a low five for $1. IMPORTANT. This special issue is our August number but in order to place the print amount with our printer we should have your order within the next week or two. Won’t you make your list out right now? You may use the order blank below — use plain paper for extra copies.

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The King's Busmess/June 1958


A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor

S. H. Sutherland, President

Ray A. Myers, Chairman of the Board

if you knew of a man

JUNE, in the year of our Saviour Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Eight

Vol. 49, No. 6

Established 1910

Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home

Ar t i c le s THE LANA TURNER A F F A IR ....................................................................... 10 CRITICISM OF BILLY GRAHAM ............................................................... 11 WHY OUR CHURCH WENT INTO THE DAY SCHOOL BUSINESS — Charles W. Mayes ....................................................................... 12 JAPAN: EDUCATIONAL EVANGELISM ................................................... 15 MODERN EDUCATION — Mark Fakkema ................ ............................. 17 CHANGING THOSE WHO PRAY — Charles Blanchard ..................... 18 AREA INSTITUTES — Larry Ward ......................... ................................. 21 FOR MEN ONLY ............................................................................................. 40 F e a tu res READER REACTION ........................................................................................ 5 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. Miller ............... ........ 6 HYMNS YOU LOVE — Phil Kerr ............................................................... 7 PEOPLE — A monthly column of names in the news ............................. 8 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James O. Henry .............................................. 23 WORDS FROM THE WORD — Charles L. Feinberg ............................. 25 JUNIOR KING'S BUSINESS ROUND-UP — ..Vapor Trails— Robert B. Black ............................................ 26 — Poem — Time for God — Florence Collins ........................ 31 THEOLOGICALLY THINKING — Gerald B. Stanton .......... .................. 33 SEARCHING THE SCRIPTURES: GALATIANS — Chester J. Padgett.. 34 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser .................................. 35 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold D. Ehlert ........................................................ 36 TALKING IT OVER — A psychologist answers — Clyde Narramore .. 38 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX ............................................................... 39

If you knew of aman in prison who wanted to read T h e K i n g ’ s B u s in e s s hut didn’t have the money to subscribe would you help him? Some of you would if you knew of such a need. W e here at T h e K i n g ’ s B u s in e s s constantly get requests from all over the world— from men in prison— hospitals— missionaries— who want the magazine but can’t afford it.

Our fund to give such free subscriptions to needy individuals is supplied by the tithes and offerings of you regular readers. This

The theme of this month's K.B. is "Christian Education Around the W orld." The young woman on the cover (who is opening the door to her college education) is Suzanne Twombly, a freshman at the Biola Bible College, Los Angeles. Photo : Lloyd Hamill

fund is now exhausted yet the requests still come in. Won ’t you pray about setting aside a portion of your tithe each month for the ministry of T h e K i n g ’ s B u s in e s s ? Address: T h e K i n g ’ s B u s in e s s , Tithe Dept., 558 So. Hope, Los Angeles 17, Calif.

S. H. SUTHERLAND: editor MARY PAGE: copy editor

LLOYD HAMILL: managing editor MILTON R. SUE: advertising manager J. RUSSELL ALLDER: business manager

JANE M. CLARK: circulation manager

NORMAN B. ROHRER: editorial-odvertising coordinator EARNESTINE RITTER: editorial assistant editorial board Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker, Chester J. Padgett, Oran H. Smith, Gerald B. Stanton.

MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office of Los An­ geles. California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in tne Act of February 28, 1925, em­ bodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P.L. and R.. authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. Printed in U.S.A. bv Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Californie.

SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly: U.S., its possessions/ and Canada, $3.00, one year; $1.50. six months; 25 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscriptions 50 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to 'The King's Business." ADVERTISING -— For information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California.


u s X


World Wide Pictures presents THE DRAMATIC

On Boats

Sirs: How I appreciate T he K ing ’ s B usiness . It is passed on to others to read and now and then put on the Lake Victoria passenger boats. Tang. Terr., E. Africa Mrs. Marie Syurilka Those Who Complain Sirs: I have been intending to com­ mend you for the recent article on the segregation problem. Unfor­ tunately we are sometimes more vocal with our complaints than with our approvals. I know that it took courage for you to print the article and you are entitled to know many ministers approve the stand you are taking. Sand Point, Alaska Rev. John W. Marshall Sirs: I thank God that you are stirring up the mud of sin that lies dormant in many hearts. Of course I mean the negative letters about some of your recent articles. How it must grieve our wonderful Lord who said, “ Let all bitterness and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speak­ ing be put away from you with all malice: And be kind one to an­ other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.” Some of your readers are ready to disown you because you are not of the same opinion as they. How far we have come from the love of Christ. There are some things (but I must confess they are very few) that I don’t agree eye to eye with you on but I love you in Christ and always shall. You are doing a job far greater than I could ever do, so who am I to criti­ cize. There is always a possibility when you don’t agree with my thinking that I may be wrong so I will keep on loving you in Christ until we get to heaven. Waldwick, N.J. Frederic G. Snell


A Full Length

COLOR Feature

PREMIERE SHOW ING S a c r o s s the n a t i o n : M a y 22 V a n c o u v e r , B. C. Ju n e 7 K a n s a s C ity , Mo. M a y 24 D e tro it, M ich. Ju n e 8 A lb u q u e rq u e , N. M. M a y 2 4 S p o k a n e , W a sh . Ju n e 10 P h o e n ix , A riz. M a y 2 4 - 2 9 L a n c a s te r, P en na. Ju n e 11 T u c s o n , A riz. M a y 26 Y a k im a , W a s h . Ju n e 16 B a k e rs fie ld , Ca lif. M a y 29 E u g e n e , Ore. Ju n e 17 F re sn o , Calif. Ju n e 3 P a s a d e n a , Ca lif. Ju n e 19 S a c ra m e n to , C alif. Ju n e 6 D e n v e r, C olo. Ju n e 21 L o n g B e ach, Ca lif.

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Send to Prayer Time, The King’s Business maga­ zine, 558 So. Hope, Los Angeles 17, California.

The King's Business/June 1958


Under the Parsonage Roof by A lthea S. M ille r

WORTH IT? T heir impudent defiance seemed to gain momentum as Mother tried to reason with her two small chil­ dren. Reluctantly she resorted to physical punishment. “You don’t love me when you spank me,” Ardyth sobbed. “ I’m gonna tell Daddy you spanked me,” Mark shouted in rage. “ I do love you; that’s why I spank you when you don’t mind me. Go ahead and tell Daddy, young man. But you’d better be careful or he will spank you too.” “Mark and I got spanked today.” She was plainly fishing for sympathy. As he served the stew Daddy calm­ ly asked, “What did you do?” “Nothin’.” “Ha! Where have I heard that be­ fore?” David joined the conversation. “How well I remember the last hard trouncing Dad gave me. Even Mother thought he was a bit severe on me. Do you remember, Mother, how when we came up from the basement I looked at you and said: ‘Daddy’s gonna kill me for sure’ ? So what did you do? Merely got out the Old Book and turned to Proverbs -j— you know __»» “ 23, verse 13.” “Where it talks about ‘Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with a rod, he shall not die.’ Then you added insult to injury by insisting I read it aloud. Boy, did that ever take the wind out of my sails.” David’s parents exchanged mean­ ingful glances at this recital of their 17-year-old son. He was in a position to look back rather objectively and evaluate the fruit of our discipline. In doing this he could understand to a limited degree the present restric­ tions imposed for his good. The hearts of Daddy and Mother were overwhelmed with gratitude for the grace of God realized afresh. It was e v id e n c e d in wisdom and strength for rearing their children — the biggest, most important job in all this world. And for them it is far from over. But the same Father who has brought David thus far in spir­ itual stature will surely do the same for the remaining six. A new appre­ ciation of Jeremiah’s confidence was theirs: “ . . . there is nothing too hard for thee” (32:17).

the toM e i institute , k hour L

AN OLD, BLIND BEGGAR "During my last visit to a small town of Western Crete,” writes a good Chris­ tian brother in Greece, “ I came across one of the saddest sights I have ever seen. It was an old blind man suffering from elephantiasis, who was going around ask­ ing for alms. I gave him some small assistance and promised that I would try to get him into some charitable institution. Unfortunately, all my efforts have proved vain, due to his blindness and the disease from which he suffers. If this poor man had 5 or 10 dollars a month regular in­ come, he could at least secure his daily bread for which he now has to go around begging. "But his story doesn’t end here. He has two little nephews, Constantine and Emanuel, who have been blind from birth. They are in desperate need of food and also used clothing, as they are dressed in rags, just like their uncle. It breaks one’s heart to see such conditions in this age of so-called progress and civilization. I trust that you will try to help this poor, unfortunate family in any way you can.” Old, blind, sick, ragged, hungry— how shall we convince such a man that God loves him ? The Scriptures bring their own conviction as they are preached to the destitute of this world, but God wants us to go further and show our love in a prac­ tical way. W e should like to support this man regularly at $10 a month, as well as provide immediate relief of food and clothing now. Ask the Lord what your share should be, and "Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it” (John 2 :5 ). Gifts may be sent through the American Mission to Greeks, Inc., Rev. Spiros Zodhiates, General Secretary, Dept. K, P.O. Box 423, New York 3 6, N .Y. (In Canada: 90 Du­ plex Ave., Toronto 7, Qnt.)

• Heart searching r messages • Thrilling te s ti* monies • Outstanding features • Inspiring musk






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Your Best Years Are Just Ahead . . . if Moody training is


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John F. Walvoord, Th.D. President of Dallas Theological Seminary

By Phil Kerr

A new work that answers many questions, uncer­ tainties, and alarms in the minds of men and women today. Here is a clear-cut, scholarly treat­ ment of the su b je ct, bringing light and com­ fort. Beautifully bound. $3.00 OTHER BOOKS BY DR. WALVOORD The Thessolonian Epistles ...................................$2.50 The Return of the Lord ........................................ $2.50 The Holy Spirit ..............................................$3.50

When the Roll is Called Up Yonder Words & Music by J. M. Black Jhe composer, James M. Black, has told the story in th e s e w o r d s : “While a teacher in a Sunday school and president of a young people’s society I one day met a girl 14 years old, poorly clad and the child of a drunkard. She accepted my invita­ tion to attend the Sunday school and join the young people’s society. One evening, at a consecration meeting, when members answered the roll- call b y repeating Scripture texts, she failed to respond. I spoke of what a sad thing it would be if, when our names are called from the Lamb’s Book of Life, one of us should be ab­ sent; and I said, ‘Oh God, when my own name is called up yonder, may I be there to respond!’ “ I longed for something suitable to sing just then, but I could find noth­ ing in the books. We closed the meet­ ing and on my way home . . . the thought came to me, ‘Why don’t you write it?’ When I reached my house . . . the words of the first stanza came to me in full. In 15 minutes more I had composed the other two verses. Going to the piano, I played the music just as it is found today in the hymn books, note for note and I have never dared to change a single word or a note of the piece since.” Had the manuscript not been writ­ ten in green ink the song might never have become known. Charles H. Gabriel wrote: “While assisting Dr. J. F. Berry in the preparation of a col­ lection of songs, he took from his desk a roll of manuscripts which had been submitted for use in the book and handed it to me, saying, ‘See if you can find anything in this bunch.’ One from that lot, written in green ink, attracted my attention. The com­ poser’s name was not familiar to me and the title was a new thought, ‘W hen the Roll is Called Up Yon ­ der.’ Needless to say, we published it.” James M. Black also wrote “Where Jesus Is, ’Tis Heaven There.”

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The ministry of T he K ing ' s B usiness can only continue as interested readers send in a part of their tithe each month. Address: Tithe Dept., T he K ing ' s B usiness , 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.

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The King's Business/June 1958

BIOLA Bible Conference

A monthly column of names in the news It’s a mystery how Dr. Nyles Huff- m«»< the late director of the unique “Air Mail from God” leaflet-drop­ ping ministry in Mexico, crashed over level, not-too-rough terrain in a plane with only 120 air hours logged on its engine. Dr. J. Leonard Bell, executive director of AMFG, recalls the 1956 crash of his associ­ ate, Ansel Allen, who was shot down just 20 miles from where Huffman died. His apprehension increased when members of the mission dis­ covered on the dashboard of another AMFG plane a religious medallion “ like a calling card” from the group which has bitterly opposed Air Mail From God and other evangelical ministries in Mexico. “ If ‘they’ had access to this plane,” Bell points out, “ they also had access to the one flown by Nyles Huffman.” In Washington, D.C., before his San Francisco Crusade, Billy Graham spent half an hour with President Eis­ enhower, an hour and a half with Vice-President Nixon, and a half hour with Senator John Kennedy. “ There is no doubt,” Graham told newsmen afterward, “ that we are nearing a climactic point in history. Events are beginning to move more rapid­ ly.” Then he stepped into Car No. 755 on the Southern Pacific’s “ The Lark” and sped to California’s Bay Area to start his history-making crusade. Newest member of the Graham team is Organist Lorin Whit­ ney, heard for 22 years on the “Ha­ ven of Rest” broadcast out of Hol­ lywood. Whitney was organist in the 1949 crusade in Los Angeles that catapulted Evangelist Graham into prominence. In New York City, Jock Wyrtxen's Word of Life Fellowship will cele­ brate its 18th anniversary with a giant youth rally in Madison Square Garden June 7 at 6 p.m. This will be the seventh Word of Life rally held in the Garden. The last one (Mar. ’55) packed the place and more than 10,000 were turned away. In the middle of April, Dayuma, first known Auca Indian convert to Christ, was baptized by Dr. V. Ray-

The shape of things to come

With the ushering in of the international geophysical year and the opening of the space age with man-made satellites, there appears to be a vitally new interest in biblical prophecy. With this in mind, the B iola Bible Conference at Mount Her- mon, Calif, this year will have the theme: “ The Shape of Things to Come.” The conference is scheduled for August 10-17 and will feature Dr. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor; Dr. S. H. Sutherland, Presi­ dent; Mr. A1 Sanders, Vice-President; Dr. Arthur B. Whiting, Chairman of the B iola Bible Department; Miss Joy Bidderhoff of Gospel Recordings. Margaret Sanders will be at the organ and Dr. Gordon Hooker at the piano. Mount Hermon (see May K.B.) is located south of San Fran­ cisco in the heavily wooded Santa Cruz Mountains. CAMPUS CARAVAN BIOLA faculty teams again this year will hold special con­ ferences in the Northwest under a project known as the Campus Caravan. These conferences are geared to meet the needs of ach individual church in which they are held. For information on either the Mount Hermon conference or the Campus Caravan conferences, write Kenneth Daniels, Di­ rector of Christian Service, The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 558 South Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.


mond Edmon (who speaks Dayuma’s language—Quichua) at the Evan­ gelical Free Church, Wheaton, 111. Meanwhile, deep in Ecuador Widow Betty Elliot continues her language studies with Monkamu and Mintaka, two Auca Indian women who fled from their jungle tribe to seek the help and protection of the mission­ aries. They will fly over their jun­ gle village to announce via loud­ speaker that they are being treated kindly and will urge others to come out. The Bible Institute of Los Ange­ les appointed radioman Al Sanders as Vice-President. At the same time the school announced it would re­ publish The Fundamentals in a con­ densed, up-to-date form edited by Charles L. Feinberg, Th.D., Ph.D., di­ rector of the Talbot Theological Seminary. The Fundamentals first appeared at the turn of the century in a series of 12 volumes distributed free to Christian workers by Oilman Lyman Stewart at a COSt of $300,000. Under the leadership of its presi­ dent, Dr- Roger J. Voskuyl, Westmont College in Santa Barbara, Calif., has made creditable gains. It has been admited to the Western College As­ sociation as a member in full stand­ ing and thus becomes nationally accredited as a Christian liberal arts college. Closely behind this news came a U.S. Steel Foundation grant of $25,000 for a new library. The eyes of Texas were upon 23- year-old Van Cliburn as he sat down at a piano in Moscow recently and rose amid resounding applause to win the Tchaikovsky International Piano Competition. Cliburn, 6 ft. 4 in., is the son of a Texas pastor and a member of the Calvary Bap­ tist Church of New York City. Said one of his friends, “He was prob­ ably praying all through the com­ petition.” For more than 17 years the gos­ pel has ridden the rails with the ambitious testimony of members of the Bailroad Evangelistic Associa­ tion, Inc., an interdenominational movement of Christian railroad men. Herman R. Rose, editor of the “ Bailroad Evangelist” announces REA’s next annual conference to be held July 15-18 at Alexandria, Va. Radiomen from all over the world will meet June 12-14 at the Moody Bible Institute, Chicago. They’ve set June 15 aside as a prayer day for missionary radio work.

SHARING is the response to the truth of being, . . . "labourers together with G od". Have you had a part in the important ministry of reaching the native peoples of the Northland? W e invite your correspondence and we welcome your participation in every way. A R C T I C M I S S I O N S , I N C . Home Office — P. O. Box 6746, Portland 66, Oregon John M. Gillespie, General Director F re e lite ra tu re m a ile d u po n re q u e st.



SHARE OUR SURPLUS Hungry children overseas are praying for food. In Korea, Hong Kong, Formosa, Germany, Egypt, Greece, Viet Nam displaced people by the millions are suffering from hunger and cold. Here in America, bountiful harvests have given us enough and to share. The government has made American surplus foods available to the World Relief Commission for shipment to hungry people abroad. $1.00 will send 148 pounds of food. $473.00 will send a carload — 70,000 pounds of food — to people who need it badly. All food and supplies shipped overseas by World Relief are distributed by evangelical Christian agencies and are accompanied by Gospel literature. Every gift you send provides a testimony of Christian love to people who are physically and spiritually in need. YOU CAN SHARE IN TWO WAYS:

Sponsor a clothing drive in your church or community, or send your own good, useable clothing to the address nearest you.

World Relief Commission, N.A.E.

World Relief Commission, N.A.E. c/o Brethren Service Center

12-19 Jackson Ave.

Nappanee, Indiana

World Relief Commission, N.A.E. I c/o Brethren Service Center 919 Emerald Ave. Modesto, Calif.

Send your cash con­ tributions for food to: World Relief Commission; N.A.E. J. Willison Smith, Jr. Treasurer 2124 Philadelphia National Bank Bldg. Philadelphia 7, Pa.

' For further information write-. World Relief Commission, N.A.E.

WENDELL L. R0CKEY, Executive Director 12-19 Jackson Ave. Long Island City 1, N. Y.


The King's Business/June 1958


T here’s an awesome lesson to be learned from the recent murder case involving Movie Star Lana Turner and her 14-year-old daughter Cheryl. When the child knifed her mother’s lover to death all America seemed to reach out sympathetic arms to mother and daughter. When a relative of the slain man requested a lie detector test be given Miss Turner and Cheryl, Beverly Hills police scoffed at the idea. The lesson was fairly obvious: if you’re a popular female and have a high-powered lawyer you can do no wrong. This is shocking. It doesn’t matter in the least that the slain man was unpopular with the police. The plain fact is that he was murdered. And everyone seemed to enjoy it thoroughly. From coast to coast newspapers headlined the story. And every story made the two women look like shiny heroines. To be sure Cheryl needs all the help and sympathy she can get. She is but a spoiled child with a blurred set of values. But what about Miss Turner? It was reported that when her latest picture was being premiered in New York shortly after the slay­ ing that the audience broke into spontaneous applause when Isn’t our logic hideously twisted when we applaud a woman who openly defies the basic laws of both society and the church? Undoubtedly the aging Miss Turner was flattered by the attention of a handsome man six years her junior. They traveled together in Europe and Mexico. They lived together in Miss Turner’s home in Beverly Hills. For what are we applauding Miss Turner? For her role as a woman? For her role as a mother? This is a starkly silhouetted picture of what is wrong with the home life of America today. Too many youngsters are adrift in a society that applauds disrespect for moral laws. What has all this sorry mess to do with the Christian? For some perhaps nothing. For others, everything. Shouldn’t the Christian father manfully take his place as the real leader in his home? Shouldn’t he determine that his children will have granite foundations upon which to build their moral values? Shouldn’t he determine to lead his family daily in Bible reading and prayer? From this tragedy can come good if we are willing to do what God is telling us to do. It may be a painful departure from our present way of Christian living but it is a departure we dare not avoid. — L.H. END- Miss Turner’s name was flashed on the screen. Where does this place the American people?

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Do We Hate Each Other? by Bob Shuler Sr.

istic teaching would blot out the Deity of Jesus, the Blood Atone­ ment, the doctrine of the bodily resurrection and other fundamen­ tal doctrines, including the inspir­ ation of the Bible itself. They there­ fore soundly hate modernism , which does not mean that they would not gladly kneel at any altar and earnestly pray for the salvation of any penitent modernist. They can and should hate modernism while they pray with love for the souls of all modernists. On the other hand, modernists believe that fundamentalists are seeking to block a social kingdom of God on earth, correct attitudes economically, solutions in contests of labor and management, in racial relations, etc. They therefore hate the narrowness (as they describe it), the so-called bigotry, the dog­ matic doctrinal positions taken by their fundamental brethren. It does not necessarily follow at all that they hate the fundamentalist himself. For many years, my Bish­ op was a known modernist. He was what is called a Liberal in theology and politics. I was the opposite. But I never felt that Bish­ op Baker hated me. He was always kind and courteous. I know I did not hate him. We were as far apart as the poles in our thinking. But I believe he would have risked his life, if needs be, to have pulled me out of the river and I know that, had I seen his boat overturned and him fighting the water for his life, I would have shed my coat, kicked off my shoes and gone after him with all I had. I don’t call that hating each other. After we got out and dried off, we would no doubt have been just as positively on the opposite sides. I know a minister who says that he can love both fundamentalists and liberals because he has gotten in the middle (on the fence, is an­ other way to put it) and is neither a fundamentalist nor a liberal. He should read the 15th verse of the 3rd chapter of Revelation. It is not an easy undertaking—this thing of being on both sides and neither side of any question. END.

A very prominent minister in Los Angeles recently said that he could not be a fundamentalist because of their hatred for the modernists and he could not in turn be a modern­ ist because of their hatred of the fundamentalists. Sometimes I won­ der if these love specialists really know what love and hate are. Cer­ tainly, it is not hate to stoutly op­ pose what a man conscientiously be­ lieves are false ideals and doctrines. If so, Paul hated Peter, for he says, “When Peter came to, Antioch, I withstood him to the face.” At the same time, Paul in his letter to the Galatians tells us that he also found James and Barnabas sacrificing their convictions because it paid them politically to go along with the majority. He gave us to under­ stand that he didn’t like it in the least. But certainly he did not hate Peter or James or Barnabas. A man can have strong convic­ tions and defend what he believes is the truth, without in the least hating anybody. I do not hold my­ self up as an example but I am re­ ported to stand as vigorously for what I believe and against what I feel I must oppose as any man in these parts. But I can with true sincerity say that if there is any man in my acquaintance whom I hate, I cannot name him. There are many whose actions I detest. I can­ not love what some about me stand for. I try to follow in the foot­ steps of the Master in my feelings toward false prophets, evildoers and the workers of iniquity everywhere. Christ with great feeling referred to some as whited sepulchres, wolves in sheep’s clothing, false prophets, serpents and a generation of vipers, hypocrites. He said of them: “How can ye escape the damnation of hell?” But he did not hate them. He died for them. In fact, there is a great deal of hypocrisy in too much pious love for everything and everybody. I have learned long ago that over- Bob Shuler Sr. is editor of The Methodist Challenge (from which this article is re­ printed) and was pastor of Trinity. Method­ ist Church of Los Angeles for 40 years.

Criticism of Billy Graham

Even while crowds flock to ■ the Graham evangelistic cru- I sade meetings in San Francis- : co’s Cow Palace, there is a : deepening tide of criticism | among various evangelical ele- ! ments and leaders throughout l the country. Aimed primarily ; at Graham’s willingness to > work with any church which : will cooperate in a campaign, : the criticism appears to have ■ had its start during the New ■ York crusade groundwork in ! 1951. j What started as word-of- ■ mouth criticism has at the ■ present time flowered into a I powerful move, with numer- : ous magazine articles, book- j lets and leaflets broadcasting ■ the anti-Graham sentiments l throughout the country. : emphasis on love is sometimes pre­ tense. It is often a camouflage. It is mouthed oftentimes as a defense when inside the heart there is deep and abiding bitterness. A genuine Christian, honest and sincere, should hate not only every evil thing but the evil in men that causes them to do evil. Nor should he be so cowardly and unChrist- like as to profess to love the wrong that even now threatens to wreck humanity. I cannot agree that fundamen­ talists hate modernists and modern­ ists hate fundamentalists simply because of their difference in rea­ soning or failure to agree. Many fundamentalists believe with justi­ fication that if modernism pre­ vailed, the gospel message would be destroyed. They think that modern­

The King's Business/June 1958


by Charles W . Mayes

W h y Our Church W en t Into The Day School Business

therefore subsidized to a greater degree) or a member of 15 other denominations served. Their costs have risen to a range of $17 to $24.75 or an average cost of about $250 for each pupil per year plus $6 for books and a $2 insurance fee. Second and third students of a family get reduced rates. Public schools in the area spend about $325 per pupil each year be­ cause of more elaborate buildings, high salaries for teachers and other reasons. A Committee of 1,000 Friends — people who probably will give $1 or more per month to Brethren schools — helps subsidize operat­ ing expenses and build new build­ ings. Half of our Board of Educa­ tion must be selected from parents who have a very active part in the general work of the school through our Parent-Teacher Fellowship. In this procedure our program is a blending of the parent-controlled and the. church-controlled system. Our curriculum follows the Cal­ ifornia state program of education plus one period of Bible in every grade every day. UCLA, Southern California’s only accrediting agen­ cy, has established the high school on good, solid accreditation. Grad­ uates of Brethren High have been accepted at Harvard, , Yale and Stanford Universities, at the Mas­ sachusetts Institute of Technology, Cal-Tech and by all the top-notch Christian colleges across the nation. There are some curriculum dis­ advantages with a high school student body of less than 500. For example, some courses have very small classes but a teacher for it

We began our program in 1947 with about 90 boys and girls in the first eight grades. We now have nearly 600 in all 12 grades (and kindergarten) and about 50 young people will be graduated from our high school this year. It was not easy to rally Christian people to this task at the beginning. We found that most church mem­ bers were secular minded. They pictured our school as a duplicate of the public system with a little Bible t e a c h i n g thrown in and naturally they objected. They com­ pletely missed the idea that a Christian school should correlate and integrate all truth with the revelation God has given through His Word. We began, therefore, with a nucleus of lay people in our church who really wanted the school and gradually other friends got the vision for it. Our first classes were held in the basement of the Seal Beach Breth­ ren Church. After two years we purchased our own property. Costs per pupil ranged from $10 a month to $24 at the beginning, depending on the grade, whether the s tudent r ode the bus and whether she was a Brethren (and

W h e n the American system of education was still in its infancy, the late Dr. A. A. Hodge of Prince­ ton University fame made the fol­ lowing prophetic statement: “ It is capable of exact demonstration that if every party in the state has the right of excluding from the public schools whatever he does not be­ lieve to be true, then he that be­ lieves most must give way to him that believes least, and he that believes least must give way to him that believes absolutely nothing, no matter in how small a minority the atheists or the agnostics may be. It is self-evident that on this scheme, if it is consistently and persistently carried out in all parts of the country, the United States’ system of national popular educa­ tion will be the most efficient and wide instrument for the propaga­ tion of atheism which the world has ever seen.” Dr. Hodge saw with an eye of remarkable prophetic discernment. In our day the Christian empha­ sis within the state school system has been reduced to practically nothing. This is not to be taken as a criticism of public education be­ cause in our day a school system agreeable to the great majority would not allow any definite Chris­ tian testimony. Since we cannot expect that the gigantic state educational system (which last year spent nearly $12 billion) shall be built to satisfy the small minority of Christian believ­ ers, I believe we must start our own Christian day schools — a constitu­ tional privilege most people aren’t aware of.

About the Author

Charles W . Mayes has been a Brethren pas­ tor for 32 years; is currently at the First Brethren C h u rch of Long Beach, Calif.

Mayes has also been a magazine editor and has taught in public schools and at Biola.


tian truth but ofttimes subtle de­ nials and the substitution of either a non-Christian or anti-Christian philosophy of life. To think that our boys and girls must be subjected to such philoso­ phies in the grades and in high school in order to make them strong when they go to college is like ask­ ing all the preachers to be familiar with all the sins and unbelief of the world before they enter the ministry. Sometimes those con­ verted from a life of drunkenness have made strong preachers but certainly this is not God’s ideal plan. Neither is it ideal for boys and girls to be taught unbelief five days a week before they are given a positive reason for their faith. 2) Although up to the present moment the Sunday school has probably been the strongest arm of the church, the Sunday school is unable to perform the gigantic task which should be done in Christian education. Even if we had all our boys and girls in Sunday school every Sunday of the year, even if we did not lose the greater percent­ age of them before they get to high school (as is the case today) and even if our Sunday schools could

need Christian elementary schools and Christian high,schools for the same reasons that we need Chris­ tian colleges, then the following principles should be considered very carefully: 1) Christian education is neces­ sary to impart a definite set of facts — the great doctrines of the Chris­ tian faith which require long and careful study. The only way to learn is to learn. Joining the church at an early age or listening to the best pastor on the continent can­ not impart to boys and girls all the information they need concerning God, Christ, the Bible, salvation and daily living. Is there any reason why boys and girls in the elementary school should not know why the Bible is the Word of God? The day is past when “ everybody b e l i e v e s the Bible” to be the Word of God. By the time the average child has fin­ ished the eighth grade he has al­ ready been subjected to a non- Christian system of education and in most cases to an anti-Christian system of education. Any parent may check the text­ books used in grades six to eight to find not only the absence of Chris­

must be paid just the same. And there may be no call for a course for which a teacher is employed. Also, athletics thrive best on the thrust of crowd enthusiasm and the more men to pick from, the better the team. Our boys play six-man tackle football, basketball and baseball be­ sides some track work. They have done well in the California Inter­ scholastic Federation prep league. Girls play basketball, volleyball, softball and speedball in a local league. In music we match the activities of the public school in vocal con­ certs and dramatic presentations. Our band is small but is being developed. Since the founding of our coun­ try, Christian people have always been interested in Christian educa­ tion for the college age. We are all very much aware of the fact that without Christian c o l l e g e s the church would lose irreparably. It would be diffcult to find any group of Protestants not interested in some Christian college. For gen­ erations churches have paid regu­ larly to support these institutions. If we are to conclude that we

Aerial view of high school and junior high operated by the Brethren Church in the Long Beach area. Private schools are costly but in this case church members have given generously and at the same time have increased their missionary budget.

The King's Business/June 1958

operate at top efficiency it still be­ comes a most difficult task to coun­ teract a worldly and secular philos­ ophy of life to which the average boy and girl is* subjected five days a week. One hundred years ago state education was f r i e n d l y toward Christian truth. Elementary school children were taught to reverence the Bible, believe in God and honor the religious life of piety and morality. Read McGuffey’s readers on which our grandfathers were reared and you will see the basic views presented in the education of that day. But America has changed. Today state education is compelled to take another view. The great majority of parents will not tolerate rever­ ence for the Bible and honor for God and Christ, which were gen­ erally accepted a century ago. In this the public school should not be blamed, for it is only the reflection of the great masses of our country. This definitely puts Christians in the place of the minority and a small minority at that. It is impossible and, in fact, undemocratic for us to expect to impose our Christian faith upon the children of the masses through the channel of state education. Does this mean that we are to surrender to the education of the state and turn our children over to the state for the 12 most formative years of their lives and then expect a few of them to go to a Christian college to find out what they be­ lieve? I believe that we influence the world not by amalgamation but by separation. 3) There is a positive need for Christian education to fulfill the requirements of the Holy Scrip­ tures for a Christian. We are told: “ But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear” (1 Pet. 3:15). It is impossible to give a reason for the hope that is in us if our own thinking is muddy with a smattering of Bible truth, a few principles of community religion and a tolerance toward the evolu­ tionary philosophy which places great question marks around the Word of God. There may be some who feel

that still we do not need Christian schools, that somehow or other through the influence of the church and home we can overrule the in­ fluence of a purely secular school. Even if this were true, how much better to have a school coordinated with a truly Christian home and a church where the Word of God is continually proclaimed. We often hear the objection that students in Christian schools are sheltered from the world. But re­ member, wherever you have young people you have “ the world.” We merely create an atmosphere where it is an honor to stand on the right side of a question. From the begin­ ning we’ve tried to maintain a bal­ ance between the academic, spir­ itual and social emphasis — with an attempt to make them all prac­ tical. Another objection is that to take the Christian out of state schools would deprive these schools of a Christian testimony. This would be true, except that very few Christian students are able to have their mes­ sage tolerated either by the state, the students or the teaching staff. The real objection is the financial load — and this a real problem. We can testify, however, that even with this added expense our foreign missionary giving has actually in­ creased per capita and last year’s offering for overseas missions was our church’s largest. My suggestion for pastors who want to start Christian schools in their communities would be to first hold a conference to gain informa­ tion and interest your membership. Call in authorities in the field to lecture and lead discussion periods. Second, learn the legal aspects of Christian schools. Our government is generally favorable to such ef­ forts, leaving much responsibility to the groups concerned, but cer­ tain z o n i n g restrictions, health regulations and other mat ters should be investigated. Third, plan for your location, staff, equipment and curriculum. You may make a very modest be­ ginning, perhaps in your own church building with one or two teachers. Fourth, launch out. Announce the opening date and trust God to enable you to meet it. We did, and He has blessed. END.

L essons o f the sea

Where wind-swept sand dunes edge the sea, Something eternal pleads with me: The barrenness, the ebbing tide, The waters surging far and wide, The lonely wastes of shifting sands— I wander there, hand touching Hand With One who loves the surging sea And stoops to walk the wastes with me.

— Mabel Madison Rader

S tay with me, Lord

"Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord." —-Luke 5:8 Stay with me, Lord, I cannot say “ de­ part,” As Peter said. Each selfish base de­ sire, Each petty thought reflected in this heart, Reveals the need of purifying fire. Stay with me Lord, and cleanse me by Thy grace: I need to look— long, long— into Thy face. —• Helen Frazee-Bower

I found a song that needed singing, And though my heart was sad, I sang for one who needed cheering And somehow made him glad. I found a task that needed doing, I worked with care and love; I found a prayer that needed praying And sent it up above. I saw a child who needed helping And set him on his way; And suddenly my heart was dancing, So light it was and gay!

—• lla' Lewis Funderburgh

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