NOVEMBER, 1962 (with materials heard during October) BIOLANS IN JAPAN see page 11
The BibleIestituteHour CALIFORN IA Bakersfield-Wasco KAFY 550
B I O I j -A.
broadcaster Monthly Publication o f the BIOLA FELLOWSHIP Vol. 2 No. 11 NOVEMBER 1962 CONTENTS COMMANDS FOR CONCERNED CHRISTIANS ................................ 3 PANEL DISCUSSIONS .................... 7 THE BIOLA SCHOOL OF MISSIONARY MEDICINE ......... 11
7:30 A.M. Sun. 9:30 A.M. MTWTF
Chico-Marysville KHSL Fresno-Dtauba KCIB
1290 8:30 A.M. Sun.
94.5 (FM)
6:30 P.M. MTWTF
8:30 A.M.MTWTF
Los Angeles KBBI
107.5 (FM)
8:30 A.M. MTWTF 9:00 A.M. MTWTF
Los Angeles-Long Beach KGER
1390 11:00 A.M. MTWTF 1390 12:30 A.M. MTWTF
Oxnard-Ventura-Santa Barbara KOXR 910
8:30 A.M. MW F
Sacramento KEBR
(FM) 10:30 A.M. MW F
Redding-Red Bluff KQMS San Bernardino KFXM
8:00 A.M. MTWTF
590 1350
7:30 A.M. Sun. 9:00 A.M. MTWTF 8:00 A.M. MTWTF 8:30 P.M. MTWTF 7:30 A.M. Sun 8:45 A.M. MTWTF 10:30 A.M. MTWTF 9:00 P.M. MTWTF 9:00 P.M. MTWTF
San Diego XEMO
860 860 910
San Francisco KFAX
.13 ..17
97.3 (me)
810 (me)
KGO-FM 103.7
Santa Maria
1440 7:00 A.M. Sun.
9:00 A.M. Sun.
KHOM 93.1 (FM)
.23 .27 .28 .30
MTWTF 790 8:00 A.M. 790 3:00 A.M. MTWTF
KW IL Ashland-Medford Coquille-Coos Bay KWRO Portland KRVC
8:30 A.M. MTWTF
8:30 A.M. MW F
800 11:30 A.M. MTWTF 11:30 A.M. MTWTF
93.7 (FM)
COVER: Taken by Miss Leonie V. Soubirou, dean of the Biola School of Missionary Medicine. See page 11.
550 630 Blaine-Vancouver, B.C. KARI Seattle-Tacoma KGDN Spokane
11:30 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 5:30 P.M.
1330 1330
9 :0 0 P. M . Monday through Friday 50,000 watts
8:00 A.M. MW F
Albuquerque, New Mexico KARA 1310 Belgrade, Montana KGVW 630 Billings, Montana KURL 730 Caldwell-Boise KBFM 94.1 (FM) KBGN 910 Deerfield, Virginia W ABH 1150 Denver KLIR 990 Glendive, Montana KGLE 590 Lapeer, Michigan W MPC 1230 Madison, Wisconsin W RVB 102.5 (FM) Miamisburg, Ohio WFCJ 93.7 (FM) Phoenix, Arizona KHEP 1280 Pueblo-Colorado Springs KFEL 970 Tuscon KAIR 1490
7:00 A.M. 1:00 P.M. 8:00 A.M. 8:30 A.M. 8:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 8:30 A.M. 1:00 P.M. 3:30 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 10:00 P.M. 9:00 A.M. 8:30 A.M. 8:00 A.M.
STAFF President ...... S. H. Sutherland Editor .....................Ruth D. Gill Supervision „Thomas E. Steele Production ............. A1 Sanders P rin tin g ............... Church Press Published monthly by the Radio Dept. BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Cal,
Controlled circulation postage paid at Los Angeles, California, 1
Commands fo r Concerned Christians F requently complaints are made however, do people face the facts and about the moral and spiritual realize that the real problem is par- condition of young people. Seldom, (continued on next page) 3
times we wonder why we get so frus trated with a multiplicity of problems and are unable to approach the fu ture. If we fail to grasp our problems it is because we have not given our all to Christ. Parents must come to under stand that God wants their love and He wants their obedience. Now if mom and dad are going to reach into the young life of their child to teach them the precepts of the Lord — that child must be sure, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that he sees this love for and obedience to God in the life "A Mother's Prayer" I do not ask riches for my children, Nor even recognition for their skill; I only ask that Thou wilt give them A heart completely yielded to Thy will. I do not ask for wisdom for my chil dren Beyond discernment of Thy grace; 1 only ask that Thou wilt use them In Thine own appointed place. I do not ask for favor for my chil dren To seat them on Thy left hand or Thy right; But may they join the throng In heav en That sing before Thy Throne so bright. I do not seek perfection in my chil dren, From them my own faults 1 would hide; I only ask that we may walk to gether And serve our Saviour side by side. — Phyllis Didricksen of his parents! Christian homes do not just happen, they are planned in much prayer before God. One of the greatest needs today is in the area of the Christian home. How sadly the battlements of this last bul wark of Christianity have been fading away as castles of sand before the rush of vast waters. We know doctrine, the ology, and Christian practice, yet our homes fall apart. And here we wish to bring the ques- 4
Commands for Parents (continued) ental delinquency. There is no mode, moral, or method adopted by the young person that he has not acquired by following the pattern or example of some -adult. A man, in conversing with a stran ger, lamented the trouble with our youth, even in the style of clothing they wear. He said, “It is deplorable the way the young people dress today — well, for example, look at that girl over there, why at first glance one could not tell, for sure, that she is not a boy.” Whereupon the person re sponded, “I’ll have you know, sir, that happens to be my daughter.” Some what embarrassed, the man apologized saying, “Oh, I’m sorry — I did not know you are her father.” But he was further shocked with file words, “I’m not, I’m her mother!” Yes, the young follow the pattern of the adults. The sixth chapter of the Book of Deuteronomy, which deals with this subject, gives the command to parents as well as to children, stating the ne cessity of obeying God’s truth, for prom ise comes with obedience. This in no way suggests one must work to obtain eternal salvation. The Scriptures state that no flesh shall be justified by the deeds of the Law. The Bible teaches us, as Christians, that we are saved by Grace through faith, plus nothing! And that if we do not obey His will for our lives we lose the blessing, .the fruitfulness, the fel lowship and the reward. Paul declared, “I keep under my body . . . ” I Cor. 9:27. By this he meant that he made sure that he was safe spiritually, lest he be disqualified while teaching oth ers. God wants our love, first of all, and then He desires obedience. In Deuter onomy 6:4, 5, the command was given to the Children of Israel just before they entered the promised land, “Hear 0 Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord. And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all .thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.” This passage embodies every part of man’s being — heart, soul and mind. Some
it is the responsibility of Christian par ents. As the father and mother in the home we teach by example, an example which must be a sincere testimony which is Spirit-filled. In the 8th verse of Deuteronomy 6, Moses set down, “Thou shalt take the precepts of the Lord and shalt bind them for a sign upon thy hand, and they shall be as fontlets between thine eyes, and thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house and on thy gates.” According to custom with the Israel ites, a small piece of parchment was used whereupon were written the laws of God and this was bound about their wrists. Also the frontlets were fastened around the head between the eyes. The frontlets were small boxes into which portions of Scripture were placed. Now the laws of God upon the wrists and the frontlets containing verses of Scrip tures were constant and visible remind ers that he might dwell upon the teach ings of the Lord. In the time of our Saviour, the front- lets were called phylacteries — later, however, they degenerated into nothing more than good luck charms. You see, tying portions of scripture around the head would be as meaningless to them as memorized verses today which some let roll off the tip of their tongue, the richness having never reached their heart. In drawing these thoughts to bear upon the one vital point of bringing your child up in the nurture and ad monition of the Lord, let us note that Isaiah forcefully points out that “the father to the children, shall make known God’s truth” — the father is markedly responsible in this privilege. The exhortation is, “Thou shalt. teach them (the precepts of the Lord) dili gently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.” Let us-not forget that in talking of the love and obedience of the parent toward the Lord that we must tie in (continued on next page) 5
tion of how we are going to teach the precepts of God? In many homes, par ents find that personal devotions around the breakfast table are effective, mak ing sure that sufficient time is avail able for all. In our own home, we re tire to the living room after dinner, disregarding the dishes, and spend time together around the Word of God. This works wonderfully for us; it might not fit into the home schedule of others. We like a Bible story book, going through the Word of God selecting sto- rises which reveal the condition of man and the need of his personal salvation. Also, we select a book of practical il lustrations as to day by day Christian faith. Bible memorization should defi nitely be included so that when prob lems arise, there will always be a verse of Scripture quickened to meet our need from memory’s storehouse. Then, of course, our time of sharing in prayer, which is blessed. Christian training is not the job of a Sunday School or the Christian day school, nor yet the Christian College —
Mr. Jim Allen, Tuscon, Arizona, is featured this month on the broadcast.
Biola Field Representative Honored for 25 Years of Service Mr. Eugene Poole (seated with his wife, Helen), is honored for having served the Lord and the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc., for more than 25 years. His ministry has been that of Field Representative in West Los Angeles, Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Counties. Standing from left to right are Biola administrative officials: Rev. Ray Weiskopf, Director of the Stewardship Department-, Mr. Paul Schwepker, Controller; Mr. Spur geon Elder, Director of the Personnel De partment; and Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland , President of Biola.
after forty years of wandering in the wilderness, to enter into the promised land. Now there is a very beautiful anal ogy between the Children of Israel, who were redeemed by the shedding of the blood of a lamb in the land of Egypt and the child of God, who, too, has his wilderness pilgrimage in this life and is redeemed by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. The child of God also looks forward to entering the prom ised land, even the glories of eternal life in heaven with the Saviour forever more. Are you rearing your child in the precepts of the Lord and bringing him to know and love God’s Word? 6
Commands for Parents (concluded) with that, the fact of the love and obed ience of the child toward the parent. Discipline of the child is one thing upon which the Scriptures insist as we see in Proverbs 13:24 — “He that spar- eth his rod, hateth his son, but he that loveth him chaseneth him be times.” I am grateful that I was reared according to that Scripture. Perhaps it would be well to bring to your at tention, again, the statement that “A child can sometimes be straightened up by being bent over.” In the sixth chapter of Deuteronomy Moses gives his last address to the Chil dren of Israel. The Israelites are ready,
Panel Discussions
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(Interesting questions sent in by radio listeners)
Q . El Centro, California — “Is it wrong for a Christian to serve on a jury?” A. To begin with, we must read the 13th chapter of Romans. This Scripture does not pertain directly to serving in the church, but it does point, very def initely, to our relationship to the au thorities, both civil and judicial, of our land and of our communities. We are to recognize that the civil powers are ordained of God. Further more, we are to take our place in the civil life of a community and a nation. We believe that a Christian should serve on a jury — it is a part of our God-given privilege in this Country. If we want to keep our various freedoms, such as right of trial by jury, I would be ashamed, as a Christian, to have this protection and then give some doubt ful excuse to evade service. Remember, these freedoms have been won through much effort and sacrifice! Q , San Diego, California — “What is the difference between an elder and a bish op?” A. The answer to this question is an easy one to find — there is no differ ence. An elder — the Greek word is presbuteros—has reference to age qual ification. The individual must be ma ture in experience. In Israel, when there were spiritual matters upon which they must decide, they didn’t do that with novices. So the elder has the thought of maturity and judgment. The word bishop is from the Greek word Episkopos •— he is an overseer. You will find Paul meeting the elders at Miletus (Acts 20:17) and when he wrote to his son in the faith — Timo thy, he cautioned him in I Timothy 3:1, 2, to be careful how he would
choose the overseers. Now these two offices in the church are found in Phil- ippians 1:1 — the bishops and deacons. That is Biblical church government, the bishops (or elders) and deacons. Q , Santa Maria, California — “Does a Christian have to live according to the Commandments of the Law?” A. We take it that they mean the Ten Commandments here. The Ten Com mandments were given to the Jews, they were the moral code by which the Jews were to conduct themselves. In the New Testament, every one of the Ten Commandments was repeated in some way in connection with .the Christian’s conduct except the one that has to do with their worship on the Sabbath day. There is no reference in the New Testament, whatever, as to worshipping on the Seventh day! Paul went into the synagogue on the Sab bath, as we read in the Acts, but he went there because that is where the Jews had congregated and he wanted to talk with them. Certainly, he did not go there to worship on the seventh day. Paul wanted to present the claims of the Lord Jesus Christ to the Jews. So we do not serve the Ten Com mandments as such except as they are repeated in the New Testament for Christian usage and guidance. Q . Pear Blossom, California — “Why was Jesus baptized?” A. There is a great deal of comment of our Lord Jesus Christ when He came to be baptized of John the Baptist. As a matter of fact, John indicated that he, rather than Christ, should be baptized. In Matt. 3:14 John said, “. . . I have (continued on next page)
is to provide for the household in tem poral needs. Q . Phoenix, Arizona — “Why did the Apostles baptize in Jesus? Name rather than in the title of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost?” A. Actually, Matthew 28:18-20 gives us "FAITH HAS A MEANING" Faith isn't some sort of mystical thing. Or the words of a beautiful creed, Or prayers penned by poetical souls. That people stand up and read. For faith is the thing that prompts us to go, And give to the hungering, bread. Oh, faith means more than a doctrine or two, For faith without works is dead! Faith means not only bending of knees, Or lifting of prayer hands, Or something that makes the bounti ful God Comply with our mortal demands. Faith sends us girded and ready to serve The masses that need to be fed. Faith means more than a murmured prayer, For faith without works is dead! Then give us. Oh, Master, the faith that wlU go, And minister day after day — Will even accept the arms of the cross. If best it may serve in that way. For faith, like the Shepherd who went for His sheep, Though red were the rocks where He bled. Oh, faith means more than a song or two, For faith without works is dead! —Author Unknown the baptismal formula which has been wisely and rightly used throughout the Christian centuries and that is, baptiz ing in the Name — notice it is sing ular, one God and He exists in three Persons. However, it is still that the Apostles baptized in Jesus’ Name, Acts 8
Panel Discussions (continued) need to be baptized of thee, and contest thou to me?” Now notice our Lord’s an swer in Matt. 3:15 — . suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness. Then he suf fered Him.” Now you will notice that in this passage those who were coming to be baptized of John, came confessing their sins. Our Lord Jesus Christ could never, never be implicated with sin anymore than God the Father or God the Holy Spirit. We want to make this clear, une quivocal, at this point that the Lord Jesus Christ was not baptized without reason. These other folk of Israel were coming confessing their need — and then came Christ for He wanted to meet the people at the very place where they recognized or acknowledged their need. Ultimately He was going to meet them when He would fulfil all righteousness in a complete way, namely, at the Cross! Q . San Gabriel, California — “I have two little children, three and two years old. My husband declares I should find em ployment like other women. I feel I should stay at home and look after my children. What does the Bible teach concerning this matter?” A. We believe very definitely that the Word of God teaches that the woman’s place is in the home. We do not want to cast aspersions upon any woman who is employed and can carry home re sponsibilities — nor do we want to divide the husband and wife in this regard. The husband and wife should pray about this very definitely and be patient and understanding. If there are financial emergencies and the mother is needed to work for a while to meet them where conditions are extraordi nary, that is to be considered, but the principle certainly is for the ihother to stay at home and see that the chil dren are brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. The moth er’s place is to take care of the children and the home and the father’s place
M A N 'S INVENTIVE M IN D and genius amaze us with their products. For example, $5.00 worth of raw steel, which is a small amount, can be taken into a watch factory and made into hair springs valued at more than $60,000. Of course, the same steel may be made into knives, guns, shovels, or a number of other items, none of which would be worth as much as these tiny hair springs. $60,000 from but $5.00 worth of raw steel! Locked within every piece of metal is a tre mendous potential — it all depends upon the use to which it is placed. There is not a great deal you can accomplish for God until you turn yourself over to the Master Crafts man, the Lord Jesus Christ who ex pands your wee mite into great pow er to His glory. MOVING COSTS EVERYONE If you have just moved, or are planning to do so, you know all that is involved. But did you realize that your move can also cost the Lord's work? If you have moved and have not as yet informed us, from now on it will cost Biota 8 cents (rather than 4) in order to have the post office give us the in formation concerning your new address. If you use a post card, or the forms provided by the post office, this will mean a sub stantial savings for the work of the Lord. With a quarter of the population moving every year, according to statistics, you can well imagine what this will ulti mately mean for Biola. Thank you for your prayer ful help in this, as well as in our other ministries for the Lord Jesus Christ.
2:38, is one of the passages. Here Peter said, . . Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spir i t ” Now, which is correct? When Christ spoke in Matthew 28:18-20, we were given the formula for the rite of bap tizing. Then in Acts 2:38 when Peter spoke saying that they be baptized in the Name of Jesus, this was said at a time when the Jews were coming out of Judaism and the Messiahship was the point at issue. The Jews did not question anything mentioned about God and the Holy Spirit in Genesis — their problem was belief in the Messiahship. Therefore, when they left Judaism, em phasis was put upon the Name of Jesus in the rite of baptism. The Jews who were converts were thus recognizing the authority, the Messiahship, and the redeeming work of the Saviour. Hence, the content of the two passages given. Q . Centralis, Washington — “Did Job backslide?” A. Well, as one reads through the Book of Job, one might be inclined to feel that Job had backslidden rather griev ously in the light of some of his state ments when he was under great strain of testing. One is surprised to find that God considered him otherwise. Job was a man in whom God delighted — in fact, God put him on display, so to speak. The passage found in the Book of Job 42:7, 8 opens up God’s mind for us with reference to Job — “. . . the Lord said to Eliphaz the Temanite, My wrath is kindled against thee, and against thy two friends; for ye have not spoken of me the thing that is right, as my ser vant Job hath. Therefore take unto you now seven bullocks and seven rams, and go to my servant Job, and offer up for yourselves a burnt offering; and my servant Job shall pray for you; for him will I accept; lest I deal with you after your folly, in that ye have not spoken of me the thing which is right, like my servant Job.”
"Keep your Bible open and you'll not find the door to heaven closed."
" If success made the heart swell like it does the head, we would, perhaps, live in a better world/'
W ITH THE OPEN ING OF HIGH SCHOOLS A N D COLLEGES much scof fing and ridicule against the Word of God again finds its way into the classroom. But the Bible has never been tried and found wanting. It has just not been tried by most people. In a certain land the king ordered a young preacher to go to the chapel and expound from the pulpit what ever subject was written on a piece ' of paper. The king’s questionable sense of humor was to show up the man of God. The young minister mounted the platform, he opened the folded paper only to find that it was blank, and he quickly sensed the amusement that swept over the audience. But in the power of the Spirit he began, “Friends, on this piece of paper there is nothing written. I am not disap pointed for because of it I am not limited in what I shall say. “I wish to speak, therefore, on the subject of “The Power of Nothing," for we read in the Book of Job, chap ter 26, that ‘He . . . hangeth the earth upon nothing.’ Now if the Lord God is so able to construct this globe that it must rest upon nothing, how much more should you and I, as frail creatures, make sure we rest our all upon Him.” * * * "Usually we find that our enemies are really friends whom we have never taken the trouble to under stand."
IT HAS BEEN WELL SA ID that the reason many people do not come to Christ is because they may not read the Bible bound in morocco, but they do read it bound in shoe leath er. In other words, you, my friend, are the only Christian somebody knows. That is why God has said that we are to be living epistles known and read of all men. A young Bible student got on the bus and after he had asked for change for a dollar and pu t. the proper amount into the receptacle, he went to his seat. When he sat down he counted the coins that he had left and discovered that he had been giv en too much change. For a moment he pondered whether or not he should bother returning the extra coins. While the temptation was strong to keep the money, he decided it was best to go back to the driver and return it. You can imagine his sur prise when he heard the man at the wheel say with a smile, “You know, I was at your preaching service last night and I enjoyed it. But when I saw you get on the bus I purposely gave you too much change just to see whether or not you practiced what you preached.” * "The perfume of holiness is dis tilled in the soul by quiet, intimate communion with the Rose of Sharon.' * *
about this month’s cover:
Biola School of Missionary Medicine
“TH/HcutU a*td *t¥a/iu**U by Miss Leonie V. Soubirou
Ministering to the physical needs, Biola graduates work around the globe bringing the good news of eternal life. ing and hearing them! What a joy to see some of the fru it of the labor of our own dear graduates! Life, for Japan’s youth, appears to be inconsistent. A survey reports that they are saying: “What is there to live for? Adults do not practice what they preach. What purpose is there in study ing? The future holds no more — world conditions are unsettled.” Many be tween the ages of 15 and 24 commit suicide. Many young people are living in absolute darkness. Communistic ma terialism is the dominant teaching of the day. Who is going to show them the way, the truth, and the light? Our missionaries’ hearts are bur dened. Biola is concerned and we are training men and women to go out to reach children and youth of every coun try. Pray the Lord of harvest that he may thrust forth workers. Pray for Minami and Harumi and all the other precious children and young people of Japan.
Dean, Biola School of Missionary Medicine
Japan, the land of the rising sun, is surely the land of lovely children. On our recent trip to visit with Biola grad uates it was our joy to meet Minami and Harumi, pictured on the cover. These two third-graders came by after school, and as you w ill note, they are carrying their books in briefcases swung over their shoulders in the typical school-girl fashion for Japan. But, they were more joyful than the typical school children of Japan. Why? They were Christians! Both Minami and Harumi live in Okaya, a small village about four-and- a-half-hours train ride from Tokyo. Okaya is situated on a beautiful lake and is the center of silk-thread produc tion in Japan. The two missionaries in this village are Biola graduates, Don and Mary MeAlpine ’50. The little girls attend a Bible class taught by our mis sionaries and had come by after school especially to see the American guests and to recite Bible verses and sing a few choruses. What a joy was ours in see-
tion through faith can take the slums out of a man. Margaret Slattery, a social worker in New York City, came in contact w ith a child crippled from birth. After great effort in raising money, she placed the child in the hands of an eminent surgeon with marked results. Soon the child was taking steps, then walking followed. If you are expecting to hear of an unusual success story in life, we shall have to disappoint you for this child chose a crooked path through intervening years and is now be hind bars, paying for a crime against society. You see, medical science is great enough to make a crippled boy walk, but only God can show him how and where to walk. * "Look out for the man who has several irons in the fire, you might get burned with one of them." POPULARITY DOES NOT DEPEND UPON A PRETTY FACE or upon being hand some, but upon inner qualities of true Godly character. These quali ties are readily sensed by others. They may be a gentle voice, a God ly friendliness, tender kindnesses, thoughtful of the position of another, patient, loving and gracious. You cannot sow these seeds in the lives of others until first of all the plants are growing within you. The Bible says, “. . . the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long- suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.” Let each make his own applica tion for who would know better what is within the heart other than God? * *
"In this electronic age all a woman has to do to run her home properly is to keep plugging." * * * I A M NOT CERTAIN why it is, but for same reason Texas comes in for its share of jokes, and that right often. But this time they w ill serve in il lustration. As a matter of fact, a very excel lent illustration, for they have with in their borders a town which ap pears on the map as Uncertain, Tex as. According to a recent news re port the town w ill have some solidar ity from now on as a recent election brought them incorporation and there w ill be a mayor, a marshal, and five aldermen. This town is located northeast of Marshall near the Louisiana border. Can you imagine one of the resi dents going to a distant city and when asked by the hotel clerk his place of residence, he would respond, “Uncertain.”? Seriously, there are multitudes who live in “Doubt’ and “Unbe lie f’ — and they are uncertain about their position before God — they are lost souls and Oh, so needlessly. The Apostle John wrote, “These things (that is the Word of God) have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God, that ye may know that ye have eternal life.” * "One way to keep people from jumping down your throat is to make sure that your mouth is dosed." * * * IT HAS BEEN W ELL SAID that refor mation may be able to take a man out of the slums; but only regenera * *
I n our last message we discussed briefly the NEED TO LOVE AND BE LOVED. Today we are going to dis cuss briefly the problem of Fear. Certainly we live in a world that is gripped by fears, both of the real and unreal. Dr. James F. Bender, psycholo gist for the National Institute for Hu man Relationships, described the sit uation in this way: “If we were to be lieve all the distorted, fear-provoking information spoon-fed us through all media of communications, this is what our existence would be like: By 1968, one out of every five of us would be
dying of cancer, while one out of every 20 would be in a mental institution. We probably would be visited from time to time in the hospital by one of our children, a victim of cerebral palsy or polio, while a second child would be at home ill of rheumatic fever. A third child would, under these circumstances, be forced to go to his psychoanalyst alone. This could only happen if we were fortunate to have escaped the effects of heart disease, tu berculosis, arthritis, and if we had not been previously destroyed by Fourth of (continued on next page) 13
is classified as a Neurotic, in the less severe cases, or a Psychotic, where mental disorders actually result. Fear brings serious consequences in the life of an individual who “does not learn to meet and to deal with the prob lem. We are told that fear can result in an over-occupation with ourselves and our own feelings that will render us physically helpless or severely inhibited in this respect. A great many psychosomatic illnesses result from fears. Doctors Edward Weiss and 0. Spurgeon Engilish, in a book entitled Psychosomatic Medicine (W.. B. Saunders Co., Baltimore), state that "The Book" When I am tired, the Bible is my bed; Or in the dark, the Bible is my light. When I am hungry, it is vital bread; Or fearful, it is armor for the fight. When I am sick, 'tis healing medicine; Or lonely— thronging friends I find therein. Should I be lost, the Bible is my guide; Or naked, it is raiment rich and warm. Am I imprisoned, it ranges wide; Or tempest-tossed, a shelter from the storm. Would I adventure, 'tis a gallant sea; Or would I rest, it is a flowery lea. Does gloom oppress? The Bible is a sun. Or ugliness? It is a garden fair. Am I athirst? How cool its currents run! Or stifled? What a vivifying air! Since" thus thou givest of thyself to me. How should I give myself, great Book, to thee? “In spite of the enormous incidence of cardiovascular disease, the majority of patients who have symptoms referred to the heart region do not have evidence of organic disease.” When we fear or get angry, the su prarenal glands discharge adrenalin into the blood stream, causing the liver to release sugar into the blood stream, producing muscular energy. In the case of real fear, this factor can result in the extra measure of energy or strength
Pathway of Fear (continued) July or Memorial Day accidents. Com bine this picture with the fear of the atomic bomb, economic upheaval and total war, and perhaps you can appre ciate the impact of fear and anxiety in our day-to-day experience.” (Victory Over Fear, Coward-McCann, Inc., N. Y.) Dr. Bonaro W Overstreet, in stating ■the problem of fear today says: “Of all the emotional forces that pattern our individual and interpersonal behaviors, fear has the most, insidious power to make us do what we ought not to do and leave undone what we ought to do. Under its influence, and trying to escape its influence, we seem fated to give it a yet stronger hold on us.” (Understanding Fear, Harper Brothers, N. Y., 1951) Let us look for a moment at what fear is. Webster defines it as a painful emotion caused by alarm.” Psycholo gists tell us that “Fear is a general term. It covers fright, dismay, conster nation, panic, terror and horror.” (Ben der, Victory Over Fear, Coward-Mc- Cann, Inc., N. Y., p. 19) It is “The reaction of the body to a threat to its well-being.” There are two types of fear, we are told. Real fear is in response to a real- life situation. This kind of fear is ra tional, related to an experience as it is actually happening, such as an auto mobile accident. But there is also a fear that is un real, sometimes called anxiety and in other instances phobia. This is a fear of that which is intangible, unrelated to a specific threat and characterized by a feeling of danger from an unknown source. One psychologist has defined this second type of fear as “a painful uneasiness of mind over something in the future, something unknown, some thing we can’t flee from” (Lester L. Coleman, M. D.). We are told that pho bias sometimes develop from simple anxieties resulting in irrational, per sistent dread of a particular object or situation, a condition which can no longer be helped by reassurance or an appeal to wisdom. Such a person then
certainty is not a valid cause for fear. The psalmist says concerning fear, “What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee” (Ps. 56:3). Indeed, as some one has said, “When we stop trusting, we start fearing.” The Scripture states that as Christians “We walk by faith and not by sight” (2 Cor. 5:7). As a sheep fully trusting the wisdom and benevolence of the shepherd we may say, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me” (Ps. 23:4a). And what more need we as Believers than simply to know that He truly is with us. But what of the specific relationship of prayer to this problem of fear. Here we turn to the experiences of "David, who knew genuine fear, but who also knew, at times, anxiety or fear of the unreal. In the 34th Psalm, David tes tifies “I sought the Lord and he heard me and delivered me from all my fears.” And again, “I will trust and not be afraid what man shall do unto me” (Ps. 56:11). It was in his ex perience of prayer and communion with God that David learned to tap the res ervoir of God’s courage and realize that when he was trusting there was no room for fear. Psychologists are more and more rec ognizing the importance of an active, vibrant faith to emotional well-being. Dr. James F. Bender has stated, “Pray er brings peace to troubled spirits, order to chaotic situation, calm out of tem pest, and beyond all, it gives victory over our fears.” Dr. Gordon Allport has stated, “Through prayer and faith in God, we can be freed from the devas tation of fear.” (The Individual and His Religion, McMillan Co., N. Y.) Whatever the nature of your fears, whether real or unreal, if you are a Believer in Jesus Christ I urge you to simply start trusting and believing Him. The place to start is in a prayer of confession, right now, for attempting to live your life independently of God and for tiying to do for yourself, and by yourself, the thing that He desires the Holy Spirit to do in and through you.
to meet a situation that threatens our well-being. However, in cases of anx iety, when the same physical reaction is taking place it may result in actual physical disorders such as digestive problems, and in more severe cases peptic ulcers. Fear is capable of caus ing an alteration of the distribution of the blood to the body, increased res piratory activity, and severe hyper-ten sion. We’ve seen what fear is, and what it can do. Let us look for a moment at the source of our fears. One eminent psychiatrist has made this very interesting statement: “Chil dren are bom into a world of fear and anxiety, but thdy are not bom afraid. From the moment they enter our society, forces set in motion by the complicated emotional machinery of ■their parents begin to exert fear pres sures upon them. Every moment, wak ing or asleep, every activity is con trolled, watched, hovered over by par ents. Protection and security dominate the relationship between parent and child.” (Lester L. Coleman, M.D.) We may agree or disagree with this state ment, but the fact remains that fears are learned. We are not bom with fears: they are planted; they blossom; and they grow through different stages of our development to maturity. Fear is one of the common denominators of all emotional life. Happily, the same writer has pointed out that “while fear and uncertainty thrive on each other, both are des troyed by our faith in facing and solv ing the problems of reality.” As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, we face the same pressures, the same fears, the same uncertainties which give rise to fears. God’s Word makes it very plain that while we may not know the future, or even control the future, we need not fear the future. For faith in Jesus Christ brings us into an in timate relationship with the God Who holds the future, and to whom all things are known. Strengthened, then, with the assurance of His Word that He loves us, that He is concerned about our emotional and physical welfare, un
So cages came with grating doors And bars to hold men fast, To shut them in, and others out While life on earth shall last. No living soul but knows the cage That bars of sin surround. Where sorrows, sickness, pain and woe With heartaches do abound; But Christ will break all iron, bars That ne'er for man were built. If we'll apply the precious Blood That He at Calv'ry spilt.
Cages with bars, for men and birds, Were never meant to be, ‘ For God's creative hand formed both To be forever free; The birds, to soar the air at will, And nest in boughs of trees, Man, to dress the Garden fair, And worship on his knees; To have dominion o'er the earth And do God's perfect will; To live in sweet obedience God's purpose to fulfill. But Satan by a subtle plan The heart of man beguiled. Caused him to doubt God's blessed Word, On whom all truth had smiled. Sin entered; quickly came the curse On man and bird and beast, 'Til naught escaped the devil's mark, From greatest e'en to least. 'Twas then the roses took on thorns, And weeds began to grow. The beasts to snarl, men's hearts to hate, And every evil know.
These verses have a story. Written by a godly woman who was interested in the souls of men, they were sent to a prisoner in San Quentin whose heart was touched by their message. Eventually this man was saved; his life was transformed by God’s power; and he came out of prison to start a work for the Lord of rescuing young juvenile delinquents and leading them to Christ. He is Phil Thatcher, found er of New life Youth Camps of Sac ramento, California. Upon her death, the author of this poem willed it with her other writings to Mr. Thatcher. B I O L A Biota’s Stewardship representatives are able to assist you in any personal estate problems. When the Bible Insti tute of Los Angeles is remembered in your Will, legal assistance is procured when necessary, to assure the proper documents are prepared. For confidential and competent coun sel, address: Stewardship Department The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles 17, Californio (Request the new free publication "THE CHRISTIAN’S WILL.’’) 16
"Treasures in heaven are laid up when treasures on earth are laid dow n " * * * THOSE W HO ARGUE FOR EVOLUTION seldom take into account man’s abil ity and genius which has been seen through centuries past. For instance, back in the year 109 A.D., in an ancient area of Spain known as Se govia, victorious Roman legions built an aqueduct. For 1800 years, or 60 generations, it carried sparkling, crystal water to hot and dusty citi zens of the small community. It was about the turn of the 20th century that enterprizing citizens thought the aqueduct should be pre served for posterity as it had been a landmark and tourist attraction. So modem pipelines were put in place. In order to connect the aque duct properly the flow, which for centuries had gushed into the res ervoir, was stopped. However, trag edy occurred, for the blazing sun ‘dried the mortar and made the struc ture crumble and the stones sag. W ithin a matter of days it lay in complete ruin, never to be of use again. What ages of service could not destroy, idleness rapidly disinte grated. Apply this account to your life and add up either the activity in Bible reading, prayer and Chris tian fellowship — or, substract their absence in your life and see what the total of spirituality is yours dai ly! * * * "When we reach for the souls of men, we attack Satan at his most sensitive spot."
SCIENCE TELLS US that the normal blood stream has red corpuscles ei ther dying or being replaced at the rate of about 150,000 per second. That is why the Bible says that the life of the flesh is in the blood. Death and re-creation of life is taking place by the second within us, and we draw upon the oxygen which is in the cur. In our spiritual lives we need to die to self and find that life is replenished moment by moment through fellowship with Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul said, “I am cru cified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I but Christ liveth in me, and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me.” "Some people don't have much to say, but unfortunately, you have to listen a long time to find it out." * * * NOW HERE IS A N INTERESTING PROB LEM. M y friend is leaving on a trip, taking only a small traveling bag and in it must pack a lamp, a mir ror, a guide book, a telescope, a book of poems, some biographies, a bundle of letters, a hymn book, a sharp sword, a library of 66 books, a bottle of milk, a jar of honey, a can of meat, a red hot fire and a powerful hammer. Of course all can be accomplished by taking the Bible for it embodies everyone of these items and it, alone, is able to make one wise unto sal vation.
Biota’s KBBI Moves to Mt. Wilson After nearly four years of hearings, applications and delays, the Lord has won derfully answered prayer in the moving of transmission site for Biola’s Radio Station KBBI to Mount Wilson, towering some 6,000 feet over the metropolitan Los An geles and Orange Counties area.
Mr. A l Ossen, Christian layman from Long Dense underbrush has had to be chopped Beach, California, surveys KBBl’s Mt. Wil- away from the tower location. Biola students son site for tower construction. aided in day’s labor. Since FM (which is the sound portion of TV) seeks height for more adequate coverage, the location has proven to be the most desirable throughout Southern California. It is hoped that construction and tests w ill be completed so that operation may start after the first of the year from the peak. KBBI’s programming consists of the finest Christian pro grams, as well as a schedule which is designed to fit into the daily activities of the home. Clearing for the site
Gordon Austin, KÉBI’s Chief Engineer 18
FEATURED OCTOBER RADIO MESSAGES/BY JOHN HUNTER I have been touring America this summer and have come in touch
ity of buildings and the building pro gram, so much, so wonderful, and so great. By contrast I am brought to think of the New Testament Church of which we read in the Scriptures that they had no buildings. If you read the Book of Acts, you will not find, anywhere, a church mentioned as a building. The people met in the houses of the Chris tians. They did not ask a person to come to church, they asked him to come to their house. I looked and I saw, concerning these people, that they had neither buildings nor building programs — they met in houses. They had no pastors, as we (continued on next page) 19
with many wonderful churches. I have been impressed with the sanctuaries and the education buildings, the office buildings and the outreach programs. It has been my privilege to meet many wonderful pastors and youth officers, educational officers and musical direc tors. The Sunday School program has been so splendid to me coming from England where the Sunday School is quite different. The picture I have of the American church now is one of growth and dy namic outreach, one which is so mag nificent to a British person by its qual
and teaching of these folk, seeing what they taught and believed, we may be able to capture the secret of power that enabled them to turn the world up side-down. How much we would give if we could have results such as they had in their day! As I think of this, I have my Bible "The Valley of Weeping" I have been through the valley of weeping. The valley of sorrow and pain; But the "God of all comfort" was with me. At hand to uphold and sustain. As the earth needs the clouds and the sunshine. Our souls need both sorrow and joy; So He places us oft in the furnace, The dross from the gold to destroy. When He leads through some valley of trouble, His powerful hand we can trace; For the trials and sorrows He sends us Are part of His lessons of Grace. Oft we shrink from the purging and pruning, Forgetting the Husbandman knows The deeper the cutting and paring, The richer the cluster that grows. As we travel through life's shadowed valley. Fresh springs of His love ever rise; And we learn that our sorrows and losses Are blessings just sent in disguise. So we'll follow wherever He leadeth, Though pathways be dreary or bright; For we've proof that our God can give comfort. Our God can give songs in the night. — Unknown open to the Book of Acts, chapter 1, verse 8 and I am considering what the Lord Jesus said when speaking to His disciples. He said, “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon, you; and ye shall be wit nesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and 20
The Church Today (continued) know them today — no youth officers, educational officers or musical directors. They had no outreach program as we think of it. In fact, if we were to com pare the churches in America today and the amazing way in which they are organized and equipped, one is tre mendously impressed. I was in a church recently that had 44 members on the office staff. That office is so effective in the things of God in that town, and yet, compared with the New Testament Church, how little they had! The folk of the early church had so little devel opment of skills, techniques, and per sonality, and yet such a tremendous result in the work for God, and I com pare that with the Christian church of today. How often there is phenominal activity and I wonder how much is really produced by this activity. What is the worthwhileness of all this in the lives of the people roundabout us? As I thought about this phase, I came really to one thing — that these peo ple in the early church, with no men and materials, no plans and no pro jects, all that they had was power, but this church was literally dynamic in its power and content. Wherever they went power was displayed and the mind and purposes of God were vindi cated through these witnesses — these mere nobodies, His power was radiated and demonstrated through them. The outreach of this New Testament Church was simply one of power. All they had was power and as I think of the church of today, in some of the churches in my own country, it could be said of them that they have so much, and yet the only thing they do not have is pow er — power to be operative, power to be effective. Now if this is so, and it is so, what is the secret behind it all? If we could find just a little simple secret that these people had and which we seem to have missed today, possibly the rea lizing of their secret might be the re leasing of the power in our lives. And I think that is what we can do — that is what I hope will happen. If, as we come to delve into the life
day that He was taken up from us, let one be ordained to be a witness with us of His resurrection.” Now no tice that. This was the one qualifica tion that they required that the person should be a witness with them of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the whole purpose of the ministry was to be a witness to a risen Lord through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We de velop this in a later message. It’s good to realize that this is that with which these men started. They didn’t start with a program. So often if we have a church, we have to have our messages prepared and planned and scheemed and, of course, obviously today all this is necessary. No one would deny it. But here we have a group of people who had not a clue where they were going. They had not a clue as to what was going to happen. They had no buildings. They had no finances. They had nothing. All they had was a tremendous sense of commit- al to a risen Lord and that they were going on to witness to this One. They were going to speak about Him. They were going to talk about Him but al ways about Him in relation to this risen Lord, to His risen life. They were not going to talk only about the cross. In fact you will not find that men tioned very much in this book as we shall see later on. It certainly was men tioned and it was essential that it should be mentioned, but the emphasis, the over-emphasis, the continual emphasis, was on the fact that this Lord is a risen Lord. It is the risen life of Christ that somehow, in some way unknown to them as they witnessed to this risen Lord, that a release of power was going to come! The simple fact that these people had nothing at all but power, and that power was based upon their conscious sense of a risen Lord, that these men were commissioned by that risen Lord to be witnesses unto Him. This was going to be the secret that unlocked all else of the things of the Lord in the days to come. How wonderful that by His Grace we might come to know the secret too. 21
unto the uttermost part of the earth.” So, now, the thing that I want you to see there, is the commission that •Jesus Christ gave to these people. He said they were going to receive the pow er—and they certainly did. And He said that this power was going to be demonstrated as they were witnesses quoting His words, “Ye shall be wit nesses unto me.” Notice: they were to be witnesses to a Person and not to a place. This Person was the Lord Jesus Christ, the risen Lord, the Living Lord in all His resurrection power! And as I read further on in this same book, same chapter — chapter 1, I find that starting from about verse 21 that in discussing the appointment of anoth er one to take the place of Judas Iscar iot we read these words from verse 21 of Acts, chapter 1, “Wherefore of these men which have companied with us all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us beginning from the baptism of John, unto that same Dr. John Hunter (left), chats with Biola President, Dr. Samuel H. Sutherlqnd.
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