King's Business - 1932-06


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

June 1932

Lord Jesus because He was not an ascetic. They complained o f John the Baptist be­ cause he would neither eat nor drink as others d id ; and then o f the Lord Jesus, because He did eat and drink as others did. Even the blessed promises of the gospel can have no blessedness to those who sim­ ply criticize everything that God does, and everything that God says. If you do not banish your critical mind, no address, though by an angel from heaven, will do you any good. The second attitude our Lord rebukes is the attitude o f willful re­

bellion. And as long as the heart is reso­ lutely alien to God, no message, though Christ Himself delivered it, would bring blessing. In the preface o f our Lord, He thanks the Father that, while these things have been hid from the wise and prudent, they have been revealed to babes. He says, if you want blessing, not only banish the critical spirit and the rebellious spirit, but come to the gospel like a little child; in hu­ mility and docility; willing to hear, willing to be rebuked, willing to be taught, willing to be led.—A. T. P ierson .


^ G O S P E L S IN G E R S Send Names and Addresses of four Gospel Singers and receive gift copy of 60c song “ The Pilot of The Soul." HERBERT G. TOVEY 4940 College View Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.

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1 V II. They Gave Exemplary (2 Cor. 8:1, 2 )—Their giving was an example to others. Paul exhorts the Corin­ thians and us to follow their ex­ ample. —H. C. F ulton . D ivine C orrection . It is a mark o f God’s love for His child (Prov. 3:12). It is designed for spiritual development (Heb. 12:9, 10). It results in happiness if rightly re­ ceived (Job 5:17). It is grievous only when the will is in rebellion (Prov. 15:10). It is refused only by those who think not o f their own good (Prov. 15:31). It is not to be wearied o f until its pur­ pose has been accomplished (Prov. 3: I 11). It may be helped in its process by obed­ ience to God’s Word (1 Tim. 3:16). —B rookes Q uarterly . Spiritual Sacrifices I. The Sacrifice of the Saviour (Eph. 5 :2). 1. A substitutional sacrifice (1 Cor. 5 :7 ). a. Saving (Heb. 9:28). b. Sanctifying (Heb. 10:10). c. Satisfying (Heb. 9:14; 2 Cor. 5:21). 2. A supreme sacrifice (Heb. 7:26,27). a. Strange (Heb. 9:12; Isa. 53:10). b. Significant (Isa. 53:5). c. Shameful (Isa. 53:3; Heb. 12:2). . 3. A sufficient sacrifice (Heb. 10:12). a. Separate (Heb. 9:24-26; 10:26). b. Settled (Heb. 10:12). c. Secure (Heb. 10:14). II. The Sacrifices o f the Saints (1 Pet. 2:5 ). 1. The sacrifice o f singing. “ By Him therefore let us offer the sacrifice o f praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name” (Heb. 13:15). 2. The sacrifice o f serving. “ T o d o good” (Heb. 13:16). 3. The sacrifice of sharing. “ To communicate forget not” (Heb. 13 :16). 4. The sacrifice o f surrendering. a. The exhortation (Rom . 12:1). b. The example (2 Cor. 8 :5 ). —C. H. S. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

F ou r Incorruptible Things This is a great world in which we live. Its fullness comprises much. There are mountains and fields, rivers and oceans, plants and animals. The human family numbers many million. But all these are corruptible. Even man dies and soon is only a mass o f corruption. But what are the incorruptible things ? I. The Incorruptible Blood (1 Pet. 1 : 18). II. The Incorruptible Seed (1 Pet. 1 :23). III. The Incorruptible Body (1 Cor. 15: 42-44); 1. Glorious. 3. Spiritual. 2. Strong. 4. Immortal. IV. The Incorruptible World (1 Pet. 1 :3- 5).—F rank S. W eston . Seven Things that Please G od e are told in the Scripture of seven t things that please God, all o f which are closely related to His purposes o f grace toward lost humanity. I. The Life of Christ upon the Earth (Matt. 17:5). In Jesus o f Nazareth, from His birth to His death, God saw for the first time in human history man as He intended him to be when He made him from the dust o f the earth. II. The Death of Christ (Isa. 53:10). It pleased the Lord to bruise to death the only One who had ever pleased Him by a holy life. For by that death, and only so, could be achieved His heart’s desire for fallen man. III. The Fullness o f Christ (Col. 1 :19). God has crowned His Son with glory- and honor. He has raised Him up and given Him glory. He is Head over all things to the church, and God is well pleased that it should be so. IV. The Preaching o f Christ (1 Cor. 1 : 21 ). It pleases God that men should be saved by the preaching of the cross. V. The Harvest o f Christ (Isa. 55:11). The harvest is assured. It pleases God that His W ord should bear fruit. VI. The Revelation of Christ (Gal. 1 :15). It pleases God to reveal His Son to a sinner’s soul. He who takes a delight in His Son delights to reveal Him to others. V II. The Church o f Christ (1 Sam. 12:22). The Lord takes pleasure in His people. He calls them a people for His own pos­ session.— C hristian V ictory .

E xodus 19:11; 34:2 O f m o d e r n strategists, the greatest was Von Moltke, o f Germany, and with him silence was almost religion. The general was in bed when the news came that the French had declared war. An aide-de- camp awoke him with the intelligence, upon which Von Moltke’s sole comment before going to sleep again was, “ Second pigeonhole on the right, first tier.” There the amazed aide found a bundle o f papers containing mobilization plans, and an outline of the campaign with the French. Readiness should ever be a trait 4. A ready warrior (2 Chron. 17:18). —P rophetic N ews . __ ____ G od’s C ovenant with Noah G enesis 9:8-19 1. It declared God’s mercy in relation to ^ the past. 2. It declared God’s power in relation to the present. 3. It declared God’s faithfulness in rela­ tion to the future. 4. It declared God’s grace in relation to man. — S elected . H ow the Macedonians G a ve! I. They Gave Themselves (2 Cor. 8 :5) —True Christian giving begins here. Give yourself to the Lord. Only Christians can do this. II. They Garué Willingly (2 Cor. 8 :3)— No high pressure methods, no dollar matching, no schemes, no drives, no bazaars and sales. III. They Gave Sacrificially (2 Cor. 8:2) — In a great trial o f affliction and out o f deep poverty. IV. They Gave Ungrudgingly (2 Cor. 8: 4 )—Praying the_ apostles with much entreaty to receive the gifts, plead­ ing for the privilege. V. They Gave Joyfully (2 Cor. 8 :2 )— Not grumbling and complaining. They saw needs supplied, good ac­ complished, God glorified in their giving, and they rejoiced. VI. They (Gave Proportionately (2 Cor. 8 :3 )— “To their power and beyond,” not sparingly but bountifully. in the Christian’s character. 1. A ready 2. A ready worker (Tit. 3:1 ). 3. A ready witness (1 Pet. -3:15). helper (1 Tim. 6:18).

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