King's Business - 1950-01

God Wills it! IndiaInYonrTithes CEYLON AND INDIA GENERAL MISSION 56 years in India—still advancing. Write for information and literature.

128 South Lombard Ave. OAK PARK, ILLINOIS

M ISSION SPRINGS CONFERENCE GROUNDS In the Heart of the Santa Cruz Mountains CHRISTIAN CONFERENCES INVITED Outstanding Facilities and Accommodations at Reasonable Rates Beautiful Descriptive Folder and Other Information sent on request by writing to CAMP MANAGER 1050 Lockhart Gulch Road, Route 1 Santa Cruz, California

Helps for Christian Endeavor and Other Young People's Groups

was thirty years old. John the Baptist became the Lord’s servant from infancy; he was only six months older than Jesus. The Saviour selected young men whose minds would be influenced by His su­ premacy and whose hearts would be filled with devotion to Him. These were appointed to establish God’s great church and to spend their years in following the Master’s call. They learned His ways. They discovered His will. They put into practice what they learned from Him. God Chose Older Men for Leaders 1 Tim. 3:6 As during a war the government picks men of experience and ability to guide the younger men, so in the church of God the ones who have been on the Chris­ tian way a long time and have seen God working are called as elders and guides to the younger. They have seen God’s Word in action. They have seen the Spirit of God change lives. They have seen various means and methods of service, some of which have failed and some of which have succeeded. They know the way that the church should take, so God selects them to be the lead­ ers of His people.

February 5, 1950 Youth Build! 1 Cor. 3:9-13; Rom. 1:16; 14:17,18 In the affairs of this world, young men are wanted. The older men are laid aside even though they have wisdom and judg­ ment. Young men are chosen for their daring, their forcefulness, their desire for thrills and experiments. Young men fly the airplanes and serve on the battle front. Young men climb mountains and explore the dark regions of the earth. Young men are willing to launch out in new endeavors and to take risks. God Chose Young Sacrifices Ex. 12:5 The pauper could bring two young pi­ geons. The worshiper offered a young lamb. Those who offered sacrifices brought a young ram, a bullock or a lamb. God desired the animal which was in the prime of life, representing the best that the offerer could bring. We sing, “ Give of your best to the Master.” We are at our best in vigor and vision in our younger days. All the potentiali­ ties of a young life should be given to the Saviour in utter abandonment and full consecration. God Chose Young Men Ex. 33:11 Joshua was a young lad when his heart became knit to Moses and he for­ sook youthful pleasures to learn the ways of the Lord under this able leader. David was about sixteen years old when he was ordained by God to be the king of Israel. He had, perhaps, fourteen years of training in the woods, dens, and the caves of Palestine to prepare him for the greater days that followed. Saul was a young man, active, muscular, and of great size when he was chosen to be the first king of Israel. Samuel was only a little boy when God laid His hand upon him. Jesus Chose Young Followers John 21:18 Christ selected His disciples when he J A N U A R Y , 1 9 5 0

Liberal Arts






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C h o i r &g * A 1 A / I U C P u i p i t t i l l I f f y Fine materials, beautiful work, pleasingly low prices. Catalog and samples on request. State your needs and name of church. DeMoulin Bros. & Co. 1126 So. 4th St., Greenville, 111.

PASTOR’S INDIVIDUAL COMMUNION SET Complete outfit for administering the Sacrament In the home to the sick or shut-in

February 12, 1950 Youth's Part in Meeting Human Needs Matt. 25:34-46; 1 Tim. 4:12

• W ell arranged outfit o f convenient size. Contains tray o f 6 glasses, wine flask and bread plate with cover in Morocco grain leather, plush-lined case. N o Pastor should

The human heart is naturally selfish. The laborer demands shorter hours and more money. The motorist wants more room on the*roads. The politician .craves more power. The religionist longs for more prominence. In every sphere of life the human heart seeks its own and not the blessing of others. Only under the influence of Christianity do we find the heart losing that selfish interest and seeking the welfare of others. This should be cultivated. We do not live unto ourselves.

be without one o f these handy sets. P r i c e $10.75. Name in gold let­ ters on case, per

line extra-75c. A t your dealer. Catalog free WILLIAM H. DIETZ, INC. 10 South Wabash, Dept 103, Chicago 3, HJ. Page Twenty-five

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