King's Business - 1911-03



(3) Reward of good and punishment of evil. (4) A judgment seat upon which the judge can sit. All of these were surrendered by God to this Son. It is not the province of the Father or the Spirit to judge, "for all judg- .ment hath been committed to the Son. "Compare Ezek. 18:30; Heb. 10:30, 31; Jno. 8:50; Dan. 7:13. The Son must therefore be honored even as the Father. (II) Jesus Claimed Deity. Vs. 24. , His Word is the voice of God. He has the power to give unto men eternal life and He will never judge those to whom has been •given eternal life. (III) He proves Deity by Telling Future Events. Vs. 25-29. (1) At the sound of His voice dead souls . shall live. Vs. 25. v (2) The power and source of life lies with Him. Vs.' '26. (3) "He has power to execute judgment, vs: 27. (4) He has also authority over dead bodies. Vs. 28-29. "(IV) He Claims Oneness of Will. There is perfect unison in action and no . conflict of authority. He delights to do the . Father's Will and the Father says, "This fs my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." son for the Spring term. . ,A students' supper and social was held for the members of the day classes on a recent Thursday night. The meal was fur- nished by Mrs. Emma Lucas and the ca- tering by the lady members. It was a time of real profit. An opportunity was afford- ed for acquaintance with the new students. The evening closed with the observance of the Lord's Supper. A WONDERFUL MEETING. The February meeting of the Fisher- men's Club and Girls' Lyeeum was a not- : able gathering, over four hundred being present. The Spirit of thç Lord was there in,power and the testimonies-were very ef- fective. There was deep conviction and many were led to make a full surrender of life to the Lord. ...One young man hurried downstairs from the meeting and finding two young men on the street brought them back and both confessed the Lord. Dr. J. B. P r a tt has been holding evan- gelistic meetings in Spokane. In omi church .a plumber was converted. He brought the men of his establishment to .the service and all were converted. Now

y,; Up to this period in the Lord's ministry there had -been no determined opposition, no decided unbelief. But now a strong cur- ^ rent of opposition was set in motion, emanating in Judea. The Master commenced , to speak in' different tones and His mes- s a g e s were not so popular. In this lesson He declares the cp-operation of Father and Son in service. Oneness of Personality. In action, Vs. 19. The Son does what He v sees the Father do. Compare Gen. 1:1 and Jno. 1:3 with Qol. 1:17. In Knowledge, Vs. 20. 'He knew ail things. I Jno. 2:25; 6:44; Matt. 14:4. In Prerogative, Vs. 21. To give life. All power was given unto- Him. Matt. 28:18. ^ j n o. 11:25-7:2. - • In Authority. Judgment committed unto Him. Jno. 3:55; Acts 10:42; Rom. 2:16; 2 V Cor. 5:10. None but God can judge, so He must be God manifest in the flesh. The whole discourse turned' upon this point. 'There are four essentials in a judge. (1) The Power to Judge. ' This must be unquestioned. (2) The approval of good and rejection of evil. INSTITUTE ITEMS. Mr. Laurenteie of the -day «lass has started a Sunday afternoon service for French speaking people. ' The meeting is V' held in thè parlor of the Institute and is being well attended." Mr. Fujita, our Japanese student, has been called to give oversight to the Jap- anese Mission in Santa Ana. He eomes up every day for his class work. The Lord is graciously' using him ' in personal and public work. He had five professed con- versions since coming to the School. ' Elliott Barrett and Earl Olin are hold- ing evangelistic meetings fòr young people ' in Highland, California, and are meeting with good success. We .look upon these t services as the most hopeful sign for the f u t u re of the Church. Dr. J . A. Gordon, who has for some time had charge of a well selected library of books designed for personal workers has placed the library in our Book Boom, mak- ing it available for the use of the public. The library contains excellent ' Works on prayer and devotional subjects. A number of new students ..registered during February and wé-are in correspond- ence with others who hope to come in- sea- I nstitute Items

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