King's Business - 1950-01

bride for love and devotion, to an army for effective warfare against the enemy. In every case there must be a union of purpose, thought and action. There must be fellowship and close co-operation. Each is to plan for the other and to work with the other. W e Strive Together Phil. 1:27 We are not to strive against each other, but for each other—constructive striving. We earnestly work together with all our energy for the spread of the gospel, the salvation of souls, the blessing of Christians, and the upbuild­ ing of the service of God. Each one must fit in with the life and the plans of the other. There is to be a matching of minds and a helping of hearts as we work together for the glory of God and the blessing of the people. Individuality is not submerged but is rather en­ meshed with others. We Pray Together Col. 4:3 In order that our prayers may not be hindered, we must synchronize our de­ sires with those of God’s people. We are to agree together in prayer even though we have not the same methods. Musical notes differ and vary both in tone and in intensity, but there are ways of work­ ing on all of these notes together to bring a sweet harmony. We pray with and for each other and for the many activities of God’s people, and thus our united hearts pour our petitions before the throne of grace effectively. W e Build Together Jude 20 In erecting any building, a great va­ riety of work is incurred. The plumber is needed and the plasterer; the carpen­ ter is needed and the electrician. So it is in this great business of building for God and for eternity. Each child of God is given a different gift by the Holy Spirit. Each of God’s saints is endowed from Heaven for his own work in the harvest field. One excavates for the foundation, another builds the chimney. One plows the ground, another sows the seed, another harrows, another plants, another waters, and God gives the in­ crease. In every department of life va­ riety is essential. We Worship Together Eph. 5:19 The church of God is essentially a center for praising and worshiping the God of all grace. In the church we blend our spirits together to love and adore the One who bought us with His precious blood. Here we tell one another of the glorious dealings of our God in our daily experiences. We meet together that we may offer our united thanks and the worship of our hearts' to the One whom soon we shall see, and with whom we shall live. Thus we encourage one an­ other and provoke unto love and to good works. God dwells in the midst of His church.

God Wants Self, Not Surplus 2 Cor. 8:5


The person who has met Jesus Christ has received the gift of the Holy Spirit. If Bible-taught, he will want to give himself with all that is included in self so that God may have a willing tool and an open channel for His service. The person who is Spirit-taught will say, “Not I, but Christ.” As we weigh well the values of this life and the next, the desire increases to ’ spend and be spent for others. God wants not only our gifts but our own selves. He will use us for His glory in bringing blessing to others as we thus yield to Him. God Wants the Spiritual as Well as the Material Heb. 13:2,3 We should always be foremost in help­ ing the poor. There is a great need for food, clothing, medical attention, and other necessities on the part of millions. We should be most active in helping to relieve this distress. This, however, is but a side line, only an accompaniment to the ministry of God’s truth from His Word for hearts that need the Saviour and lives that need His lordship. We should not merely bring help to the body and neglect the soul which is on its way to a lost eternity. God Wants His Gospel Given Mark 16:15 Every person everywhere needs God’s gospel. Some need temporal aid as well. All need to be saved from a Christless eternity, to receive forgiveness of sins, and the blessings of eternal life. Mer­ chants send their salesmen to heathen countries with wares, but the souls of the customers are left untouched, un­ enlightened, and unsaved. God does not send us out with potatoes in one hand and shoes in the other, but with no gospel to save the souls of those to whom we minister. This social gospel program is a failure. God Wants His Church Helped Gal. 6:2 There are many burdens in life, includ­ ing the need of food and clothing. But the need of comfort for the heart, solace for the soul, and rest for the spirit is even greater. We should think of the needs of others along these lines and by the grace of God be ready to give a full service along both lines. If we are suc­ cessful in our business, -we can minister freely of our substance. If we know our Bibles well, we may also minister to the souls and hearts of those we meet. God grant it may be so. February 19, 1950 Co-operation Brings Results 1 Cor. 3:4-10 The Word of God likens the church of God to a number of things which we can readily understand. It is compared to a human body for service, to a family for fellowship, to a school for training, to a

WJ 7

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