King's Business - 1911-03


Many seek signs and wonders. They want g miracles, the gift of tongues, or some ' strange experience. The largest faith is that which depends alone upon God's Holy Word. < Matt. 16:1; Luke 16:31; 1 Cor. 1:22. * Faith Manifested. To this test the nobleman responded nobly; Come down ere my child die. "Go thy way." He proved his faith by leisurely journeying* to his home. He asked for no sign. He accepted the message, "thy son llveth" as a fact. He expected to find his son healed < and he was not disappointed. 1 Kings 17: 13, 15; 2 Kings 5:10-15; Luke 17:14; Acts 14:9-14. * Faith Perfected. The father knew that it was the same hour. How strengthening to our faith is the proof He gives. The way to larger faitlj^ is in the use of that we have. He believed and his whole house. He believed in a larger sense and his household joined him. ( What a happy home. If you want your home to be a joyful. one, believe with all your heart. Luke 19:9; Acts 2:39; 18:8. Faith < can remove mountains, Matt. 21:25. The Lord has much for us that we do not receive from lack of faith. There is health for body and vigor for Soul for the asking and receiving. World's Selfishness. The whole world In need and the whole world waiting for something to occur, wait- ing for some place, person, season or shrine., Some great one and holy one, locking out for number one. Hear the wail of this man. "I have no man." Human nature asserts itself. Men are crowded out. Men step upon others to obtain their own ends. No one cares for number two, save the Son of Man and he to whom the Son of Man im- ports His own self-sacrificing Spirit. Rom. 5:6; 2 Cor. 1:8-10. The World's Saviour. The Lord found the friendless man and spoke the question which inspired faith and opened the way for his cure. There is One who sees, one who knows and One who cares. There is One who lives for number two and who will be friend of the friend- less. "Rise, take up thy bed and walk.' Who but God could speak such a command Immediately. Would you not have enjoyed seeing this man who had not walked for thirty-eight years, going away in the con- scious power of full-fledged health. What a testimony that was. Before, his bed carried him, now he carried his bed. The sins that formerly enslaved us are now held in sub- jection by us and our victory over our habits is the witness to the saving and keeping power of our Lord. Mark 1:31, 42; 5:29; Acts 3:7, 8., «


Jno. 4:47-54. Jesus and His followers are back in Cana again where He worked His first miracles. A call awaits Him to which He gives imme- diate response. A nobleman seeks health for his dying son. Faith's Birth. He heard of Jesus. Faith cometh by hearing. Rom; .10:17. The seed of faith is the Word of God. The develop- ment of Faith is like the unfolding of a plant. There Is first the blade, then the ear then the full corn in the ear. Mark 4-28. Faith is inspired through testimony. We ought to have deep experiences with the Lord. Such definite answers to our prayers, such help in time of trouble, such results in saving souls that our lives would be con- tinually saying, "Come and See." Jno. 1:46. Let Him do much through you. .Keep a book of remembrance and record His doings. Mark 2:1-3; 6:55-56; 10:47. Faith's Trial. The Lord always tests our faith. This He does that He may prove us, 1 Pet. 1:7, and thus he develops our faith. He tested Peter on the wa,ter, Matt. 14:28-31. He tested Philip when the multitudes were to be fed. Jno. 6:6; Isa. 48:10; Psa. 66:10, 12; Mai. 3:3. . . . . . . t Here if. a world picture. It is a time of a feast of the Jews and thousands of them had gathered from all over the land and from other lands. Our Lord turned His back upon the city of Jerusalem with all its r e- ligious gaiety and joyfulness and wended His way to the pool of Bethesda. The World's Wretchedness. The gather- ing at the pool was composite in character. Impotent folk, those who were weak, lan- guishing and dying. Blind, who had eyes but could not see—like the Pharisees, Sad- ducees and Doctors, no light from God pen- etrated their souls. Halt, those who were unable to walk, struggling, stumbling and falling. Withered, those whose faculties and power were wasted by sin. The serpent has dragged his slimy body down the centuries leaving a trail of suffering and woe that is universal. To such a scene the Lord cQtnes. This poor world is a seething mass of sin- stricken ones. Matt. 15:30; Mark 3:1-4. Weakness of the Wtorld. The world is helpless. Like the woman who was bound by Satan, Luke 13:11, as was Paul in Rom. 7:21-22. There is no power within ourselves or in others to do what is needed for us. Matt. 9:36; 15:30; Luke 7:22; Rom. 5:29. THE FRIENDLESS MAN'S FRIEND. Jno. 5:1-18.

Lesson XII.—March 19

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