T ri e
K i n g ’ s
B u s i n e s s
June 1932
Prayer makes the darkened cloud with draw; Prayer climbs the ladder Jacob saw, Gives exercise to faith and love, Brings every blessing from above.
JULY 4 C hrist th $ C enter of our F aith
with fact—the fact o f Christ set forth in all His saving efficacy, the fact o f His ac tual presence, His all-sufficiency, grace, and power. Faith steps out on these divine facts, stands on them, rests the whole weight o f the soul’s need upon them. And with what result? The soul enters into a new experience. A sense o f rest and gladness comes into the heart, and the spirit o f praise takes the place o f the spirit o f heaviness. “ Faith, mighty faith the promise sees, And looks to that alone; Laughs at impossibilities And cries, it shall be done.” —E van H. H opkins . The moment has come when you must get off the perch o f distrust, out of the nest o f seeming safety, and onto the wings o f faith . . . It may seem as though you must drop to the earth; so it may also seem to the fledgling. It, too, may feel very like falling; but it does not fall— its pin ions give it support, or, if they fail, the parent bird swoops under it and bears it upon its wings. Even so God will bear you. Only trust H im ; “ thou shalt be holden up.” “Well, but,” you say, “am I to cast myself upon nothing?” That is what the bird seems to have to d o ; but we know the air is there, and the air is not so unsubstantial as it seems. And you know the promises o f God are there, and they are not unsubstantial at all. But it seems an unlikely thing to come about that my poor weak soul should be girded with such strength. Has God said it shall? that my tempted, yielding nature shall be victor in the strife? Has God said it shall? that my timorous, trembling heart shall find peace? Has God said it shall? For, if He has, you surely do not mean to give Him the lie ! Hath He spoken, and shall He not do it? I f you have a word—a sure word o f promise—take it implicitly, trust it ab solutely.—J. B. F iggis . JULY 8 T he T ouch of the M aster ’ s H and “He put forth his hand, and touched him” (Lk. 5:13). Jesus touched men when He was down here. He touched them with His hand; He touched them with His heart; He touched them with His life; and there was power in the touch o f Jesus. Men were changed; their bodies were healed; their hearts were cleaned out; their lives were straightened out. But Jesus did not stop there; He went one step farther. He used the changed man in touching and chang ing other men. That was a habit with Jesus. He touched a man, and changed him with the touch, then used the changed man in touching and changing other men; and He still works this same way. —S. D. G ordon . O hands o f my crucified Christ divine, Take into Thine own these hands o f mine, And teach them to serve with a love like Thine. —B ell M ona M enzies . JULY 7 O n E agles ’ W ings “As an eagle stirreth up her nest, flut- tereth over her young . . . beareth them on her wings: so the Lord alone did lead him” (Deut. 32:11, 12).
“Christ is all, and in all” (Col. 3:11). Our worship in the Spirit brings with it not only a deep reverence, but a trium phant exhilaration, for always the Spirit glorifies Christ Jesus, and we not only be lieve in Jesus, but in Him we make our boast all the day long. How could it be otherwise? Our faith is built, not on fancy or frenzy or on fable, but on fact. Jesus lived and Jesus lives: He is ours and we are H is: we say not only Jesus, but Jesus on ly : Jesus now and Jesus in everything. W e can never get beyond that in the Christly life, nothing else and nothing less can suffice. He is the Center and the Cir cumference o f our faith. There is no word He cannot spell; He is the Alpha and the Omega, and every letter between. There is no problem He cannot solve. He is both our arithmetic and algebra. Spurgeon quoted nothing oftener than the confession of an unlettered man, who when he sought to join the church could only say, and keep on saying, as the sum of his expe rience : “ I’m a poor sinner and nothing at all, But Jesus Christ is my all in all.” —W . Y. F ullerton . JULY S G od ' s P lan for Y our L ife “Do all things without murmurings” (Phil. 2:14). Never complain o f your birth, your em ployment, your hardships ; never fancy that you could be something, if only you had a different lot and sphere assigned you. God understands His own plan, and He knows what you want a great deal bet ter than you do. The very things that you most deprecate as fatal limitations or ob structions are probably what you most want. What you call hindrances, obstacles, discouragements, are probably God’s op portunities ; and it is nothing new that the patient should dislike his medicines, or any certain proof that they are poisons. N o! a truce to all such impatience ! Choke that envy which gnaws at your heart, because you are not in the same lot with others ; bring down your soul, or rather, bring it up to receive God’s will, and do His work, in your lot, in your sphere, under your cloud of obscurity, against your temptations ; and then you shall find that your condition is never opposed to your good, but really consistent with it.— S elected . JULY 6 F aith and F eeling “ The God o f hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing” (Rom. 15:13). Faith as a principle o f activity is one o f the chief evidences of spiritual health. Doubt is a symptom o f soul disease. Let us distinguish between faith and feeling. Never forget the true sequence. T o have faith, we must begin with fact; to have feeling, such as the joy o f the Lord, we must have faith. It is good to be -“filled with all joy and peace in believing.” But, if it is to last and be workable, it must be intelligible. It must have a solid founda tion, and this God’s Word gives us. “Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the W ord o f God”—not by introspection, not by kindling the emotions, not by examin ing our spiritual pulse, not by trying to work up a believing condition o f mind, but by being occupied with that which the W ord of God sets forth. W e must begin
—C owper .
JULY 3 T he R eward of F aith
"God giveth the increase’’ (1 Cor. 3 :7 ). An eminent minister o f the gospel was very much depressed by the unbelief o f his congregation, and it seemed impossible to shake off the discouragement. One night he dreamed that he was working with a pickaxe on the top of a basaltic rock, which remained intact in spite of repeated strokes o f his arm of muscle. When about to give up in despair, a stranger o f solemn and dignified mien appeared on the spot. He reminded him that, as a servant, he was bound to continue whether the stone yield ed or not. “Work is your duty; leave the results to God,” were the last words o f the visitor. The discouraged pastor resumed his work and was abundantly rewarded by the shattering o f the rock o f unbelief and indifference among his flock. — S elected . John B. Nield Organist—Choirmaster, First Presbyterian Church Hollywood, California T each er in V o ice— Choral C on du ct ing— Interpretation— Lecturer on Church Music— O ratorios (For 15 years associated in the work of Toronto and McGill Universities) Mr. Nield's long list of successful pupils includes not only outstanding Church and Oratorio perform ers, but Opera and Concert Artists, such as R. Con nelly and S. MacAfee (Metropolitan Opera), Mona Jaffray, National Winner of Open Challenge in La dies (Mezzo) Voices, and other noted artists. SUMMER CLASSES Will be held for students, teachers, and artists in the study of Voice—Diction and Enunciation—The Phonetics of the English Language—and Organ.
REDUCED SUMMER RATES Voice— 6 Lessons - - $30.00 Organ— 6 Lessons - - $40.00 (organ available) Pedagogy Classes to be arranged. Write:
FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1760 Gower St., Hollywood, California
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