King's Business - 1950-01

Christians (those Christians who were not Jews). Peter spoke to the other leaders and reminded them how that God had sent him with the gospel to the Gentiles who were saved exactly as were the Jews — by faith. Peter felt that it was unfair to cause these Gentile Chris­ tians to live under laws which were not required of the Jewish Christians. Saul and Barnabas then told the multitude what miracles and wonders God had wrought among the Gentiles by them. James reminded the Jerusalem Chris­ tians that God in the Old Testament had promised that Gentiles and Jews would be saved in the same manner. He sug­ gested that the Jerusalem church write a friendly letter to the Gentile Christians to help them in their spiritual growth. This pleased the church. They chose two of their men to return to Antioch with Barnabas and Saul and to take a letter of love and advice with them. A great victory was won when the early churches decided that they could work together for their Lord even if they differed in some of their customs and some of their opinions. As long as they were truly saved and were teaching and believing all of the Word of God, the minor differences were not of great im­ portance. So it is today. In all of the great de­ nominations there are some spiritual churches whose members are truly born again, and there are some churches that accept and teach only part of God’s Word. Christians of all denominations who are saved by the blood of the Lord Jesus and who accept all of the great basic teachings of the Word of God will work together in love and in peace to lead others to their Saviour and their Lord. Feb. 26, 1950 PLANTING A CHURCH IN A PAGAN CITY Acts 18:1, 8-11; 2 Cor. 6:14-7:1 Pointers on the Lesson This week’s lesson gives us a sample of the work accomplished in connection with Paul’s second missionary journey. The previous three lessons have been re­ lated to his first missionary journey. It will be helpful to both teacher and stu­ dent if the teacher will trace these jour­ neys on a good map so that there may be a better acquaintance with these movements. Time and Place of Planting Acts 18:1 The phrase “ after these things" with which the lesson opens takes us back to the experience of Paul at Athens, where he preached his great sermon on Mars’ Hill. There he came in contact with cer­ tain Epicurean and Stoic philosophers and witnessed to them concerning the resurrected Lord. From Athens he went to Corinth there to do a great work for T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

DOES YOUR SUNDAY SCHOOL ha V T 'T H M I ITIS” ? Sure, your Sunday School may look all right at first glance— good attendance, maybe . . . lots o f activity . . . But what’ s really going on — what are they teaching your children in Sunday School? Better check up and find out . . . the deadly “ termitis” of unbelief may be gnawing away at the very foundation of tfieir faith — the. Bible. Like the little white insects that can destroy the physical foundation of your Sunday School, these spiritual invaders are hard to detect. But, if you look carefully, you may find them — right in your Sunday School liter­ ature. A sly innuendo here . . . a subtle insinuation there — a persistent implication that the Bible is not completely trustworthy. Check and see for yourself.

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