Student Radio Choir, with Ed Steele, director HOUR One of the most vital and profitable avenues of the ministry of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles is that of radio. The Bible Institute Hour has a great listening audience which appreciates the value and variety o f a program including sound Bible teaching, reasonable re plies to questions pertaining to the Word of God and the Christian life, moving testimonies o f young students at the Institute, thrilling messages by missionaries, and first-class vocal and instrumental music. In these days when religious programs are “ under fire” from many sources, a sane and spiritual broadcast o f this nature is a profitable contribution to the net works. WEEKLY BROADCAST on Don Lee Mutual Pacific Co. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY - 8 : 3 0 A .M . CALIFORN IA CITY STATION DIAL Chico KHSL 1290 El Centro KXO 1230 Fresno KYNO 1300 Los Angeles KHJ 930 Marysville KMYC 1450 Merced KYOS 1480 Paso Robles KPRL- 1230 Redding KVCV 600 Sacramento KXOA 1470 Salinas KSBW 1380 San Bernardino KFXM 590 San Diego KGB 1360 San Francisco KFRC 610 San Luis Obispo KVEC 920 Santa Ana KVOE 1480 Santa Barbara KDB 1490 Stockton KXOB 1280 Tulare KCOK 1270 OREGON Albany KWIL 1240 Ashland KWIN 1400 Astoria KAST 1370 Bend • KBND 1340 Coos Bay KOOS 1230 Eugene KORE 1450 Grants Pass . KUIN 1340 Klamath Falls KFJI 1150 Portland KWJJ 1080 Roseburg KRNR 1490 Salem KSLM 1390 IDAHO Coeur d’Alene KVNI 1240 Lewiston KRLC 1350 Wallace KWAL 620 Page Twelve WASHINGTON CITY STATION DIAL Aberdeen KXRO 1320 Bellingham KPUG 1170 Centraba KELA 1470 Everett ' KRKO 1380 Olympia KGY 1240 Seattle KVI 570 CITY STATION DIAL Spokane KNEW 1430 Walla Walla KUJ 1420 Wenatchee KWNW 1340 Yakima KYAK 1400 NEVADA Reno KATO 1340 Dr. Louis T. Talbot, Radio minister, and assistant, Dr. William W. Orr T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
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