King's Business - 1968-10

Won’t you please help us? Where do you go when your home and village have been destroyed? Who will care for you when your parents, relatives and friends are killed? What can you do when everything you’ve held onto suddenly disappears?

Thousands of children in Vietnam are faced with these questions. Many huddle in refugee centers, frightened, hungry, aching with need. Too terror- stricken to ask for help. Separated from their loved ones. Suddenly, awfully alone. Your sponsorship of one such needy child will keep him secure for as long as you wish against loneliness, deprivation and want. Through World Vision Child­ care, you can help provide more meals, more needed items for children who lack so much. World Vision Childcare is gathering up these chil­ dren to shelter, feed and teach them. In cooperation with evangelical churches in Vietnam, World Vision has helped establish 40 Childcare Centers. Here needy children are given protective care, food, medi­ cal attention and elementary schooling. Gentle Chris­ tian workers are gradually instilling love in their hearts in the place of fear. They’re teaching these little ones to know and love Jesus. As a sponsor, you’ll receive a photo and brief history of your little protege. You can exchange letters, snapshots, little gifts. You can praise his efforts, encourage and inspire him, strengthen him in times of testing. It costs so little to wrap a needy child in the warmth of your love. Fill out the coupon; send it in today.


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Write to: WORLD VISION INTERNATIONAL BOX O, PASADENA, CALIFORN IA 91109 or WORLD VISION O F CANADA, Box 181-K, Toronto 12, Ont. Note: Se and Hear - WorldVision KOREAN CHILDREN’S CHOIR when theycometoyourarea Better Than Ever! Fourth World Tour! Fill out coupon and Q check this square for ITINERARY



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