about this month’s cover:
Biola School of Missionary Medicine
“TH/HcutU a*td *t¥a/iu**U by Miss Leonie V. Soubirou
Ministering to the physical needs, Biola graduates work around the globe bringing the good news of eternal life. ing and hearing them! What a joy to see some of the fru it of the labor of our own dear graduates! Life, for Japan’s youth, appears to be inconsistent. A survey reports that they are saying: “What is there to live for? Adults do not practice what they preach. What purpose is there in study ing? The future holds no more — world conditions are unsettled.” Many be tween the ages of 15 and 24 commit suicide. Many young people are living in absolute darkness. Communistic ma terialism is the dominant teaching of the day. Who is going to show them the way, the truth, and the light? Our missionaries’ hearts are bur dened. Biola is concerned and we are training men and women to go out to reach children and youth of every coun try. Pray the Lord of harvest that he may thrust forth workers. Pray for Minami and Harumi and all the other precious children and young people of Japan.
Dean, Biola School of Missionary Medicine
Japan, the land of the rising sun, is surely the land of lovely children. On our recent trip to visit with Biola grad uates it was our joy to meet Minami and Harumi, pictured on the cover. These two third-graders came by after school, and as you w ill note, they are carrying their books in briefcases swung over their shoulders in the typical school-girl fashion for Japan. But, they were more joyful than the typical school children of Japan. Why? They were Christians! Both Minami and Harumi live in Okaya, a small village about four-and- a-half-hours train ride from Tokyo. Okaya is situated on a beautiful lake and is the center of silk-thread produc tion in Japan. The two missionaries in this village are Biola graduates, Don and Mary MeAlpine ’50. The little girls attend a Bible class taught by our mis sionaries and had come by after school especially to see the American guests and to recite Bible verses and sing a few choruses. What a joy was ours in see-
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