King's Business - 1950-01

Time and again Israel fell into their snares, worshiped their idols, intermar­ ried with them—all contrary to God’s explicit commands. Since the nations re­ fused to go God’s way, there was nothing left for Him to do but to cut them off, in the interest of His chosen people. When a certain part of the human body becomes diseased, it is often neces­ sary to amputate a limb, in order to save the whole; and this was true in the body politic. The command God gave for the extermination of the depraved nations suggests the depths of degradation into which they had sunk; and in permitting them to exist, nothing would have been accomplished except the release of cor­ rupting influences affecting surrounding people. This act reveals God in His concern for the human race as a whole. And it reveals Him in His concern particularly for the nation of Israel. But, some may ask, why did God choose Israel? He chose the Hebrew nation in order to give the whole world the Re­ deemer and His eternal Word. To Abra­ ham God said, “ In thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed” (Gen. 12:3). Therefore, it was in the interest of the whole world; as well as Israel, that God protected them from those who would defile them. Our God is a God of love. He does not send a single soul to eternal torment. But He has given man a free will; and when man deliberately chooses to forsake God, there is nothing left for him but judg­ ment. This truth applies to all questions that people raise concerning God’s dealings with those of Old Testament times who brought upon themselves the righteous judgment of God. But what if it did not, “ O man, who art thou that repliest against God?” (Rom. 9:20). Where will the Holy Spirit be after the translation of the church? The church is “the temple of the Holy Spirit,” and when the rapture takes place, the Holy Spirit will go with the church. However, He is omnipresent, for He is God, equal with the Father and with the Son. Because He is God, and because God never leaves Himself with­ out a witness in the world, the Holy Spirit will operate in the earth during the tribulation period, even as He did in Old Testament times. He came upon cer­ tain individuals then, anointing them for service. His mission for the church age, indwelling the members of the body of Christ, which is the church, will end at the rapture. But He will seal the 144,000 Jews during the tribulation period, and empower their testimony. The Church, however, will have been completed, and He will not operate then as He does now in the world. It will be a different ministry. Let it be remem­ bered that there can be no conversion in any age, without the quickening power of the Holy Spirit.

What does the Bible teach about di­ vorce? God has permitted divorce because of sin, “but from the beginning it was not so” (Matt. 19:8). According to our Lord’s explicit words there is only one scriptural ground for divorce and that is adultery. For Christ’s teaching on this subject read Matthew 5:31,32; 19:3-12; Mark 10:2-12; Luke 16:18. Paul also wrote on this subject in First Corinthians 7:10-16.

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If the millennium sees a converted world, how can Satan find a host to rebel against God at the close of the thousand years, as described in Revelation 20:7-9? The world will be converted at the be­ ginning of the millennium. But children will be born into the world during the earthly reign of Christ, though the curse of Genesis 3:16 will be lifted. Three times in the eleventh chapter of Isaiah (in verses 6 and 8) we read that there will be little children in the Kingdom Age. And Zechariah 8:5 tells us that “the streets of the city shall be full of boys and girls playing in the streets thereof.” Just as it is necessary in this age for the children of godly parents to be converted, to accept Christ as a per­ sonal Saviour, so it will be during the reign of Christ on earth. And just as today many children of Christian par­ ents are gospel-hardened, so in the com­ ing day many will he glory-hardened. All will have to obey the King of kings, for He will rule “with a rod of iron.” But some will render feigned obedience. Acts of rebellion against Him will be dealt with speedily, but voluntary heart-allegiance will be required of the redeemed citizens of the kingdom of Christ. In every age it is the cross of Calvary’s Lamb which must be accepted or rejected by the sinner! The moment Satan is “ loosed out of his prison” after the millennium, all those who will have rendered feigned allegiance to the King will enter into the last great rebellion against the God of heaven. Apart from the grace of God, even the millennium will not change man’s nature. Nothing but the blood o f Calvary’s Lamb can change the sinful nature of a human soul—not even the glorious, perfect en­ vironment of Christ’s own millennial reign! Since God is the God of love, why did He tell His people, Israel, to fight against the heathen nations about them? These nations had had their opportu­ nity to receive the truth of God; but they had turned their backs upon the light. They 'were idolaters, corrupt in their lives, and a menace to the people of God. J A N U A R Y , 1 9 5 0

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