King's Business - 1932-06


T h e K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s

June 1932

was taken from the hall before the moist­ ened eyes and solemnized hearts of the admiring crowd. Bread from Heaven E xodus 16:2-5, 14, 15, 45 Memory Verse : “ Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father” (Jas. 1 :17). Approach : In our story last Sunday, we found God delivering the children o f Israel from the Egyptians and starting them on their way through the wilderness. When the people saw how God was taking care

S a f e t y

m e a n s e r o r i f t h i n a

•••to T h e m

o f them, they trusted in Him and in Moses, their leader. But this faith didn’t last very long, for no sooner did they need food, than they began to say, “Why didn’t we stay in Egypt where there was plenty to eat?” They had for­ gotten already t h a t “with God all things are possible.”

“ A short time ago I began to think about an income for the future. Experience taught me that some in­ vestments were not satis­ factory and secure. I had very little to expend but that little meant much to me. Safety therefore was the first requisite.” — M. P. . . . New York

“ In these days of uneasiness about investments, it is so comfortable to know that my annuity agreement with the American Bible Society is absolutely safe and that I can depend on the pay­ ments from it. And I know that all the time my money is doing good.” —A. D. . . . Illinois

Lesson Story: God must have been dis­ appointed with their lack of faith, but He had promised to care for them; so, al­ though they couldn’t see any way in which they could get food in the barren wilder­ ness, God had prepared some for them. When the people awoke in the morning, they found that during the night God had rained food from heaven. The ground was covered with small round things which the people called “manna.” God gave them di­ rections about gathering it. Every family was to gather a measureful for each mem­ ber. This was to be enough for one day. They were to have nothing left over, for on the next morning would come a fresh supply. Only on the sixth day they were to gather enough for two days, for they were to do no work on the Sabbath. These directions seemed simple enough for every one to understand, but even so, some o f the people didn’t listen. They gathered too much manna for one day’s eating; and the next morning, the food left over was spoil­ ed, or they didn’t gather the extra on the sixth day, only to find that there was no manna on the ground on the seventh day. How long it took them to learn to obey 1 * The Tragedy of the Empty Pew '/ / | h a t is the tragic story o f the empty vILj pew? It speaks loudly o f Sabbath desecration, o f the crowded beach with its moral rot, the traffic jam o f the .high­ way, of the week-end visitations, o f the crowded movies, o f the gaiety o f the road­ house and the dance hall, and o f the in­ dolence o f the disinterested. The empty pew speaks o f children grow ­ ing up, almost like Topsy, with no moral or spiritual training, and with no influence from the house of God. They have no place in their program for God or the church. There is no prayer in their life, no knowledge o f the Word o f God, no anxiety about spiritual welfare. The empty pew is the recruiting station for organized atheism. More full pews mean less atheists. Look at the empty pews with all their depression o f spirit. Where are the boys and girls who filled some o f them during the session o f the Sunday-school? Dismis­ sed ! Ah, yes, and that is the beginning of the tragedy. •—T he S unday S chool W orker .

f t W O É Safety is one °f the many satis- factory features possessed by the annuity agreements issued by the American Bible Society. Instituted in 1816 this organization has for over eighty years been issuing annuity agreements and has never missed a single payment. Many testimonials similar to those above have been received expressing great sal isfac- tion in the freedom from anxiety made possible by the safe character of the Society’s annuities. Gtgwffh-d-wm n l i f f i The safety feature of an Ameri- —can gjjjie Society annuity agree­ ment is further enhanced by the assurance that on through the years it will continue to do good. Great satisfaction comes to the Christian in knowing that because of his annuity the comfort, the counsel and the challenge of the Scriptures will be distributed across the earth through the service of the American Bible Society. “ Mrs. S. and I are thoroughly pleased with the annuity agreement of your Society which we hold. We know that it is safe, and that the money which we have placed with you on the annuity basis will return to us a steady and reliable income no matter how long we may live. We like to think also that when we no longer need this income the principal will be used for the translation, publica­ » icr

tion and distribution of the Scriptures, a work so essential to the Christian missionary program.” — J. S. . . . Oklahoma You, too, should know about these Annuity Agreements. The coupon below, filled out and mailed to us, will bring you full information.

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