Hola Sober OCTOBER

editor's note

October is upon us and wi th i t, a tr ip home to I reland to visi t fami ly and fr iends in a post vaccine wor ld. The joy of seeing the alcohol-free wor ld grow and prosper in my Island nat ion has brought much joy and I have found my AF dr ink choices wi th ease. I had the joy this month of chatt ing wi th some incredible women including Rebekah Sunshine our new Sober Sex Columnist, Aly F. Canavan the wonderful mot ivat ional Speaker and Dream Bui lding Coach who wi l l be a regular columnist going forward and Maree Mackensie of Sober Bl iss Journeys who offers wonderful retreat opportuni t ies in Bal i and across India. Travis Akers has joined us as THE ONLY male columnist, blessed is he amongst women at Hola Sober as I fel t he had a perspect ive worth shar ing and am hugely grateful to his big 'yes' to finding the t ime to wr i te each month on whatever fl ies his ki te that day! As always our resident columnists Ann Dowsett Johnston, Alexandra Hartley-Leonard, Tammi Scott, Gee and Colette have been gracious wi th thei r t ime, energy and words this month shar ing thei r sober journey wisdom wi th our readers. Our contr ibutors are a wonder and never fai l to have us al l in awe of thei r truth tel l ing and wr i t ing. I am hugely grateful to you the reader for joining me and team Hola Sober on this journey and may October smi le as we look skyward and say not today lady, not today.

Susan Christina

Susan Chr ist ina ED I TOR + P U B L I S H E R

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