Biola Broadcaster - 1962-11

"Treasures in heaven are laid up when treasures on earth are laid dow n " * * * THOSE W HO ARGUE FOR EVOLUTION seldom take into account man’s abil­ ity and genius which has been seen through centuries past. For instance, back in the year 109 A.D., in an ancient area of Spain known as Se­ govia, victorious Roman legions built an aqueduct. For 1800 years, or 60 generations, it carried sparkling, crystal water to hot and dusty citi­ zens of the small community. It was about the turn of the 20th century that enterprizing citizens thought the aqueduct should be pre­ served for posterity as it had been a landmark and tourist attraction. So modem pipelines were put in place. In order to connect the aque­ duct properly the flow, which for centuries had gushed into the res­ ervoir, was stopped. However, trag­ edy occurred, for the blazing sun ‘dried the mortar and made the struc­ ture crumble and the stones sag. W ithin a matter of days it lay in complete ruin, never to be of use again. What ages of service could not destroy, idleness rapidly disinte­ grated. Apply this account to your life and add up either the activity in Bible reading, prayer and Chris­ tian fellowship — or, substract their absence in your life and see what the total of spirituality is yours dai­ ly! * * * "When we reach for the souls of men, we attack Satan at his most sensitive spot."

SCIENCE TELLS US that the normal blood stream has red corpuscles ei­ ther dying or being replaced at the rate of about 150,000 per second. That is why the Bible says that the life of the flesh is in the blood. Death and re-creation of life is taking place by the second within us, and we draw upon the oxygen which is in the cur. In our spiritual lives we need to die to self and find that life is replenished moment by moment through fellowship with Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul said, “I am cru­ cified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I but Christ liveth in me, and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me.” "Some people don't have much to say, but unfortunately, you have to listen a long time to find it out." * * * NOW HERE IS A N INTERESTING PROB­ LEM. M y friend is leaving on a trip, taking only a small traveling bag and in it must pack a lamp, a mir­ ror, a guide book, a telescope, a book of poems, some biographies, a bundle of letters, a hymn book, a sharp sword, a library of 66 books, a bottle of milk, a jar of honey, a can of meat, a red hot fire and a powerful hammer. Of course all can be accomplished by taking the Bible for it embodies everyone of these items and it, alone, is able to make one wise unto sal­ vation.

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