Hola Sober OCTOBER



I was del i ghted to have the chance to spend t ime wi th the lovely Maree thi s month as she told me about her l i fe in India and the fabulous ret reats she fac i l i tates in Bal i and in India . Hav ing spent years l i v ing in Ba l i she i s an exper t in a l l that the i s l and has to of fer and fac i l i tates groups f rom around the wor ld to host the i r bespoke ret reat on the i s l and be loved by so many women af ter El i zabeth Gi lber t ' s book , Eat , Love , Pray . Ba l i i s a very spec i a l pl ace ful l of cul ture and unexpl a inabl e energy . And Maree ' s deep knowl edge i s endl ess te l l ing me "The Anc i ent Ba l inese Water Hea l ing Ceremony . Guests are taken to a sacred water templ e sur rounded by shr ines and crysta l c l ear water fed by natura l spr ings . Here you wi l l be c l eansed and bl essed in natura l hol y water . The Ba l inese be l i eve that bathing in these waters i s a very hea l ing and spi r i tua l exper i ence . " There i s nothing qui te l i ke hav ing an exper t on the ground organi s ing and adv i s ing what works on an i s l and and in Sober Bl i ss Journeys ,

all things Bali become easy and accessible. from the Ulun Danu Temple at the edge of Baratan Lake in Bedugul, the pretty building dedicated to the goddess of the lake and is one of the quietest and most serene places on the island to a local cooking class, to Balinese dancers on arrival, to yoga, meditation with the full breathe of local traditions being incorporated into your group's agenda is possible. The Sober Bliss Journeys website has a comprehensive listing of what is available over the coming year on this magnificent Island Maree is all about facilitating soulful retreats focused around growth, healing and transformation." If you are sitting in your kitchen planning to bring a group on a retreat in 2022, Maree is truly the lady to enshrine what you have in your head as a possible idea into a living reality with a touch down in 2022. Her expertise in Bali knows no end and is proving to be a vital management component for groups from around the world seeking the peace and tranquility of the island.

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