King's Business - 1950-01

Now how to choose such a verse: Well, let us believe this, first of all, that we know not how to do. so. The year being unknown and its needs as yet not experienced there is no way whereby a Christian may look ahead and choose a verse that would be of such great value. But, thank God, such a verse is not to be chosen in merely human wisdom, but, as in every step of the Christian life, the Spirit of the living God stands ready to supply the verse. So with prayer for divine guid­ ance there is no doubt but what the proper verse will be suggested to the heart of the seeker. Try this! Have You Ever Read the Bible Through? H ERE are statistics that are both startling and shameful. Those who know, believe that at least half of our Christian people today iiave never con­ secutively read through the Book which they profess to love and avowedly fol­ low. It is not that they fail to give the Book its proper place and not that they do not believe in its inspiration. On the other hand, they would be quite willing to do battle on the question of its authority and authenticity, but the stark truth of the matter is that even so, they have never yet started at the beginning and consecutively read every word on its sacred pages. To those who, realizing their lack, would like a simple plan of Bible read­ ing, may we suggest that the consecu­ tive reading of three chapters daily and five chapters on the Lord’s Day will,.m i the course of a year, cover the entire Bible. Most readers prefer to divide thej reading with two chapters in the Ok I Testament and one chapter in the New daily, and three chapters in the Old Testament and two chapters in the Newj on the Lord’s Day. There is no questioni whatsoever about the fact that there will be both blessing and profit from such! daily readings. To aid Christians in the accomplish-, ment of this worth-while privilege, the' Bible Institute of Los Angeles offers a Bible reading chart which very easily | fits into your Bible and which acts as a reminder of the quest upon which you have entered. These charts are freely given and may be obtained by writing us. A Good Motto "^DEW YEAR has long been a time of -L v Imaking resolutions. While a great deal of jesting goes on, particularly in regard to the breaking of them, making resolutions is still a good habit and ought to be both preserved and strength­ ened. It is an excellent plan for every Christian to take a new grip upon God and to offer to his own heart a new challenge at the beginning of each year. Oftentimes a motto or a watchword will do more toward bringing to pass in T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Seminary, Winona Lake, Indiana, has accompanied Dr. Talbot as companion and photographer.

Another Torrey Conference J ANUARY 1, through January 8, 1950, will be red-letter days at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and the Church of the Open Door for these are the days of the annual feast of good things from the Word of God. This year will mark the fifteenth annual meeting of the Tor­ rey Memorial Bible Conference, named in honor of Dr. Reuben A. Torrey who was one of the first deans of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and the first pastor of the Church of the Open Door. Dr. Torrey will long be remembered for his world-wide evangelism and for his authorship of many standard theological works which are in constant use today. The speakers which have been invited for this year’s Torrey Conference in­ clude: Dr. Harry A. Ironside, formerly of the Moody Church, Chicago; Dr. Herbert Lockyer, Philadelphia, Pa.; Dr. J. Sidlow Baxter, Edinburgh, Scotland; Dr. R. R. Brown, Omaha, Nebraska and Dr. Clarence W. Jones, Radio Sta­ tion HCJB, Quito, Ecuador. Six sessions will be held daily in the auditorium of the Church of the Open Door in downtown Los Angeles and eve­ ning sessions will be held in the First Brethren Church of Long Beach, Dr. Charles W. Mayes, Pastor; and in the Lincoln Avenue Presbyterian Church, Pasadena, Dr. J. Renwick McCullough, Pastor. Dr. William W. Orr is Director of the Conference and Dr. Herbert G. Tovey is Director of Music. A folder describing hours of meetings and subjects will be gladly sent upon request. Address the Extension Department of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 13, Calif. T. Talbot, who is President of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, has been on an extended tour throughout Japan, Borneo, India and the Near East in the interests of strengthening the hands and hearts of Biola missionaries, and to secure a pictorial record of the mission­ ary work which is being carried on by these graduates. Dr. Paul R. Bauman, Vice President of the Grace Theological Page Four Dr. Talbot Expected Home L EAVING Southern California about the middle of September, Dr. Louis

Dr. L. T. Talbot Dr. Talbot is expected to return to Southern California about the middle of January after which he will be available for speaking engagements in Southern California and all along the Pacific Coast, wh.ere he will show the colored motion pictures of the lands whioh he has visited. Pastors desiring Dr. Tal­ bot to come to their churches should communicate with the Extension Depart­ ment, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 13. Choose a Verse A RATHER old-fashioned, but an ex­ ceedingly good custom is that which has been practiced by Bible-loving Christians since time immemorial. It is the habit of choosing a verse out of the Word of God as one’s verse for the year. Having chosen the verse under the guidance of the Spirit of God, one seeks, during the year, to extract from its hidden depths the richness of its heav­ enly meaning. This verse should be quot­ ed at least once daily and meditated upon constantly. One would think that with constant reference throughout the days of the year that such a verse would grow threadbare and common, but such is not the case with those who know. Para­ doxical as it may seem, the truth of the matter is that at the end of the year such a well-known verse is more precious to one’s inner heart than when the year began.

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