Biola Broadcaster - 1962-11

it is the responsibility of Christian par­ ents. As the father and mother in the home we teach by example, an example which must be a sincere testimony which is Spirit-filled. In the 8th verse of Deuteronomy 6, Moses set down, “Thou shalt take the precepts of the Lord and shalt bind them for a sign upon thy hand, and they shall be as fontlets between thine eyes, and thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house and on thy gates.” According to custom with the Israel­ ites, a small piece of parchment was used whereupon were written the laws of God and this was bound about their wrists. Also the frontlets were fastened around the head between the eyes. The frontlets were small boxes into which portions of Scripture were placed. Now the laws of God upon the wrists and the frontlets containing verses of Scrip­ tures were constant and visible remind­ ers that he might dwell upon the teach­ ings of the Lord. In the time of our Saviour, the front- lets were called phylacteries — later, however, they degenerated into nothing more than good luck charms. You see, tying portions of scripture around the head would be as meaningless to them as memorized verses today which some let roll off the tip of their tongue, the richness having never reached their heart. In drawing these thoughts to bear upon the one vital point of bringing your child up in the nurture and ad­ monition of the Lord, let us note that Isaiah forcefully points out that “the father to the children, shall make known God’s truth” — the father is markedly responsible in this privilege. The exhortation is, “Thou shalt. teach them (the precepts of the Lord) dili­ gently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.” Let us-not forget that in talking of the love and obedience of the parent toward the Lord that we must tie in (continued on next page) 5

tion of how we are going to teach the precepts of God? In many homes, par­ ents find that personal devotions around the breakfast table are effective, mak­ ing sure that sufficient time is avail­ able for all. In our own home, we re­ tire to the living room after dinner, disregarding the dishes, and spend time together around the Word of God. This works wonderfully for us; it might not fit into the home schedule of others. We like a Bible story book, going through the Word of God selecting sto- rises which reveal the condition of man and the need of his personal salvation. Also, we select a book of practical il­ lustrations as to day by day Christian faith. Bible memorization should defi­ nitely be included so that when prob­ lems arise, there will always be a verse of Scripture quickened to meet our need from memory’s storehouse. Then, of course, our time of sharing in prayer, which is blessed. Christian training is not the job of a Sunday School or the Christian day school, nor yet the Christian College —


Mr. Jim Allen, Tuscon, Arizona, is featured this month on the broadcast.

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