King's Business - 1932-06

You can earn money for your church or for yourself........ through securing subscriptions to T H E K IN G ’S B U S I N E S S M A G A Z I N E in our WORLD-WIDE SUBSCRIPTION CAMPAIGN Liberal Gash Commissions and Additional Awards furnish genuine incen­ tive to earnest workers. Additional Awards include Free Board and Room to Students at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Book Room Mer­ chandise, trips to Alaska, America's Wonderland— Western Parks and The Holy Land— the Land of Lands

T h e H o l y L a n d . . . the very words furnish inspira­ tion . . . and even as the Holy Land is “ the Land of lands” so is this carefully planned trip “ the trip of trips.” To view the

lem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets and stonest them that are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen

gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not.” The p ictu re shows the Mount o f Olives where many times the Lord spent all night in prayer. On the proposed trip, the time spent in Jerusalem will include visits to such historic places as Jericho, the Dead Sea, Bethlehem , H eb ron , Marasthah, the Val l ey o f Elah, Kirjath Jearim. Competent guides will let nothing worth while escape your attention. Our circular, “The Holy Land,” will give you every detail . . . it will be sent to you upon request. Our circular,“ World-Wide Subscription Camp a i gn , ” will give full particulars of each of the additional awards. Send the coupon today.

where the Master lived and died and rose again, verily is the hope o f every Christian . . . and this travel offer is “ the opportunity of oppor­ tunities” . . . avail yourself of it. You visit the Sea of Galilee . . . Cana . . . Naz­ areth . . . Shechem . . . Baalbek . . . . Damascus and other historic points. Perhaps the ou tstand ing place of interest in the whole trip is Jerusalem. Today the eyes of the world are turn­ ing toward this great historic center with keen anticipa­ tion. Believers are looking for the day when it will once more take a place of prominence as it did in the days of our Lord. It was the city He loved. How beauti­ fully that love was expressed when He cried, “O Jerusa-

M ount of O lives , J erusalem

from G olden G ate

The Gist of Our Offer CASH COMMISSIONS—The regular subscription price of T he K ing ' s B usiness is $1.50 for one year; $2.50 for two years. Subscriptions in coun­ tries outside of the United States require 25c extra for each year. We will pay you, if you have been appointed our agent, the sum of 50c for each one-year subscription and the sum of 75c for each two-year subscription that you send to us when the subscriber that you have secured has paid for the subscription at the regular rate; subscriptions may be either old or new. Commissions apply whether you are working for your Church or for yourself. ^ lu iiuinal AWARDS-Besides the commissions just mentioned, awards- or B | options if preferred, are offered that make this WORLD-WIDE SUBSCRIPTION CAMPAIGN the greatest subscrip, tion campaign ever undertaken by T he K ing ’ s B usiness .

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T he K ing ' s B usiness 536-558 S outh H ope S treet , L os A ngeles , C alifornia

Please send me full particulars of your WORLD-WIDE SUBSCRIP­ TION CAMPAIGN. I am particularly interested in your proposition to □ Church Workers. □ Whole-Time Workers. □ Part-Time Workers.

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