King's Business - 1932-06


T h e K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s

June 1932

trouble, or vexation, or temptation, or difficulty, may raise our hearts in perfect confidence and hope to the love that awaits them, and add, “ Nevertheless, I am with thee.”—A non . JULY 14 T he W ay to B lessing “As a little child,” (Mk. 10:15). Our Lord has been speaking o f the un­ willingness o f men to hear and accept the gospel message. He says, “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear” ; and then He speaks of two classes to whom the gospel tidings come without blessing: first, those who are critical and find fault. They found fault with John the Baptist, because he was an ascetic; and they found fault with the ' r r " r r r r T T T T T T 't . r r r r T T m - r TT^i William Jennings Bryan University, Dayton, Tenn., requiring additions to present faculty, wishes to get in touch with Fundamentalist ministers or teachers, with Doctor of Philoso­ phy Degrees from Universities of standing. A.A.A.A.4.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.4.A.A.* “ Gospel Solos and Duets No. 3 With Trios” 224 pages^ of powerful, scriptural, special song messages, just off press. $1.25 per copy. Unbound copies for loose-leaf books: 75c. Address orders to: H E R B E R T G . T O V E Y 4940 College View Ave. Los Angeles, California

have its enemies taken from the fabric o f this Book, not one drop of honey from its comb, not'one string on its harp has been broken, not one spark o f eternal fire has been put out. God’s Book today travels more highways, knocks at more doors, speaks to more people in their mother tongue, than any book the world has ever known, It is translated into nine hundred different languages and dialects! —R obert G. L ee . JULY 12 I f C hrist S hould C ome T onight “In such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh” (Matt. 24:44). Is my house set in order If Christ should come today? What tasks would be unfinished I f I were called away? Suppose an angel told me A t early morning light, “Your Lord will come this evening. You shall go home tonight!” Would ecstasy be clouded By thought of things undone, The seed I might have scattered, The crowns I might have won? The soul I meant to speak to, The purse I meant to share, And oh, the wasted moments I meant to spend in prayer! The weight o f unsaved millions Would press upon my heart. In their death am I certain That I had not a part? And only such a few hours In which to set things right! How feverishly I’d labor Until the waning light! H j * * Oh, slothful soul and careless heart, Oh, eyes which have no sight, Work, lest you reap but vain regrets! Our Lord may come tonight! —M artha S nell N icholson . JULY 13 E ver with U s “So foolish was I, and ignorant: I was ■as a beast before thee. Nevertheless I am continually with thee” (Psa. 73:22, 23). God is not angry with us because some sadness, or grief, or perplexity has come upon u s; but it would grieve Him much if we could not add—and find strength and hope and comfort in the adding— “never­ theless I am with thee.” I think He wants us to feel that, whatever comes, His pres­ ence, His love, His share in it, shall be sufficient for us; that there is no circum? stance, no difficulty, no life, for which the answer and remedy may not be found in Him. His desire is to draw us to Himself, that we may be purified; may be con­ formed to His will; may forego our own if it is contrary to H is; may be blessed and made a blessing in His service; and, like a skillful physician who understands the many variations and intricacies o f the same disease in different people, He has one supreme care, but many ways o f min­ istering it. He does not deal in precisely the same way with any two o f His pa­ tients, but the end is the same: that each may find out that Jesus Himself is all our need—every bit o f it— for in Him is all our “wisdom and righteousness, sanctification and redemption” ; and that knowing this, we may abide in Him, and for every

JULY 9 K nown by N ame “ Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me” (Psa. 23:4). W e are numbered among God’s sheep as we pass one by one beneath the touch o f the Shepherd’s crook. Our names may be unknown among the great and learned, but they are written in heaven; our dwelling- places may be lowly and ungarnished among the mansions and palaces o f the rich, but we have houses not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. Our sphere o f ministry may be limited, and our work in the trenches preparing for the founda­ tions far away from the shoutings with which the topstone is placed upon a fin­ ished pile in the sunny air; but we shine as stars o f the first magnitude in the sight of God. W e are accounted as the small dust in the balance, as smoking flax, or bruised reeds; but in the eye o f our Heavenly Fa­ ther we are prized as very precious jewels, entered in His inventory, and destined to shine in the regalia o f His Son before the gaze o f all worlds. God has a name for each star. Is it therefore to be supposed that He will not be as minute in His care o f each one o f us? W ill He not have a name for each o f us? Will He not num­ ber us when He tells the tale o f His sheep, even as He numbers the hairs o f our heads? This very morn He touched you with His staff and counted you. You are the destined object of His care. Is it like­ ly, then, that He will suffer you to perish, or want any good thing?—F. B. M eyer . JULY 10 H armony from D iscord “Sweet is thy voice” (Cant. 2 :14). Yet how often it rises in petulance, if not in anger! How often it is harsh, un­ loving, and unforgiving, and so little at­ tractive, so little exhibiting that grace and graciousness for which the Saviour was famed! I remember once visiting a mis­ sion station in Egypt, and we were asked to listen to the singing of the converts. It is true they sang “tremendously,” but see­ ing, as a people, they had no ear for music, and seemed each to sing a different “ dis­ cord,” the effect was appalling! Yet after they had finished, the missionary came to me with shining eyes and said: “Didn’t they sing beautifully!” And I said, in spite o f the tingling in my ears, “Yes, they sang beautifully!” You see, that missionary had given her life for those precious converts. And up in heaven is One who gave His life for me and for you, and so He, too, de­ lights in our singing, however unmusical and quavering.—N orthcote D eck . JULY 11 T he I nvincible “Is not my word like as a fire? saith the Lord; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?” (Jer. 23:29). This Book comes to us drenched in the tears o f contrition, expounded by the greatest intellects, worn with the fingers o f agony and death, stained with the blood o f those who died that it might be sent abroad throughout the world. It has had its enemies—Diocletian in the third cen­ tury ; the Dark Ages when it was said they could see the twilight of Christianity, but what they thought was sundown was sun­ up. Tom Paine tried to down it ; Ingersoll sent his arrows at it, and it has its modern Jehoiakins cutting out its pages. . . . And with all its enemies, not one thread

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