King's Business - 1932-06


T h e

K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s

June 1932

home has been the basis of all worth-while civilization. And if the home, with its old-fashioned parental authority and discipline, has fallen in, and we must “ find some other way to train our boys and girls,” then we are face to face with a situation unknown to human history—a most fore­ boding situation indeed! When men, in their wisdom, fur­ nish us with a substitute for the sun, then may they fur­ nish us with a substitute for the home, Russia’s experiment notwithstanding. No nation, indeed no age, ever has or ever will survive the destruction of its home life. With the collapse of the home, we may expect a reign of lawless­ ness and immorality unequalled in human history. When parental authority wanes and youth in general becomes “ disobedient to parents,” we have an outstanding Biblical sign that the sun of Gentile dominion is dropping low in the west, and the night of divine judgments is at hand (2 Tim. 3 :2 ; Rom. 1:30-32). Only the rising of “ the Sun of Righteousness . . . with healing in his wings” (Mai. 4 :2) can again bring the day. And in that “ healing” day, we shall find once again the divine institution of the home, father reigning righteously, mother loving supreme­ ly, and children obeying sweetly—a foretaste of heaven itself. I t is not amiss here to ask what some of these “ auto­ matic” and “mechanical devices” are that, according to the Boston Herald, have undermined the foundations of the home. Why not be courageous enough to name them? Blind, indeed, is a world that is itself so pleasure-mad that it refuses to see that, when millions upon millions of its tender children and immature youth (so quick to imitate, so quick to act upon suggestion) sit for long hours each week, poring over the criminal scenes on the screens of Hollywood, we are schooling—aye, have already schooled —a race of youthful criminals too numerous and too shrewd for all the agencies of the law to control. Likewise, why not name the “ mechanical device” that is pouring floods of profane, unregenerate, and degenerate stuff, called “music,” into our homes? The devil himself wouldn’t sit and listen to it ! He at least, is a musician (Ezek. 28:13). Moreover, the sickening vaudeville now being piped, via radio, into the privacy of the home is ut­ terly stifling to any real spiritual life. Radio may be, in

marshalled in such degree as in this famous case—have so far proved ineffective, is indeed a sad commentary upon our vaunted civilisation. 2. Here, in an article entitled, “ Our National ‘Dis­ honor Roll,” ’ Dr. Frederick Hoffman, statistician, is the authority for saying that “ the country’s mounting homicide record has doubled during the past thirty years.” 3. In another article, we are informed in the headline that “ Youth Leads the Criminal World” : Much sadder to relate is that youth leads the crim­ inal parade, both here and in England. . . . The imma­ turity o f the great majority of criminals is the most dis­ turbing fact to the police, says Commissioner Mulrooney, head,of the New York City Police Department, in his annual report: “ In past years, the criminal at the ‘line-up’ was middle-aged, intemperate, experienced at crime, and limited in his activities to a special type o f offense.” T o­ day, it is just the opposite. “ The ‘line-up’ presents a parade o f youths ranging in age from seventeen to twen­ ty-one, versatile in crime, who cold-bloodedly and calmly recite, voluntarily in the presence of spectators and press, the most intimate details o f the planning and execution o f ruthless crimes.” Must discipline and reform be turned over to the police? The home seems to have given up the job. . . The modern home does not lend itself to character-train­ ing as did its ampler and simpler predecessor. Then follows a quotation from The Herald (Boston) : With small houses and apartments, and automatic or mechanical devices, many home activities have com­ pletely disappeared. . . . Music originates, not in the house, but is brought in from-outside. Dozens of other occupations, once considered inseparable parts of home life, have been supplanted by interests from without. This unfortunate condition' is, perhaps, one o f the basic causes for the increase in juvenile delinquency. The many little duties, jobs, and recreations that once centered in the home have vanished or moved elsewhere. With them have gone the home ties and precious chances to inculcate wholesome habits o f obedience and industry. Until we find some other way to train our boys and girls, we are un­ likely to see any major improvement in the lawlessness that came in the postwar,decade. Could words paint a picture of more monumental and irretrievable moral failure? Since the days of Adam, the

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B y R ussell E. K auffman

Thou tarriest long! Lord, art Thou not returning As Thou didst promise men so long ago? Why still delay The answer to our yearning? Why dost Thou test us, make us wonder so? O child o f mine, Have faith, believe the message Delivered by the angels long ago: “ This very Jesus, He who died to save you, Shall come in fashion as ye saw Him go.”

God never fails! Our Christ, the King o f Glory, Shall yet appear in majesty divine. May we not doubt God’s own authentic story; He SHALL return—return in God’s own time! Then trust in Him, Be ready for His coming. That glorious appearing soon may be! Oh, blessed hope Impelling holy living; Come quickly, Lord, oh come; I wait for Thee!

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