Biola Broadcaster - 1962-11

"Keep your Bible open and you'll not find the door to heaven closed."

" If success made the heart swell like it does the head, we would, perhaps, live in a better world/'

W ITH THE OPEN ING OF HIGH SCHOOLS A N D COLLEGES much scof­ fing and ridicule against the Word of God again finds its way into the classroom. But the Bible has never been tried and found wanting. It has just not been tried by most people. In a certain land the king ordered a young preacher to go to the chapel and expound from the pulpit what­ ever subject was written on a piece ' of paper. The king’s questionable sense of humor was to show up the man of God. The young minister mounted the platform, he opened the folded paper only to find that it was blank, and he quickly sensed the amusement that swept over the audience. But in the power of the Spirit he began, “Friends, on this piece of paper there is nothing written. I am not disap­ pointed for because of it I am not limited in what I shall say. “I wish to speak, therefore, on the subject of “The Power of Nothing," for we read in the Book of Job, chap­ ter 26, that ‘He . . . hangeth the earth upon nothing.’ Now if the Lord God is so able to construct this globe that it must rest upon nothing, how much more should you and I, as frail creatures, make sure we rest our all upon Him.” * * * "Usually we find that our enemies are really friends whom we have never taken the trouble to under­ stand."

IT HAS BEEN WELL SA ID that the reason many people do not come to Christ is because they may not read the Bible bound in morocco, but they do read it bound in shoe leath­ er. In other words, you, my friend, are the only Christian somebody knows. That is why God has said that we are to be living epistles known and read of all men. A young Bible student got on the bus and after he had asked for change for a dollar and pu t. the proper amount into the receptacle, he went to his seat. When he sat down he counted the coins that he had left and discovered that he had been giv­ en too much change. For a moment he pondered whether or not he should bother returning the extra coins. While the temptation was strong to keep the money, he decided it was best to go back to the driver and return it. You can imagine his sur­ prise when he heard the man at the wheel say with a smile, “You know, I was at your preaching service last night and I enjoyed it. But when I saw you get on the bus I purposely gave you too much change just to see whether or not you practiced what you preached.” * "The perfume of holiness is dis­ tilled in the soul by quiet, intimate communion with the Rose of Sharon.' * *


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