King's Business - 1958-06


T here’s an awesome lesson to be learned from the recent murder case involving Movie Star Lana Turner and her 14-year-old daughter Cheryl. When the child knifed her mother’s lover to death all America seemed to reach out sympathetic arms to mother and daughter. When a relative of the slain man requested a lie detector test be given Miss Turner and Cheryl, Beverly Hills police scoffed at the idea. The lesson was fairly obvious: if you’re a popular female and have a high-powered lawyer you can do no wrong. This is shocking. It doesn’t matter in the least that the slain man was unpopular with the police. The plain fact is that he was murdered. And everyone seemed to enjoy it thoroughly. From coast to coast newspapers headlined the story. And every story made the two women look like shiny heroines. To be sure Cheryl needs all the help and sympathy she can get. She is but a spoiled child with a blurred set of values. But what about Miss Turner? It was reported that when her latest picture was being premiered in New York shortly after the slay­ ing that the audience broke into spontaneous applause when Isn’t our logic hideously twisted when we applaud a woman who openly defies the basic laws of both society and the church? Undoubtedly the aging Miss Turner was flattered by the attention of a handsome man six years her junior. They traveled together in Europe and Mexico. They lived together in Miss Turner’s home in Beverly Hills. For what are we applauding Miss Turner? For her role as a woman? For her role as a mother? This is a starkly silhouetted picture of what is wrong with the home life of America today. Too many youngsters are adrift in a society that applauds disrespect for moral laws. What has all this sorry mess to do with the Christian? For some perhaps nothing. For others, everything. Shouldn’t the Christian father manfully take his place as the real leader in his home? Shouldn’t he determine that his children will have granite foundations upon which to build their moral values? Shouldn’t he determine to lead his family daily in Bible reading and prayer? From this tragedy can come good if we are willing to do what God is telling us to do. It may be a painful departure from our present way of Christian living but it is a departure we dare not avoid. — L.H. END- Miss Turner’s name was flashed on the screen. Where does this place the American people?

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