King's Business - 1968-10

The result of each of these apologetic functions is the exhi­ bition of the multiple glories of Jesus Christ through a study of the Scriptures. Christ wields “ the sword o f the Spirit” against criti­ cism (Eph. 6:17). All Scripture is “profitable for doctrine” as it teaches of Him (II Tim. 3:16, Luke 24:27). The disciples are led o f the Spirit “ into all truth” through the Word (John 16:13; 15:7). “ For with thee is the foun­ tain of life. In thy light shall we see light” (Psa. 36:9). Some recent works interesting to King’s Business readers: Rog­ er L. Shinn, Man: The New Hu­ manism (Westminister, 1968), $4.50. This is one of the outstand­ ing volumes (Vol. VI) in the New Directions in Theology Today se­ ries. The author is far from evan­ gelical, but he does bring to focus the man-centered nature of many facets of modem thought in a maner which complements the work of Cornelius Van Til. He delineates the thinking o f Barth, Bonhoeffer, Tillich, Niebuhr, and de Chardin in terms of their re­ lationship to a developing human­ ism. Recent developments which demonstrate secular man’s inde­ pendence from God and religion and the genetic control which will enable man to plot his own future are discussed in detail. There are serious defects in­ herent in the work. For example, appeal is made to the biblical term “ all flesh” as a basis for a new humanism (p. 32) and he too Quickly dismisses the concept of a “nature” belonging to man (p. 35). But then there are helpful insights too. The Word is found to be at the basis of everything (p. 83). He understands that the Bi­ ble would lead man to separate its message from “the many voices of culture” (p. 31). Existential­ ism is considered “ the last child of a cultural epoch” (p. 111). Shinn deserves commendation for understanding that the Biblical emphasis on humanity can only be significant as Christ is recognized as “the man” (p. 181). Yet the

discerning reader will recognize that the value of the book is its pointing up an unwholesome trend toward trust in man (cf. Psa. 62: 9, Isa. 2:22), and that Shinn’s personal app roach shares too much o f this. James A. Knight, For the Love of Money (L ipp incott, 1968), $4.95. This compact study of man’s relationship to money is made by a psychiatrist who is also trained as a minister. It deals with an aspect of Christian ethics and a dimension o f the spiritual life which is increasingly impor­ tant in today’s affluent American society. A thorough psychological ex­ amination of the meaning of money results in the discovery that even Christians use it for an exercise o f power. It can become a symbol of warmth or personal love. It may become a religion in itself with the bank as the temple or the banker as the priest. To the Jew it may represent the only means o f survival in a hostile world. Literature has perpetuated the equation of money with filth. Knight has something to say on every subject from bargin-hunt- ing to compulsive spending and uses great knowledge and erudi­ tion in doing so. Perceptive analyses o f the gam­ bler and his compulsion to lose and “ investments” and their re­ lationship to gambling could pro­ vide a basis for small-group dis­ cussion of Christian ethics. The analysis o f the dynamics of swin­ dling could save many a useful dollar for the unsuspecting. The administration of childhood allow­ ances and the fact that they should not be contingent on par­ ental approval is part o f the ex­ cellent discussion o f childhood, adolescence and money. Marriage, old age and giving are also sub­ ject to Knight’s penetrating scout­ ing. In every way, this is a useful and worth-while book for those who live in the economy o f the last days. Many Biblical passages are made increasingly relevant by Knight’s pen.

Clark H. Pinnock, Set Forth Your Case (Craig, 1967), $1.50. This short volume is a com­ pendium o f useful information and infectious ideas regarding apologetics. It could prove valu­ able to the interested beginner or seasoned teacher. The pivot o f Dr. Pinnock’s case is that the gospel is rooted in historical fact — historical evi­ dence, historical miracles and a historical record — and is op­ posed to a “ faith” which ignores or is antagonistic to history . Closely allied to this needed em­ phasis is the rationality o f the Christian system and the gospel. The present cultural trends neces­ sitate the rational “ pre-evange­ lism” which Francis A. Schaeffer has also advocated. This necessity o f salvaging a previous period of Western cul­ ture before preaching the gospel seems strangely foreign to the Bible. So does the guarantee that I Peter 3:15 does not primarily refer to “police inquiry.” His des­ ignation o f neo-orthodoxy as “mystical” is scarcely helpful. The degree of emphasis upon rational­ ism suggests a loyalty to a period o f philosophy which is now past. Especially good is his penetrat­ ing development o f the idea of the upper (irrational, untestable, non- historical) and lower (rational, testable, h i s t o r i c a l ) stories of knowledge to which modem the­ ology is bound, and which it uses to deny inspiration, the resurrec­ tion, the fall of Adam and the atonement (p. 10-14). He has iso­ lated and explained in helpful terms an idea which otherwise could require an immense amount of reading to understand. This alone is worth the price and read­ ing of the book. Add to this his eluciation of reason and the work o f the Holy Spirit, the chapters on the insufficiency o f experience alone and the mythological char­ acter o f “ evolution,” and the only conclusion which can be reached is that the book is most useful. Buy it. Read it! 001



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