is to provide for the household in tem poral needs. Q . Phoenix, Arizona — “Why did the Apostles baptize in Jesus? Name rather than in the title of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost?” A. Actually, Matthew 28:18-20 gives us "FAITH HAS A MEANING" Faith isn't some sort of mystical thing. Or the words of a beautiful creed, Or prayers penned by poetical souls. That people stand up and read. For faith is the thing that prompts us to go, And give to the hungering, bread. Oh, faith means more than a doctrine or two, For faith without works is dead! Faith means not only bending of knees, Or lifting of prayer hands, Or something that makes the bounti ful God Comply with our mortal demands. Faith sends us girded and ready to serve The masses that need to be fed. Faith means more than a murmured prayer, For faith without works is dead! Then give us. Oh, Master, the faith that wlU go, And minister day after day — Will even accept the arms of the cross. If best it may serve in that way. For faith, like the Shepherd who went for His sheep, Though red were the rocks where He bled. Oh, faith means more than a song or two, For faith without works is dead! —Author Unknown the baptismal formula which has been wisely and rightly used throughout the Christian centuries and that is, baptiz ing in the Name — notice it is sing ular, one God and He exists in three Persons. However, it is still that the Apostles baptized in Jesus’ Name, Acts 8
Panel Discussions (continued) need to be baptized of thee, and contest thou to me?” Now notice our Lord’s an swer in Matt. 3:15 — . suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness. Then he suf fered Him.” Now you will notice that in this passage those who were coming to be baptized of John, came confessing their sins. Our Lord Jesus Christ could never, never be implicated with sin anymore than God the Father or God the Holy Spirit. We want to make this clear, une quivocal, at this point that the Lord Jesus Christ was not baptized without reason. These other folk of Israel were coming confessing their need — and then came Christ for He wanted to meet the people at the very place where they recognized or acknowledged their need. Ultimately He was going to meet them when He would fulfil all righteousness in a complete way, namely, at the Cross! Q . San Gabriel, California — “I have two little children, three and two years old. My husband declares I should find em ployment like other women. I feel I should stay at home and look after my children. What does the Bible teach concerning this matter?” A. We believe very definitely that the Word of God teaches that the woman’s place is in the home. We do not want to cast aspersions upon any woman who is employed and can carry home re sponsibilities — nor do we want to divide the husband and wife in this regard. The husband and wife should pray about this very definitely and be patient and understanding. If there are financial emergencies and the mother is needed to work for a while to meet them where conditions are extraordi nary, that is to be considered, but the principle certainly is for the ihother to stay at home and see that the chil dren are brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. The moth er’s place is to take care of the children and the home and the father’s place
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